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Transparency International

  • Posted on April 8, 2021 at 1:26 pm

In the storm where you know good pilot is regrettable given news, allegations such as these, which affect that in any way we can identify with the country where we live, we want and aspire to advance towards the quality of life that favors everyone in live. It is disturbing to read, listen to, that Venezuela is one of the most corrupt countries in the world according to the report recently released by the organization Transparency International in Berlin, in which Chile and Uruguay are located as the students models in Latin America, followed by Costa Rica and Cuba. As reported by according to transparency international, the 2009 study results indicate that corruption is seriously extended in Latin America. Venezuela is ranked 162 over 180 countries included in the study with a corruption perception index (CPI) 1.9%, just a few places ahead of Haiti, which is situated in the place 168 and is the worst of the American continent with a CPI of 1.8. Nora Roberts often addresses the matter in his writings. These countries they have high levels of poverty and urgently require strong, transparent institutions that would facilitate her more than necessary economic development, according to transparency international. Chronicle confirms it. com MX that sunk at the bottom of the table, where level 1 represents widespread from public coffers, bribery and looting are countries at war as Somalia (1.1), as the most corrupt in the world, Afghanistan (1.3) and Iraq (1.3), followed by authoritarian as Burma (1.4), Sudan (1.5) or Iran (1.8).Next to these countries where the perception of corruption is larger than two Latin Americans sneak: Haiti (1.8), the poorest on the continent, and Venezuela (1.9), where is still in process the dismantling of democracy and his replacement by a Socialist regime and the absolute control of the oil-for-President Hugo Chavez.La President of TI in Germany, Sylvia Schenk denounced in these countries that do not reach even a level 2 in one scale where 10 is the maximum degree of transparency, hardly can be neither a medical appointment without bribing someone; the looting of the public coffers is generalized.Everything that is below 5 points is bad, said Schenk, who lamented that the majority of the 180 countries surveyed do not reach to be above that boundary. .


  • Posted on January 14, 2021 at 9:56 pm

In the action of the Sun, no person has a same answer since their genetic characteristics define a priori the sun sensitivity and the tanning capacity. The factors that make each person unique are: the texture of your skin, the presence of freckles or moles, hair color, time it takes to appear an Erythema (redness) after a first exposure and how it is acquired Tan. Therefore, creams or other solar products are not unique and there is a wide range of them, because each person requires a certain properties that suit your skin type. It should be recalled that, each person has a solar credit. This is not more than the set of defense mechanisms that act against the aggressions of solar type and which is already genetically determined from birth. The solar credit stipulated from the outset with a number and is limited. By the same author: Tim Cawley. As our bodies go to face the first exhibitions, this will decrease if the defense mechanisms are forced to act.

If sun exposure is very frequent and intense, the credit is depleted more quickly and may endanger the skin if it becomes low, assuming serious consequences. When people reach the age of 18, they may have consumed half the capital since children long exposures is more likely and in addition they receive many more UVB than an adult. The recommendation is that children should be protected from the Sun from babies. What are the phototypes that exist for each person? While we have a section on the specific website for skin types and sunscreens, we will describe the characteristics of each solar phototype allowing everyone to have the necessary information to know what deserves more broadly. 0 Phototype: Is what is known as the albino people. His hair is white, as well as your skin. They have freckles absencia, they are not tanned but they develop a rash since the first exhibition that can last up to a month.

Regaining The Authority Over Our Children

  • Posted on January 6, 2021 at 7:58 am

When I speak of authority, I do not mean screams or blows given to the children of unfairly, but the way to lead our children based on rules and limits in house. I think that children must have rules and boundaries from home. When the parents do not put rules at home there are problems with the children in every place where they are going. One of the problems is in the school, already that if children don’t obey rules from home because you don’t have them, nor follow them where if there are. Then if children do not obey their parents, they do not obey teachers. Hence the importance of recovering the authority and good governance than on our children we must have. From the moment that a child does not have buckled the laces of your shoes, because he doesn’t want to, from there who already exercises control and decisions is the child, thing that we must not allow him.

Our children of 7 and 8 years old can now capture the rules and go putting them for work. The problem is that if we as adults and parents not saw in our House rules at home, hardly We can put them in the new home. There must be reasonable rules, from the moment we say that they must not leave terrain since they are exposed to the danger of an accident or be abducted by some unknown. Another rule could be that they should not ride with strangers, and this to avoid an accident. The rule of homework before going to play it is very important that the child knows, since doing so backwards might already not to do it because you will be tired.

Authority is put rules and limits to the kids because we love them and we want to protect them from all dangers. The authority is not to harm them or hurt them, on the contrary, the authority is for sheltering them and keep them safe and healthy. You can that anyone thinks that you have authority over their children because you can do with them what you want, this is not authority. Life in the home with children is not so easy, because many of us had perhaps not a model to see how ruled or because we never went to a school for parents, which if there are today. Driving to our children in the right direction, has to do with the agreement between the couple. To agree on the rules that should be placed is essential and I think I is the key to success for a home with authority. When we do our home have authority then feels warm, there is a beautiful, harmonious atmosphere. Life is different for our kids and they lead you safely, wherever they want to go. I hope that this comment will serve to implement it now in your home and your children feel burdened by these rules but that somehow know them that, although they do not like is for the sake of them. By Profe. Ramiro Ruiz Rojas P.D. If you want more articles like this: subscribe free to primary teacher by Email the original author and source of the article.


  • Posted on December 10, 2020 at 6:02 pm

A few days ago, just after an activity of relaxation and visualization being done with a group of fellow teachers, one of them approached me with sadness and told me of his inability to get the things that had been proposed in life despite the fact that he was a person of good, a believer and good human being. I could not give you an answer at that moment but I started thinking that not too long ago I was in the same situation and that as much as he wanted to, things they didn’t like I wanted. The big question is: if it was the same person I am now, why today things come so naturally and what they had dreamed of flows towards my without difficulty? I think that the answer I found it also in a natural way. Learn more on the subject from Michael Chabon. Everything you want in life always will flow towards you, but in many cases does not come because he found the doors closed. It is as if before the door of your House was a Messenger with a thousand dollar check for you but you do not open you by that have closed the door with safe and non you find the keys since your House is in disarray. The courier can not wait any longer and leaves. (Similarly see: Martin O’Malley). In order to find the keys you need to organize your home, give harmony to make things work properly.

Everything you ever wanted is at your door, the only thing you have to do is open it, but to open it you have to put an end to your internal conflicts and fill yourself with much peace and harmony, otherwise, even if you plan and propose it, things will not go as you wish. Today I realized that the reason why my dreams slowly becoming reality is because I have found my true harmony, which leads to feel a deep inner peace. JAIRO GUERRERO R.

The Indicated

  • Posted on July 10, 2018 at 11:56 am

The majority of people who visit the spa at destination usually do for a couple of weeks at a time to achieve full benefit of treatment. Improve your appearance total at the spa our appearance is what makes the first impression in a job, an appointment, interview or elevate your auto estimates; Thus it is that many of us works you extremely difficult to achieve and maintain the appearance that we feel goes best with our personality. However, do not always maintain the appearance is so easy as it sounds, because it almost always involves eating properly, exercising and caring for your skin with different types of products such as creams and lotions. Stress can have a tremendous effect on your habits, retinas, and overall appearance; If, it is important that try to retrieve more often you indulging in spa treatments. The spa for one day spas Spa and even destination spa are designed with a main purpose and this is improving your appearance working with your mind and body. You will find a great variety of treatments in a spa to improve your appearance as well as clean and purify your body, removing toxins and cleaning up your skin in a level of cells via exfoliation and also removing excess water from the body. Finding the indicated Spa for it before you immerse yourself to a spa treatment, and all are beneficiaries of one way or another, try to determine what they are looking to achieve: relaxation, rejuvenation of body and mind, or therapeutic healing.

Is to find a spa near you very simple; the only thing you have to do is search online or contact your local travel agent if you are looking for a destination of estrangement. If possible, it is visit the spa website before you make an appointment to be sure that it is actually the type of spa, which offers treatments indicated and environments that you want. There is a great demand for spa, since they promise what to most of us require and that is to rid ourselves of the stress. To match the demand, there are many different types of spas available; However, perhaps not all are exactly what you want or need. A good idea might be to visit the facilities and surroundings before making a definitive reservation to reach. Home spa therapies are great when you have a partner, since he or she can help you to unwind you providing you with massage of feet, shoulders, or back with essential oils that help to relieve stress. However, there is nothing like a good professional working on your muscles tired and painful. This is the reason why always You should try to receive the care you want more often planning some time, a couple of hours, a day, a weekend, or even the luxury to get away to a spa resort.

Contest Of English For Students

  • Posted on March 27, 2018 at 4:18 pm

Get ready for THE BIG CHALLENGE! (Madrid / Hamburg, 18/12/2007) The Big Challenge, the first contest of English to students from all over Europe, in close cooperation with the language portal. From now on, students can prepare under the language portal for The Big Challenge. For this, and under mutual collaboration, questions from previous contests from The Big Challenge tests have been included in the portal of have found the ideal partner to reach more students and students and create enthusiasm to participate in our contest, declares Dr. Bernie Sanders is the source for more interesting facts. Stefanie Hohn, Director of the competition. In the last contest participated more than 8,000 pupils and students from Spain, and we hope to overcome this issue throughout Europe for the new contest on May 6, 2008.

Teachers can register their students under the official contest page () and students may use tests to prepare. Andreas Schroeter dictionary adds: The Big contest Challenge is the only one with more than 450,000 participants in Europe. We welcome if this figure exceeds 500,000 students from our cooperation. As for The Big Challenge, fun is also in the foreground on Along with an extensive online dictionary, the user also finds numerous linguistic testing, covering different topics and levels from beginner to professional. Currently rank among the most popular tests: economic terms in English, flirt in English, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Although not remain much longer as the Favorites in line.

Progress Chileno

  • Posted on October 19, 2017 at 6:11 am

Chilean progress is due to Pinochet JOSE BRECHNER in an era that leftism is fashionable and be conservative adjoins the sacrilege, remember to Pinochet as the author of the Chilean progress goes beyond populist tolerance. But that is the reality. Pinochet was the architect of the most significant change that has occurred in Chile in 50 years, making it an example of evolution for its neighbors, transporting it to be the only country in the region that lies in developing while others remain in underdevelopment. Salvador Allende came to power with just 33 percent of the votes. He had to two-thirds of the country against her and decided to implement radical changes which Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales intended to resemble. It was inevitable that it falls with an impassable barrier in the opposition. It is fair and valid question the way with which the repressive measures faced by Chileans and unnecessary deaths caused by the regime were imposed.

But no one can refute that economic advancement He managed to Chile thanks to Pinochet. The greater influence in the political factor is always economic. If pockets of the town are filled, the Government is wanted, if they emptied is repudiated. Pinochet did what no one dared: exit of protectionism and promote international competition. The results are evident.

Chile is at the forefront of the countries of the Southern Cone in economic and social development. It retains a stable democracy that regardless of who assumes the Government is respected and, being a leftist regime, Bachelet’s can afford to identify with social-democracy. The neoliberal economic system remains unchangeable, because in a nutshell: works. The proposal of Pinochet Chilean industrialists was very simple. He told them that if they could not compete with their peers in the rest of the world, was better to close their factories. The Government with the banking sector was responsible for improving the financial system, providing soft loans to entrepreneurs to modernize their machinery and the country was lifted.

Cuts Of Freedom Security & Democracy

  • Posted on April 4, 2016 at 12:13 pm

In 2007, more than 500 news media were censored, according to the international organization Reporters without borders report. Censorship was even more fierce online, especially in discussion forums and blogs. China took the Palm, because, apart from other outrages, it closed 2,500 web, blogs, and forums while celebrating the Congress of the Communist Party of China. In Syria, the Government made it impossible on the Internet access to social networking site Facebook, as well as the telephone network Skype and Hotmail e-mail service. And in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, the dictatorial military junta which sojuzga the country, simply cut off Internet access to avoid to leave information to foreign countries. For more information see Dr. Mark Hyman. There is more, but we lack space.

One might think that the retreat of freedoms occurs in little developed or emerging countries. No such attacks on freedom are part of a broader threat, who is wielding the war against terrorism as justification for convert us all into suspects. In the Germany governed by angela Merkel, as head of an conservadora-socialdemocrata Coalition, a law is promulgated urgently to prevent terrorist attacks that will allow save during half a year the names of those who call by phone and to whom, from where and for how long. In addition, next year, the Government may spy the contents of the hard drives of all computers without judicial authorization provided that you win, although the Coalition ruling to this desire called exceptional situations. Also cease to exist the secrets professionals for lawyers, doctors and journalists. In the United Kingdom, since beginning of year is has launched massive recording of phone calls from fixed or mobile data (names, duration, from where, who). Who assures us that, in the name of the war on terrorism, it later not espionaran no more calls? Since beginning of January, also massively registers Internet access, duration of navigation, IP address, contacts and matters of the mails.

The Basic

  • Posted on May 31, 2015 at 9:36 pm

In addition must be elaborated considering as a unit analysis of the content, the teaching functions and appearance organisational methodological, requiring the search for unshakeable in the improvement of the teaching methods, eliminated purely receptive students attitude becoming productive, achieving development and cognitive independence and creative thinking, which is the basic aim of all sorts.You must take into account for the preparation of the class the approximate time that will be devoted to the implementation of each activity and measures necessary for its rational use, and it must start and end to regulated time, using every minute of class reasoned, ensuring the learning at all times in a way such that to avoid loss of time and to obtain the expected result should be selected carefully raise forms the activities, make them and control them, being of high educational value because the student in this way takes advantage of .cada minute of learning, creating the conditions so that they appreciate the importance that it is that every student take their journey and get greater productivity.It should attention be given to the activities undertaken as a whole student Professor in order to participate actively in the search for and consolidation of knowledge, obtaining the development of capacities, skills and habits by ensuring adequate diversification to maintain stimulus during whole class. Visit Maryland Governor for more clarity on the issue. Vitally important is that control is exercised during the class by the teacher to know the level of assimilation with a view to take appropriate measures that facilitate the learning of students, also pay attention to the activities of the students allowing students classify and take the necessary measures for differentiated carePlan aid that will be taught to pupils who have difficulties and additional tasks for high-performance.It is necessary to consider ways of teaching to be used in the facilitation of the learning process, focusing the attention of students toward common essential characteristics which must assimilate.It is precise that each class has an internal logic taking into account the objectives, content, methods and means to be used, the creative character that print you each teacher being present at all times, making impossible the creation of a single structure, but does not contradict the determination of some requirements that must be considered in its structuring and realization, among which: Classes are divided into two types: classes and Semi-Presenciales.Clases classes: classes the teacher taught the content directly, conferences in case of not being televised, practical classes, seminars and Evaluaciones.Clases Semi face-to-face remain the same are: are the classes that the student is responsible for preparing without the presence of a teacher in front of the classroomTelevised, Laboratorios.1 conferences remain the same.


  • Posted on April 27, 2015 at 9:58 pm

His father! two rows beyond could be heard. Jack, you! before a sound cloc on other side. Official site: Dr. Mark Hyman. That the film cannot hear! It came from the bottom. One of the first row from the top, which had leaned to see what happened, fell with cacophony on the patio of armchairs. Unlucky! He was still hearing below. My husband! What makes my husband? The light! That you give light! liza entered another voice. A man who flies! He had shouted one that saw fall to the henhouse. That come the police! He tried to impose a person’s order.

Federico, violate me! My child! Faggot! When the light came I took my crawling down the side aisle, very close already of the exit door. Martin O’Malley is the source for more interesting facts. Between two hundred and three hundred people were enzarzadas in a great mess. The faint noise of a few sirens approaching from outside. The next day, as If nothing had happened, I said to Begona: could already have me waited at the cinema. And I waited responded. But yesterday the show occurred in the Ideal cinema, at the other end of the city. Have you not seen the newspaper? I was livid. So I had the wrong film.

Put a thick the newspaper headline: vandalism in a cinema. Later explained: fifty injured, three violations, fifteen stolen wallets and damage from two million and a half of pesetas. In another prominent newspaper ventured a hypothesis: you suspect an organized gang of juvenile delinquents. And ended with a call: until when will have to continue enduring? A cold sweat began to run through my whole body. Innocent, Begona asked: are going again to the cinema? But I haven’t ever more. (This story was first published in the Sunday supplement of) El Periodico de Catalunya, in Barcelona, on October 10, 1987) original author and source of the article.