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Bildu ETA

  • Posted on November 28, 2017 at 1:18 pm

Bildu Juan Karlos Izagirre independence ensures that your rrencia of pacification is the Gernika agreement signed by the abertzale left. The President denies the interpretation of Rubalcaba to be more complacent with ETA. Collective of victims of terrorism do not attend a reception of Izagirre dnsa of human rights organizations. Spm Llc might disagree with that approach. The Mayor of San Sebastian, the independence of Bildu Juan Karlos Izagirre, has assured that its rrencia of pacification is the Gernika agreement signed by abertzale left in September 2010. Izagirre, one of the parties complies with the first phase of cessation of violence but lack an end to the repressive measures of the Spanish State and other irregular situations. According to Mayor Bildu, it is struggling to achieve a scenario of political normalization which assumes celebrate acts of joint homage to victims of ETA and the Spanish State repression. Izagirre has denied the interpretation of the candidate of the PSOE and former Minister of Interior, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, whereby Bildu now makes a speech more complacent than it was when this coalition was legalized with ETA. Tributes of all ideal colors is a tribute to victims of all colors, has indicated before that he is open to participate in an act of this kind since Bildu envisages the recognition of victims and a reconciled society; why we fight that will.

The Group of victims of the terrorism of the Basque country (Covite) and the Foundation Gregorio Ordonez have rejected Izagirre invitation to attend a reception with organizations related to human rights. The representative of Covite Cristian Matias has confirmed that this group of victims of terrorism has received the invitation extended by the Mayor to attend the ceremony, but they have decided not to go because they will not support any call for any town hall ruled by Bildu, since this coalition has not yet convicted or a single bombing of the terrorist group ETA. Victims of ETA on the complaints of the spokesman of the PSE-EE, Jose Antonio Pastor, that Bildu has no gestures towards the victims of ETA, on the other hand, agree to participate in acts of homage to ETA prisoners, the Mayor of San Sebastian has stated of gestures we walk sobrados, do every day and some return them with a slap, but will continue to do them. It has dndido, in this sense, the need to speak with everyone and about the festivities of San Sebastian has been supporter of that will be held in peace, irrespective of the demonstrations that may be that people enjoy. Asked above if you think that the dissolution of ETA is near, Juan Karlos Izagirre has pointed out that the process of political normalization is advancing well and for our part we’re putting everything what can be, because there is no turning back and we see it with great enthusiasm and positive. Source of the news: the Mayor of San Sebastian calling for an end of repression” of the State”

Euros Heritage

  • Posted on September 20, 2013 at 12:32 am

So stated in the statement of assets and activities which submitted to Les Corts Valencianes, like the rest of regional deputies. It has a Saab 900 S vehicle and a pension with 8.239 euros Plan. It does not maintain any debt. The president of the Generalitat, Francisco Camps, has a heritage of 13.551 euros, divided into two accounts, one of them shared, a vehicle and a pension plan, as well as half of a House with a property value of more than 111,000 euros, and does not maintain any debt. So stated in the statement of assets and activities submitted by Camps at Les Corts Valencianes, like the rest of regional deputies. Francisco Camps declares it owns half of a house in Valencia whose property value is 111.442 euros, a Saab 900 S vehicle registered in 1995, an approximate value of 1,300 euros and pension with 8.239 euros. In addition, it has a current account with 2,796 euros and half of another shared, which correspond to 1,215 euros, according to the document sent to the camera. In the field of activities, the president of the Generalitat declares occupy this post on June 26, 2007, and became President of several foundations, such as awards King Jaume I, city of Arts and Sciences, la Llum de les Imatges or Palau de Les Arts, all responsibilities them unpaid.

Many presidencies also presides the high Advisory Council, the Consortium hospital Provincial de Castellon and the strategic Committee of Territorial policy of the region, and is a member of the Committee of the regions, and vocal of agencies such as the consortium of the Mediterranean House. Francisco Camps said in his final statement, known on February 23, 2010, possess a current account with 905 euros and half of another current account shared, as well as a pension scheme of 8.309 euros. Declaring the same dwelling, of which he is owner of the half, and the same vehicle, although the values of both were 110.339 and 1,500 euros, respectively, and like now, nor had any debt. Source of the news: Camps has 13.551 euros heritage and half a home valued at 111,000

President Hosni Mubarak

  • Posted on July 11, 2013 at 5:11 pm

They have sent a statement to support camping in Spain. Ye (the Spaniards) are proof that we can build a world different and better, they say. In Egypt they succeeded the fall of President Hosni Mubarak after 18 days of protests. The coalition of young people by the revolution and the campaign of solidarity with the Arab revolutions have sent from Cairo (Egypt) a manifesto of support for camping organized by the movement 15-M in all Spain, with special importance to the crowd from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. As can be read on the blog the Minotaur anda loose, the international information journalist Olga Rodriguez, Egyptian activists who protested in Tahrir square for weeks until the fall of Hosni Mubarak, sent their greetings to the Spanish fight and are happy to be able to return to Spain the support they also Spaniards gave them at their time in their demand for democracy and social justice. With our unit in Tahrir square between different forces and social movements, between young and older, joining millions of poor and working people, derrocamos to dictator Mubarak, and took a great step forward in the struggle for a better world, he said the statement and adds: ye (the Spaniards), along with the revolutions in the South and East of the Mediterranean, are proof that we can build a different and better world. Source of the news: Egyptian activists give their support to the movement of 15-M