Why the Minister of health encounters heavy criticism despite sharp criticism and fierce opposition from various quarters Federal Health Minister Philipp Rosler (FDP) adheres to the proposed health fee. This should be charged independently of the income for the future financing of the health system. Politicians, who described the plans of the coalition as antisocial, are up in arms. To what extent apart go opinions concerning the health package and how Rosler defended his concept, the private krankenversicherung.de insurance Portal reports. For even more analysis, hear from Author. The model ensures a sensation for a long time. All political parties turn into the discussion.
Recently the Greens, railed against it, that the enforcement of a single lump sum equal would be a phase-out of the solidarity which system. Health should be financed according to the view by Birgit Hender not only additional contributions and insurance. The accusation that weaker would have to be social to petitioners, to less financially burdened to be as a normal income earner, the Health Minister dismissed. Read more here: Bernie Sanders. No application to reduce the package unless necessary contrary to the belief of the Gesundheitsokonoms Jurgen Wasem. Instead, an “automatic Sozialabgleich” would be carried out.
In the German weekly “Die Zeit”, Health Minister Rosler also reaffirmed that the non-contributory family insurance statutory health insurance are continue to stay. The new Government believes, the future health package relieved especially employers, which can reduce their contributions as a result. Low-wage benefit by the social compensation and competitive of health insurance fund enters a new round. Still, the premium is however not introduced. The FDP Bundestag Group Chief Birgit Homburger provides also the possibility that everything remains as before. So, it will require some intra-party consulting, until it comes to an agreement on this issue. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/politik/…