Tatiana Bulanova was born on March 6 in St. Petersburg under the sign of the fish. Pisces – a water sign, from him, Tatiana inherent strongly developed intuition, emotion, and this sign tend to sacrifice everything for the sake of the profession and the cause which they are engaged. Tanin father – Ivan Petrovich – graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval College diving served minerals torpedoman in the North, then, with the advent of missile submarines, one of the first became commander of a missile warhead. In 1968 he graduated from the Naval Academy and remained there working head of the laboratory. Resign left in 1990 as Deputy Chief of the Faculty of weapons to the rank of captain the first rank. Mama Tatiana – Nina P.
– photographer by profession, but she has devoted his life to a family in which there were two children – Tanya, and her brother Valentin, who also became a military, divers, like his father. Born a girl thought to name Martha as the She was born in March, my mother wanted to call the Marina, but because Tatiana's father name is Ivan, feared that would sound 'Marivanna'. Tanya was obedient, but, like most children, a few stubborn child, but the word 'Parents' for her was very authoritative. Tanya's childhood took place in St. Petersburg, and all summer the future singer was leaving the cottage. According to Tanya, it was' a bright spot in my life. " In kindergarten Tanya did not go, her mother worked.