Santa Marta

  • Posted on October 29, 2015 at 10:41 pm

In the latter case, after failure according to the PSOE, IU will govern PP 28, and 20 months in a proportional according to the number of votes. The PSOE, for its part, will govern in 11 municipalities with the support or abstention from the Coalition: Santa Marta de los Barros, Villalba de los Barros, Talavera la Real, Benquerencia, Guarena, Valverde de Llerena, Fregenal de la Sierra, Jaraiz de la Vera, Montehermoso, Villarta de los Montes and Ribera del Fresno. The PP will rule thanks to the support or abstention from IU in seven locations: Castuera, Calamonte, Barcarrota, Madrigalejo, Olivenza, Usagre and Cheles, in the last three cases for the popular ones being the most voted list. Follow others, such as writer, and add to your knowledge base. They seek explanations IU explains that it is gathering information for detailed agreements taken in municipalities in which has achieved any Councillor, as well as the reasons that have prompted their councilmen to vote themselves respecting the list most voted (either outside the PP or PSOE) or supporting nominations deciding City Hall for one of these two partiesin order to proceed to an overall assessment of the process. The regional Bureau of the Coalition recalls that, a few days ago aware of the complex reality of the Extremadura localities, It issued an internal memo in which appealed to the responsibility of all its elected councilmen so that their decisions were inspired in our program and the general interest of each village. Consequently, it respects all the decisions their councilmen have taken in different localities and appealed to the addresses of other parties so that accepted democratic normality, since all produced pacts are fruit of the will of citizens expressed at the ballot box on May 22. UI helps in 40 Spanish municipalities El PP PP has achieved with 40 mayors in all Spain thanks to the express support of UI or to the decision of the councilmen of this formation not give their votes to the PSOE so that he could form a Government. The clamp between PP IU has helped the popular done with the baton in municipalities in Andalusia (19), Extremadura (8) and Castilla – La Mancha (5), regions in which the PSOE has been for many years in power, according to data provided to the PSOE.

The Alliance against the Socialist it has also led IU to do with 15 mayors, including nine Andalusian and Extremaduran five, thanks to the support given to them by PP. in some cases, have abstained, but in Almonte (Huelva), the councilmen of IU and others have joined their votes the PP to oust the PSOE, the most voted list. The most important municipality where this situation has been given has been Coslada (Madrid), with a population of 91.218 inhabitants, where UI to voted for their candidate, preventing undo the tie between PP and PSOE. Source of the news: IU Extremadura called to accept his decision to favour the PP in dozens of mayors

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