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President Angel Torres

  • Posted on October 9, 2021 at 3:27 pm

EP Jose Maria del Nido, Sevilla President, heads the meeting. There are clubs that do not have joined, such as the Mallorca, Sporting or Getafe. The G-18? ask for a better distribution of television rights. More info: everest capital. The revolt against the dominance of Real Madrid and Barcelona in the cast of the television rights of the clubs is escenificara this Thursday with the meeting of the so-called G-18?, which Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan in Seville will take place at noon at the stadium. The initiative part of the Sevilla President, el Nido de Maria Jose, which will act as host, though it has already advanced their intention to be Atletico de Madrid and Valencia, the two following when it comes to raising money from broadcasters, who in reality act as figureheads of this mutiny, which aims to bring together a total of 18 clubs of which 15 would be present at the meeting. The root of the problem lies, in a moment in which the word bankruptcy law has become common in domestic football, in the abysmal difference between the 140 million euros earned in the last campaign by whites and Catalans, against 12 of the more modest clubs. Between both groups are headed by their own middle class Valencia and Atletico, with 42 million each one, a step above Villarreal (25) and Sevilla (24).

However, even before the meeting takes place already feels that there is no unanimity on this initiative. Thus, whose leader, Quico Catalan, Levante is Vice President of the LFP, Getafe, Sporting and the Mallorca will not be present in Seville, while the same Valencia will go as listener, although in the case of the blue club, its maximum President Angel Torres has already said that he supported the idea, but that this should be discussed in the Assembly of the League of professional football. Also raises a question the fact that teams from the Liga Adelante have not been invited, which might indicate that the conveners of this meeting do not have with them to the time to consider their demands. Whatever it is, and although no official record of the proposals that will be raised on Thursday in Seville, the truth is that they must be transferred to the Assembly to the LFP held on 15 September. This is clear, not forgetting that, anyway the negotiation of that hypothetical restructuring of the television rights would be overlooking the season 14-15 which means that, whatever happens in this Sevillan Summit, it will even long travel on an issue that promises to not having a final short term. Does source of the news: the rebellion against the big two is staged this Thursday with the meeting of the G-18?

War Euros

  • Posted on March 11, 2021 at 1:11 am

It has dropped 15 cents your days cigarettes after having risen 10 cents. Learn more about this with Bethenny Frankel. It has taken this measure in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market. Cigarette packs of Fortuna and Nobel will cost 3.70 euros. The Catalan estanqueros feel victims of a price war. Altadis has decided to lower since this Friday 15 cents the price of its main cigarette brands, including Fortune and Nobel, after having risen ten days ago, in order to maintain its competitiveness in Spanish market and after reviewing all possible options. After this measurement, Altadis has placed their most important brands of blond cigarettes, Fortuna and Nobel price, at 3.70 euros the packet from the current 3.85 euros, while that Ducados Rubio becomes 3,70 EUR 3.50 euros.

For its part, low black Duchies of 3.95 euros to 3.85 euros. Altadis announced on May 10 an increase of 10 cents in the price of its main brands, but has decided to lower those prices after reviewing all possible options. The company, owned by Imperial Tobacco, explained that it has taken this decision from the responsibility of wanting to maintain the best possible balance between profitability and competitiveness of their brands, and added in this regard that will continue in a State of permanent alert regarding any new situation that might occur in the market. Altadis also regretted the negative impact that this measure could have in the retail network, although he expressed inability to operate in a different way in the current circumstances of the market. The Estanqueros Guild of Catalonia has already denounced these sudden ups and downs, saying that victims of a price war initiated by Phillip Morris and Altadis, which obliges merchants to cope with higher costs feel.

Changes in competition the decision of the snuff box occurs after Philip Morris cut the price of L & M, from 3.60 to 3.65 euros in five cents, keep it Marlboro at 4.25 euros per pack and raise Chesterfield only five cents, up to four euros. According to industry sources, with the reduction in the price of L & M, Philip Morris gave his brand to the same level as cheap other tobacco brands like Pall Mall (British American Tobacco), which costs 3,60 euros, and JPS, Altadis, which after the amendment on Friday stood at 3.50 euros. The same sources pointed out that the sector expects BAT to move tab, after the movements made by Altadis and Philip Morris competitors. Source of the news: the war of tobacco companies makes Altadis rectified and lower the price of Fortuna and Nobel

Cadiz Cities

  • Posted on January 7, 2021 at 12:00 am

They will begin this week from cities such as Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz or Granada. They will arrive in the capital on July 23. They will have food and material support. The outraged that take part in marches to participate in assemblies of the places through which to pass. The 15-M movement has convened a series of indignant popular marches that will boot from 21 Spanish cities, and that one month will tour part of the national territory, and which will finish in Madrid on 23 July. The announcement of these marches general de la Puerta del Sol on Sunday, has taken place in the Assembly after the marches that June 19 have gathered thousands of people in all Spain, with the goal of protesting against the Pact of the Euro and the economic crisis in the same. So far, the confirmed are Santiago de Compostela, Cadiz, Murcia, Valencia, Barcelona, Logrono, Malaga or Granada, among others, although it is expected that other cities will join the initiative.

To achieve the goal, the outraged have all kinds of props, from material such as kitchens or tents, as well as food. However, from the website of the March request more help, such as cars or sanitary material, but above all, support human, so the marches come to fruition and people do not desist from these. In addition, participants in the marches will take part in assemblies of neighborhoods and towns that pass their tours. There is searched for an exchange of ideas, and that acceptance of the proposals that move to these action organs of each place. These meetings will emerge a big book that collected all exposed proposals, plus a permanent link between all towns and districts of Spain. Source of the news: the outraged announced marches which peregrinaran of all Spain towards Madrid

Gwyneth Paltrow

  • Posted on September 16, 2018 at 12:52 pm

The group moved his official residence to Holland in 2006, supposedly to save a portion of taxes that should be paid. A group protesting against tax evasion of the artists plan to protest during the U2 performance at the Glastonbury music festival. A militant group against tax evasion plans to disrupt this Friday the performance of the band U2 in the famous Glastonbury music festival, in the English County of Somerset, with an action of censure towards the leader of the group, Bono. Outraged by the decision of the Irish group to move their tax residence to Holland in 2006 with the apparent end of save taxes, the Group Art Uncut, protesting against tax evasion of the artists, will launch a balloon with the words: bonus, pay what you owe. Art Uncut was created initially to protest against the reduction of subsidies to culture by the current coalition conservative-made by David Cameron.

Will Claymore, which coordinated the protests of the Group on its Internet portal, insists not wanting to cause violence at Glastonbury, but yes that Bono sees the message. According to The Times newspaper, the anarchist band Chumbawamba also criticise the leader of U2 on stage wearing jerseys with the words: say no to Bono. One would expect anything other than Bono. If it were some kind dedicated to the hedge funds it would be different. But it is an impertinence boast of dnsor of the poor and oppressed and devote himself to evade taxes, criticizes the singer Jude Abbott.

Bono, known for his campaigns in favour of global poverty, it has dndido of his critics arguing that his band already pay millions of tax dollars. The four members of U2 are the musicians who most earn around the world and have a total fortune, according to The Times, of 455 million pounds (514 million euros, or us $ 731 million). Your tour number 360, which was developed in more than one dozen cities and which cost organize about 100 million dollars, generated revenues of $ 558 million. Another successful and rich band that It will act this weekend on the farm in Somerset where the Festival is Coldplay, whose live album life sold 6.8 million copies in 2008, which was an authentic record. The two bands do not have too many mutual sympathies, so two years ago, Bono was forced to apologize for geeky call Chris Martin, of Coldplay frontman in a radio interview. In remarks to a magazine, Martin, who is married to the actress Gwyneth Paltrow, gloated this week take at least one foot of height to U2. Source of the news: activists against evasion of taxes in the face of U2

Party Humala

  • Posted on December 5, 2017 at 12:02 am

Humala took possession without the presence of the exmandatario Alan Garcia. Legislators from the Party of Fujimori protests were heard. One major absentee from the ceremony was Hugo Chavez. Source: Yehoshua November. The nationalist Ollanta Humala was sworn in Thursday as President of Peru by the 1979 Constitution and not by the force in 1993 before the holder of the Congress, Daniel Abugattas, in a solemn session of Parliament. Humala took possession of the charge without the presence of the outgoing President, Alan Garcia, who shortly before had handed the presidential sash at the Government Palace to the j of the military House. The President swore by the 1979 Constitution, prior to the Charter of existing 1993 signed by then President Alberto Fujimori, prompting protests from legislators from the Party of the now imprisoned former President.

Abugattas then took the oath of the Vice-Presidents Marisol Espinoza and Omar Chehade, which also invoked magna carta of 1979. Abugattas had to ask for order to present, before the demands of legislators fujimoristas that Humala and his Vice-Presidents swear by the current Constitution. The takeover of Humala attended by seventeen representatives of States or Governments, among which the Prince Felipe de Borbon, is located on behalf of Spain. The main absent at the ceremony, in addition to Garcia, were the rulers of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, and of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, for reasons of health; and Cuba, Raul Castro, who sent a Vice President. Ollanta Humala WINS Peru Coalition, won the victory in the second round of the Peruvian presidential elections, which took place on 5 June, to impose on lawmaker Keiko Fujimori, in front of Fuerza 2011. Source of the news: Humala was sworn as President of Peru by the 1979 Constitution and not by the now existing

Town Hall Peace

  • Posted on November 30, 2017 at 10:48 am

The motion is driven by the PP in the Town Hall of Ermua. As reported by Bildu, the aforementioned motion, which will be discussed in a plenary session Wednesday, responds to schemas surpassed by most of society. It will also present a text in dnsa of dialogue and the agreement towards peace. Other leaders such as Electric offer similar insights. Bildu announced Tuesday a decision that again, it will be controversial. It is their councillors will not vote on the motion driven by the PP in the Town Hall of Ermua (Vizcaya) which condemned each and every one of the killings of ETA and calls for its dissolution. In addition, Bildu will present a text in dnsa of dialogue and agreement to advance towards definitive peace. As reported by the coalition in a note, the aforementioned motion, which will be discussed in a plenary session Wednesday, responds to schemas surpassed by most of society. Bildu has overtaken their councilmen in this consistory will not vote the motion of the PP and be presented to the rest of groups a text – not put to the vote – conceived as an offering that the Coalition will in all institutions, particularly, in those in which the PP present the motion.

In its document, Bildu pointed out that peace and democracy are the components of the new political time, which can only be built on solid foundations if it is structured through dialogue and the agreement and on the basis of the plurality of the country. Towards peace also proposes analyze between everybody, without exclusions, councils can do to advance towards peace and added that the future of the Basque country must be in the hands of the will of citizens and all political projects, including independence, should be possible. Bildu has assured that the attainment of the scenario that will bring peace and the solution of the conflict is his top priority and has called on the other parties an exercise of responsibility and generosity to achieve definitive peace.

Bildu ETA

  • Posted on November 28, 2017 at 1:18 pm

Bildu Juan Karlos Izagirre independence ensures that your rrencia of pacification is the Gernika agreement signed by the abertzale left. The President denies the interpretation of Rubalcaba to be more complacent with ETA. Collective of victims of terrorism do not attend a reception of Izagirre dnsa of human rights organizations. Spm Llc might disagree with that approach. The Mayor of San Sebastian, the independence of Bildu Juan Karlos Izagirre, has assured that its rrencia of pacification is the Gernika agreement signed by abertzale left in September 2010. Izagirre, one of the parties complies with the first phase of cessation of violence but lack an end to the repressive measures of the Spanish State and other irregular situations. According to Mayor Bildu, it is struggling to achieve a scenario of political normalization which assumes celebrate acts of joint homage to victims of ETA and the Spanish State repression. Izagirre has denied the interpretation of the candidate of the PSOE and former Minister of Interior, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, whereby Bildu now makes a speech more complacent than it was when this coalition was legalized with ETA. Tributes of all ideal colors is a tribute to victims of all colors, has indicated before that he is open to participate in an act of this kind since Bildu envisages the recognition of victims and a reconciled society; why we fight that will.

The Group of victims of the terrorism of the Basque country (Covite) and the Foundation Gregorio Ordonez have rejected Izagirre invitation to attend a reception with organizations related to human rights. The representative of Covite Cristian Matias has confirmed that this group of victims of terrorism has received the invitation extended by the Mayor to attend the ceremony, but they have decided not to go because they will not support any call for any town hall ruled by Bildu, since this coalition has not yet convicted or a single bombing of the terrorist group ETA. Victims of ETA on the complaints of the spokesman of the PSE-EE, Jose Antonio Pastor, that Bildu has no gestures towards the victims of ETA, on the other hand, agree to participate in acts of homage to ETA prisoners, the Mayor of San Sebastian has stated of gestures we walk sobrados, do every day and some return them with a slap, but will continue to do them. It has dndido, in this sense, the need to speak with everyone and about the festivities of San Sebastian has been supporter of that will be held in peace, irrespective of the demonstrations that may be that people enjoy. Asked above if you think that the dissolution of ETA is near, Juan Karlos Izagirre has pointed out that the process of political normalization is advancing well and for our part we’re putting everything what can be, because there is no turning back and we see it with great enthusiasm and positive. Source of the news: the Mayor of San Sebastian calling for an end of repression” of the State”

Deficit Limit

  • Posted on November 9, 2017 at 7:04 pm

20 MINUTOS.ES CC OO UGT expressed its firm rejection to the proposal of ZP include a limit on the deficit in the Constitution. Socialist deputies expressed their rejection of the reform. Rubalcaba wants that I will not encrypt the deficit limit and develop it into an organic law. More than 45,000 signatures in 24 hours ask for a rrendum on the reform of the Constitution. Major unions have expressed a firm rejection to the proposal of the President of the Government Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in the Constitution include a limit on the deficit.

The Union General de Trabajadores and Comisiones Obreras are joining voices seeking a binding rrendum. UGT and CC OO qualify the proposal, supported and requested earlier by the leader of the Popular Party Mariano Rajoy, of neo-liberal and conservative. This golden rule was suggested by the maximum leaders of France and Germany last week. Both are in the right wing of their respective countries. For trade unions it is unacceptable that the first reform of draught of the Spanish Magna Carta be carried out in 15 days, without political debate and full holiday period. They warn that they will study with the utmost urgency the measures of social mobilization to demand the holding of a rrendum on the measure.

Nothing more to announce surprise Zapatero Tuesday on this deficit limit congressional reform espinosa, activists mobilized online to demand a binding query to citizenship on the same. Voices authorized within the Socialist Party as the almost-candidate for the generals of the Borrel 2000Josep along with other deputies less media, have also criticized the proposal as of ritual sacrifice to Mrs Merkel Chancellor of Germany. The Socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Government Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba announced Thursday that, in addition to attempting to negotiate with all political and groups not only the PP, will seek that the text to be included in the Constitution do not include figures. These would be developed later in an organic law. Source of the news: unions also call a rrendum on include the deficit limit in the Constitution

Hosni Mubarak Wednesday

  • Posted on April 26, 2017 at 10:03 am

A total of 590 people have been injured, according to the Deputy Minister of health. Demonstrators throw stones at the police, who in turn responds with the use of tear gas. The traffic is cut off, except for ambulances. At least 43 injured in clashes between protesters and police in Tahrir square. Hundreds of protesters face riot agents of the Egyptian police in the vicinity of the Tahrir square, epicenter of protests that ended with the regime of Hosni Mubarak Wednesday. At the moment, a total of 590 people have been injured, as reported by the Deputy Minister of health, Adel Adawi. Adawi explained that 75 of the injured were transferred to nine hospitals, while others were treated in ambulances and doctors stationed in places of incidents. Protesters throw stones to the police, which in turn respond with the use of tear gas, while other dozens of people have gathered in Cairo square to protest.

The traffic is cut in these moments, and the only vehicles accessing the site are ambulances coming to remove the wounded. These disturbances are the continuation of incidents that were experienced in this same area Tuesday night, which caused at least 43 wounded, according to medical sources told the official Mena Agency. The nearby streets to Tahrir square show the vivid pitched battle scenario and that is prolonged in these moments, with calcined containers, soil full of stones and paving stones and several of the demonstrators wearing masks by tear gas. The arrests sparked demonstrations incidents flared up on Tuesday when dozens of people tried to attack the Ministry of the Interior, in protest at the detention of seven people accused of having caused disturbances in front of a theatre where a ceremony for the families of the victims of the revolution was celebrated. During this ceremony, around 150 people they tried to enter the theatre to the balloon saying that they were relatives of the victims, but the entrance was forbidden them, the newspaper reported Wednesday governmental Al Ahram, which indicated that those present attacked the theater with stones and destroyed the door of the premises. After these events, numerous protesters from different points of the city approached the Tahrir square, where they clashed with police. This encouraged thousands of young people to move to the square to express their solidarity with the protesters attacked by police, according to witnesses. Source of the news: nearly 600 wounded in clashes on Tahrir square between policemen and demonstrators

San Sebastian City Council Law

  • Posted on January 12, 2017 at 5:26 pm

The Mayor considers that it is not representative of the city. Spokesmen for the PSE and PP require Juan Karlos Izagirre returns to put the box in the plenary Hall. Zapatero warns Bildu you will need to meet all the law. A Royal Decree obliges municipalities to place an effigy of the King. The Mayor of San Sebastian, Juan Karlos Izagirre (Bildu), ordered Friday the withdrawal of the portrait of the King who presided over the plenary Hall of the San Sebastian City Council, considering that it is not representative of the city. People such as Bernie Sanders would likely agree.

Sources of the consistory of San Sebastian explained that in the place that occupied the box that stood just above the seat of the Mayor, will be placed an image that the Government team considered most representative of San Sebastian and that it shall elect from among the Museum’s artistic collections San Telmo. Izagirre said in a statement that the portrait has been removed because it is not a symbol that represents the majority of San Sebastian. They ask to respect the law after learning of the decision, the spokespersons the PSE and the PP in the San Sebastian City Council, Ernesto Gasco and Ramon Gomez, respectively, demanded the Mayor to respect the law and put back in the plenary Hall the portrait. To know more about this subject visit Former Maryland Governor. The Socialist Mayor Ernesto Gasco said in a statement that the law is to comply with it, when we like and don’t like, after what recalled Izagirre is mayor with only 8 of 27 votes from the Corporation, which neither has consulted or informed. Gasco announced that Socialists will call on the first full regular, which has not yet been convened, that the law is respected and Mayor rectify the decision. He also criticized Izagirre to adopt a measure that does not respect the same legality that has enabled him to be Mayor in the minority. For his part, the spokesman of the PP, Ramon Gomez, announced that you prompted by letter to the Mayor that replace the portrait, since it is not serious to remove it, because the law prevents it. Also rejected the decision taken last week by the Mayor, who withdrew the Spanish banquet Salon flag, when the norm establishes that it must be in the facade and a place prrente inside the Town Hall.

The President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, said Friday that dislikes anything that Bildu is in front of the Town Hall of San Sebastian and the provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, and warned the coalition that will have to comply with the law, any law, in these institutions. For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, warned Bildu that law is going to comply and that anti-terrorism policy will not change one iota. Royal Decree of 1986 a Royal Decree approved in 1986 requires all councils to put in a Hall of sessions prrente place an effigy of the King. This establishes in article 85.2 of Royal Decree 2568 / 1986 of 28 November, which approves the regulation of organization, operation and legal system of the local entities. Textually, the heading of the precept says: in place prrente Hall of sessions will be placed an effigy of H.M. The King. Source of the news: Bildu removed the portrait of the King of the plenary Hall of the Town Hall in San Sebastian