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President Angel Torres

  • Posted on October 9, 2021 at 3:27 pm

EP Jose Maria del Nido, Sevilla President, heads the meeting. There are clubs that do not have joined, such as the Mallorca, Sporting or Getafe. The G-18? ask for a better distribution of television rights. More info: everest capital. The revolt against the dominance of Real Madrid and Barcelona in the cast of the television rights of the clubs is escenificara this Thursday with the meeting of the so-called G-18?, which Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan in Seville will take place at noon at the stadium. The initiative part of the Sevilla President, el Nido de Maria Jose, which will act as host, though it has already advanced their intention to be Atletico de Madrid and Valencia, the two following when it comes to raising money from broadcasters, who in reality act as figureheads of this mutiny, which aims to bring together a total of 18 clubs of which 15 would be present at the meeting. The root of the problem lies, in a moment in which the word bankruptcy law has become common in domestic football, in the abysmal difference between the 140 million euros earned in the last campaign by whites and Catalans, against 12 of the more modest clubs. Between both groups are headed by their own middle class Valencia and Atletico, with 42 million each one, a step above Villarreal (25) and Sevilla (24).

However, even before the meeting takes place already feels that there is no unanimity on this initiative. Thus, whose leader, Quico Catalan, Levante is Vice President of the LFP, Getafe, Sporting and the Mallorca will not be present in Seville, while the same Valencia will go as listener, although in the case of the blue club, its maximum President Angel Torres has already said that he supported the idea, but that this should be discussed in the Assembly of the League of professional football. Also raises a question the fact that teams from the Liga Adelante have not been invited, which might indicate that the conveners of this meeting do not have with them to the time to consider their demands. Whatever it is, and although no official record of the proposals that will be raised on Thursday in Seville, the truth is that they must be transferred to the Assembly to the LFP held on 15 September. This is clear, not forgetting that, anyway the negotiation of that hypothetical restructuring of the television rights would be overlooking the season 14-15 which means that, whatever happens in this Sevillan Summit, it will even long travel on an issue that promises to not having a final short term. Does source of the news: the rebellion against the big two is staged this Thursday with the meeting of the G-18?

Cadiz Cities

  • Posted on January 7, 2021 at 12:00 am

They will begin this week from cities such as Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz or Granada. They will arrive in the capital on July 23. They will have food and material support. The outraged that take part in marches to participate in assemblies of the places through which to pass. The 15-M movement has convened a series of indignant popular marches that will boot from 21 Spanish cities, and that one month will tour part of the national territory, and which will finish in Madrid on 23 July. The announcement of these marches general de la Puerta del Sol on Sunday, has taken place in the Assembly after the marches that June 19 have gathered thousands of people in all Spain, with the goal of protesting against the Pact of the Euro and the economic crisis in the same. So far, the confirmed are Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz, Murcia, Valencia, Barcelona, Logrono, Malaga or Granada, among others, although it is expected that other cities will join the initiative.

To achieve the goal, the outraged have all kinds of props, from material such as kitchens or tents, as well as food. However, from the website of the March request more help, such as cars or sanitary material, but above all, support human, so the marches come to fruition and people do not desist from these. In addition, participants in the marches will take part in assemblies of neighborhoods and towns that pass their tours. There is searched for an exchange of ideas, and that acceptance of the proposals that move to these action organs of each place. These meetings will emerge a big book that collected all exposed proposals, plus a permanent link between all towns and districts of Spain. Source of the news: the outraged announced marches which peregrinaran of all Spain towards Madrid

Gwyneth Paltrow

  • Posted on September 16, 2018 at 12:52 pm

The group moved his official residence to Holland in 2006, supposedly to save a portion of taxes that should be paid. A group protesting against tax evasion of the artists plan to protest during the U2 performance at the Glastonbury music festival. A militant group against tax evasion plans to disrupt this Friday the performance of the band U2 in the famous Glastonbury music festival, in the English County of Somerset, with an action of censure towards the leader of the group, Bono. Outraged by the decision of the Irish group to move their tax residence to Holland in 2006 with the apparent end of save taxes, the Group Art Uncut, protesting against tax evasion of the artists, will launch a balloon with the words: bonus, pay what you owe. Art Uncut was created initially to protest against the reduction of subsidies to culture by the current coalition conservative-made by David Cameron.

Will Claymore, which coordinated the protests of the Group on its Internet portal, insists not wanting to cause violence at Glastonbury, but yes that Bono sees the message. According to The Times newspaper, the anarchist band Chumbawamba also criticise the leader of U2 on stage wearing jerseys with the words: say no to Bono. One would expect anything other than Bono. If it were some kind dedicated to the hedge funds it would be different. But it is an impertinence boast of dnsor of the poor and oppressed and devote himself to evade taxes, criticizes the singer Jude Abbott.

Bono, known for his campaigns in favour of global poverty, it has dndido of his critics arguing that his band already pay millions of tax dollars. The four members of U2 are the musicians who most earn around the world and have a total fortune, according to The Times, of 455 million pounds (514 million euros, or us $ 731 million). Your tour number 360, which was developed in more than one dozen cities and which cost organize about 100 million dollars, generated revenues of $ 558 million. Another successful and rich band that It will act this weekend on the farm in Somerset where the Festival is Coldplay, whose live album life sold 6.8 million copies in 2008, which was an authentic record. The two bands do not have too many mutual sympathies, so two years ago, Bono was forced to apologize for geeky call Chris Martin, of Coldplay frontman in a radio interview. In remarks to a magazine, Martin, who is married to the actress Gwyneth Paltrow, gloated this week take at least one foot of height to U2. Source of the news: activists against evasion of taxes in the face of U2

Deficit Limit

  • Posted on November 9, 2017 at 7:04 pm

20 MINUTOS.ES CC OO UGT expressed its firm rejection to the proposal of ZP include a limit on the deficit in the Constitution. Socialist deputies expressed their rejection of the reform. Rubalcaba wants that I will not encrypt the deficit limit and develop it into an organic law. More than 45,000 signatures in 24 hours ask for a rrendum on the reform of the Constitution. Major unions have expressed a firm rejection to the proposal of the President of the Government Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in the Constitution include a limit on the deficit.

The Union General de Trabajadores and Comisiones Obreras are joining voices seeking a binding rrendum. UGT and CC OO qualify the proposal, supported and requested earlier by the leader of the Popular Party Mariano Rajoy, of neo-liberal and conservative. This golden rule was suggested by the maximum leaders of France and Germany last week. Both are in the right wing of their respective countries. For trade unions it is unacceptable that the first reform of draught of the Spanish Magna Carta be carried out in 15 days, without political debate and full holiday period. They warn that they will study with the utmost urgency the measures of social mobilization to demand the holding of a rrendum on the measure.

Nothing more to announce surprise Zapatero Tuesday on this deficit limit congressional reform espinosa, activists mobilized online to demand a binding query to citizenship on the same. Voices authorized within the Socialist Party as the almost-candidate for the generals of the Borrel 2000Josep along with other deputies less media, have also criticized the proposal as of ritual sacrifice to Mrs Merkel Chancellor of Germany. The Socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Government Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba announced Thursday that, in addition to attempting to negotiate with all political and groups not only the PP, will seek that the text to be included in the Constitution do not include figures. These would be developed later in an organic law. Source of the news: unions also call a rrendum on include the deficit limit in the Constitution

General Directorate

  • Posted on April 19, 2016 at 5:18 pm

Less withholding than other Friday occurred in the early hours. Special device has started up from 15.00 hours will be extended until noon on Monday, August 1 night. 20minutos. is, in collaboration with Amovens, offers a new service to its readers: the possibility of sharing car on their travels. The first hours of the operation on the occasion of the August holidays have passed smoothly on the roads, especially in the output of large cities, where since three o’clock in the afternoon there have been even fewer problems than any other Friday. In the first five hours of the first exodus of holiday in August, which started at 15: 00 and runs until midnight on Monday, there has been no fatal accidents, as reported to the General Directorate of traffic (DGT). At eight in the evening, only in the A-1 in the Madrilena locality of San Agustin de Guadalix occurred three kilometers from withholding in direction Burgos, while an accident in the kilometre 340 of the A-6 in Brazuelo (Leon) has caused traffic jams seven miles that have been forced to divert the movement in direction A Coruna by the N-6. Also recorded driving slow in the A-2, Garbajosa (Guadalajara), because of a breakdown of a vehicle; in two tracks the province of Granada, the A-44 and the N-340, as well as on the A-8, in Cantabria.

However, the normality of the start of the August vacation exodus has been the protagonist throughout the afternoon, with the exception of withholding timely at the start of the output operation in the M-40, at the height of Coslada, where at 16: 30 hours traffic was slow and stops are registered in the province of Burgos. intermittent in the A-1 in the town of Puebla de Arganzon. Three three traffic accidents traffic accidents have also caused withholding first thing in the afternoon; two were produced in Asturias, specifically in the A-66, Robledo, and in A-64, in Viella, and a third in Brazuelo (Leon) that to four in the afternoon caused cuts traffic and deviations in the A-6, felt A Coruna, which remained at seven o’clock in the evening. Throughout the province of Cadiz, the wind hinders circulation, so that from the DGT, caution is advised when drivers. Special device has started up from 15.00 hours will be extended to twelve night on Monday, August 1, three days in which 6.7 million of long-haul trips are expected.

In addition, traffic estimated that during the entire month of August 43 million from trips occur on the road, one million less than in the same month of 2010, period in which killed 188 people in accidents. High levels of pollution, traffic and economic cost that will generate these shifts could be reduced with a simple solution. From 26 April Amovens and 20 minutes offer a system that allow you to connect with other users to share the vehicle. Source of the news: tranquillity in roads dominates the beginning of operation output the month of August

El Hierro Government

  • Posted on December 13, 2015 at 8:12 pm

The Socialists will direct three councils and the five nationalists. Martin O’Malley is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Paulino Rivero (CC) will be the President and the Socialist Jose Miguel Perez the Vice-President. Coalition Canaria (CC) and the PSC-PSOE have reached this Friday a Government agreement for the next four years in the Canary Islands, in which the nationalist Paulino Rivero will remain Executive Chairman and the Canarian Socialist general Secretary, Jose Miguel Perez, Vice President. Socialists head three ministries and five nationalists, the PSC-PSOE spokesman has announced in the Negotiating Committee, Francisco Hernandez Spinola. Nationalists be addressed matters relating to economic policy, social services, health and external action, while the Socialists are responsible for the rridos to justice, public administration, education, equality, sustainability, employment, industry, energy and trade, even though is not yet defined the new nomenclature of the eight councils under which are They grouped these areas. Francisco Hernandez Spinola and CC spokesman, Jose Miguel Barragan, said that the agreement must be ratified by the addresses of the two parties to sign it next Monday. Without hesitation Ultra Wellness Center explained all about the problem. The Negotiating Committee has ratified that the distribution of the Government will be the foretold of eight regional councils, of which five will be for DC and three for the PSOE.

Regarding the composition of the Bureau of the Parliament, the Socialist spokesperson said that the Presidency will fall on CC, the first Vice-Presidency in the PSOE and the first secretariat will also be for the nationalists. As for who will play the charges, neither Spinola nor Barragan ahead names, which in the case of CC shall be appointed directly by the future President of the Canarian Government, Paulino Rivero. Components of the Pact have agreed to offer the negotiation of the renewal that must occur in the bodies of the Parliament as Deputy of the communal, the Consultative Council and the hearing of accounts to the PP. The agreement It includes also that the designation of certain organs of the Government representation and other dependent on the Executive institutions shall be approved by the Governing Council. As for breaches of both parties about the covenants between CC and PSOE in institutions where join majorities, Barragan has pointed out the addresses of both political formations are empenaran in some of the breaches in the municipalities of last Saturday will stifle.

Both the Cabildo de El Hierro and La Palma opens the possibility of incorporating the Socialists in certain areas. Regarding the situation of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, where PP and CC have reached an agreement to govern, reiterated that in that institution has been needed a third force, so it is not integrated in this agreement. Barragan said that the programmatic document that was signed Monday gives priority to social policies, enable the economy to create jobs, reduce the bureaucratic administration and enterprises and public bodies. With regard to employment policy, Barragan said that the roadmap will mark the Pact for the economy and employment reached by Rivero’s Government in this last term with the economic and social agents.

Santa Marta

  • Posted on October 29, 2015 at 10:41 pm

In the latter case, after failure according to the PSOE, IU will govern PP 28, and 20 months in a proportional according to the number of votes. The PSOE, for its part, will govern in 11 municipalities with the support or abstention from the Coalition: Santa Marta de los Barros, Villalba de los Barros, Talavera la Real, Benquerencia, Guarena, Valverde de Llerena, Fregenal de la Sierra, Jaraiz de la Vera, Montehermoso, Villarta de los Montes and Ribera del Fresno. The PP will rule thanks to the support or abstention from IU in seven locations: Castuera, Calamonte, Barcarrota, Madrigalejo, Olivenza, Usagre and Cheles, in the last three cases for the popular ones being the most voted list. Follow others, such as writer, and add to your knowledge base. They seek explanations IU explains that it is gathering information for detailed agreements taken in municipalities in which has achieved any Councillor, as well as the reasons that have prompted their councilmen to vote themselves respecting the list most voted (either outside the PP or PSOE) or supporting nominations deciding City Hall for one of these two partiesin order to proceed to an overall assessment of the process. The regional Bureau of the Coalition recalls that, a few days ago aware of the complex reality of the Extremadura localities, It issued an internal memo in which appealed to the responsibility of all its elected councilmen so that their decisions were inspired in our program and the general interest of each village. Consequently, it respects all the decisions their councilmen have taken in different localities and appealed to the addresses of other parties so that accepted democratic normality, since all produced pacts are fruit of the will of citizens expressed at the ballot box on May 22. UI helps in 40 Spanish municipalities El PP PP has achieved with 40 mayors in all Spain thanks to the express support of UI or to the decision of the councilmen of this formation not give their votes to the PSOE so that he could form a Government. The clamp between PP IU has helped the popular done with the baton in municipalities in Andalusia (19), Extremadura (8) and Castilla – La Mancha (5), regions in which the PSOE has been for many years in power, according to data provided to the PSOE.

The Alliance against the Socialist it has also led IU to do with 15 mayors, including nine Andalusian and Extremaduran five, thanks to the support given to them by PP. in some cases, have abstained, but in Almonte (Huelva), the councilmen of IU and others have joined their votes the PP to oust the PSOE, the most voted list. The most important municipality where this situation has been given has been Coslada (Madrid), with a population of 91.218 inhabitants, where UI to voted for their candidate, preventing undo the tie between PP and PSOE. Source of the news: IU Extremadura called to accept his decision to favour the PP in dozens of mayors