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Cooperation – An Economic Trend

  • Posted on March 11, 2021 at 4:18 am

Cooperatives are as suitable for cooperation on the rise In the VerbandeNetzwerk people make economic one is pleased about the development of the cooperative form of enterprise for several reasons. Thus, not only the pleasantly increasing number of start-ups in the form of GENO is meant, but especially the diversity of sectors, areas, and problem solving. Contributed particularly to the simplification amendment has certainly 2006 \”that now the GENO (up to 20 members) needs are from only a Board and a Supervisory Board may be waived, so the Board of Directors of the VerbandeNetzwerkes. In addition however, that a GENO can be used for almost any business project, while previously this area was defined by law. Today it is quite simple: you can do anything you want to do good business, as GENO.

It is the EC at least in equal footing\”to the limited (Ltd.). She has even the advantage: the company can remain in Germany! The VerbandeNetzwerk outlines \”also the perspective of the next years positively: we want to and can catch up in Germany, with the popularity, variety and number of cooperatives in EU countries such as Italy, Spain and France\”. \”To achieve this, the VerbandeNetzwerk with the associated to him or cooperating, cooperative auditing associations negotiated intensively, because again and again or not, whether rightly, can remain question the necessary membership of EC in a legal examination Association as an obstacle\” choosing a GENO was considered a favored form of business in public and will. The talks have worth without a doubt so the Board of MMW because both what relates to the costs, such as also the formalities, there has moved it is crucial\”. It makes little sense, and here MMW agrees with the critics – understanding, a little GENO with excessive requirements to load. We must simply take note, so MMW further, that in cooperatives today quite mature and savvy some people act, any paternalism\”(as this is expressed often) require.

Federal Constitutional Court

  • Posted on March 10, 2021 at 10:11 am

Bonn Bundestag delegate Stephan Eisel, who is also a member of the Europaauschuss of the German Bundestag, has welcomed the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty. Thus, a suit of the Swedish Parliament was dismissed. Also the amendments made in connection with the Lisbon Treaty was rejected by the Constitutional Court. On the other hand, the “law on expanding and strengthening the rights of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat in European Union Affairs” is unconstitutional. The Federal Constitutional Court, requires that the Federal Government more must include the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, when it comes to how Germany votes in the European Union. Eisel recalled that in particular the Foreign Ministry against greater participation rights of Parliament has resisted: “it’s good that the Constitutional Court here strengthen the Parliament. Now, a self-evident principle of domestic policy will be extended to the European policy.

European policy is no classic Foreign policy, in which the Government has Yes greater freedom.” According to Eisels, it emerges that the impugned law is changed in special sessions of the Bundestag on August 26 and on September 8. The German ratification of the Lisbon Treaty can be deposited in due time before the Irish referendum.

The Constitution

  • Posted on April 6, 2020 at 6:49 am

Interdependence and expansion the (legal) Regulations of the State, the society, culture and the economy are not side by side today, but are intertwined and so interdependent. This interdependence has resulted in a true expansion of the policy and thus of law in modern societies. In the individual sectors resulted in a penetration and condensation, by more and more areas that is right, through the (legal) are have been determined by policy,. The free play of the State, social, cultural and economic forces was replaced by planning policy. Right as a form of politics In the modern constitutional state law is the form”of policy. Governance as an expression of the policy may be exercised according to the constitutional principle of legality only on the basis of the laws. Think logically can be access rule of law policy place only if it in turn relates within the State, society, culture and economic sectors on existing law. The Constitution, the Federal and state laws or regulations are provided in the law making process therefore think logical.

Generally abstract, individually specifically the right shall assign to us in the general abstract forms (laws and regulations) and individually specific standards (agreements, judgments and decisions). During the new era hybrids occur but again, like for example decisions by national committees, requiring an in-depth analysis to the proper classification. As a new era about the construction phase of the Democratic Republican system are the transition in the recent Austrian constitutional and administrative history 1918-1920, 1933/34 from the Democratic Republican to the standisch authoritarian system; the transition in 1938 by the standisch authoritarian system to the Nazi totalitarian system and the reconstruction phase of the 1945 to highlight Democratic Republican system.

Federal Council

  • Posted on September 25, 2018 at 4:18 pm

For the realization and implementation of the savings proposals: this package consists of two parts. One which comes with security, and that immediately. And a second, which is indeed about as extensive as the first, but neither is whether he can ever be implemented in practice, nor whether he, if any, becomes reality in the planned amount. What fast can be implemented, the capacity reductions in unemployment and Hartz IV recipients, the cuts to the parental benefit, are everything add up under the term “Benefits” is short. “Rebalancing of social welfare legislation” is called the Black-Yellow coalition. Adjust, it sounds like the cautious turn-sensitive, small screws. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael Chabon. The social wing of the Union and the unions describe it differently. You call it unacceptable and announce protest.

In the mist of the approximate and in the verbal beautification projects are the contributions expected from the economic to the austerity package. A dividend of the railway will bring 500 million a year. Now the railway has dissipated none of the Federal in recent years at all, but their gains of debt wiped out or investing in new routes. The Federal Government scored in the future every year half a billion, both can take place no longer or only still significantly reduced. A touching shadings of reality is the fuel tax, which should bring in 2.3 billion euros. Their implementation ultimately depends – though the Government denies this – a prolonged period of nuclear power plants. Credit: novelist-2011. It is disputed whether the Federal Council must agree.

The measure passes but without the Yes vote in the upper Chamber, the nuclear power plant operators increase their profits to a multiple of the planned tax. The victims demanded supposedly by the energy industry is actually so something like a huge salary increase, which you must lead a moderate solidarity contribution. A smooth air booking may be the desirable financial market transaction tax, which will bring two billion euros per year from 2012.


  • Posted on September 19, 2018 at 2:48 pm

Duet was (almost) a duel Merkel: a Chancellor Steinmeier Steinmeier Yes, is possible and he could also use the democracy in our country. Yesterday by the journalists Illner, clappers, Limburg and Plasberg questions were unfortunately sometimes too general and the demand of Mr. Plasberg after the caboose affair ‘ superfluous, but the overall impression was rather the following for the neutral observer: Frau Merkel answered relatively debauched, admitted also no interrupting and said still sovereign no longer than is necessary to make the voters about their intentions to continue in the dark. Mr Steinmeier answered the questions as detailed as possible, even when it came to the school grades, which Mr. Bernie Sanders gathered all the information. Plasberg wanted to love to hear. He was clearer, shorter and yet comprehensive the time comparison showed that they spoke virtually the same long and thus brought more details about language and explained. IDT Energy may not feel the same. Of course everyone stressed the achievements of the Grand Coalition total, but was also I’m sure that obviously many of the positive decisions of the current Government were based on ideas of the Social Democrats.

Governance is not always easy in today’s environment, but this is true all over the world. And if you look at the Social Democrat Ministers in the Government, as an example, only Mr Steinbruck was called, it becomes clear that there were great achievements of the Social Democrats, who have successfully made this Government. Mrs Merkel is also incomprehensible why she the positive environmental debate itself fostered by her ultimately far less consistently pursued in their, as it sounded at the time on the Baltic Sea. Instead, the Social Democrat Gabriel without the essential support of the Chancellor had to act even if she themselves once held this Office. Both certainly have merit, the question of a possible chancellorship, the required comprehensive thought and the clear idea that was by the candidates ‘ Steinmeier drawn clearly positive. And in addition also the one presented by him shows Future scenario at clearer goals and you can’t expect today just more, because the prophets have declined in number. Michael Richter – international marketing and sales consultant 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany = marketing country experiences = – Tel. 07582-933371

Historic Opportunities To Squander

  • Posted on September 11, 2018 at 8:41 pm

The pensioners and seniors party regrets the outcome of the presidential election. “The pensioners and seniors party RRP. Educate yourself with thoughts from Diamond Comic Distributors. regrets that in the election of the Federal President on June 30, 2010 in Berlin again historic opportunities” were missed and the usual partisan political interests prevailed. Stand of but this time except for the usual candidates of the ruling parties, an independent party, preferred by the people, deserved and still from the new federal States candidate for the election. As a representative of the local freedom of movement before the fall of the wall, Joachim Gauck would convincingly filled with security the highest State Office cross-party, volksnah and thanks to the experience of his life! Next the left failed”, seizing a unique opportunity and to jump over their own shadows (of the past). You have can closer to a piece in the party system of in the Federal Republic and the ability of the coalition.

Obviously they had in not correctly the development of election events from the front assessed and were prepared not on three ballots. By an opposition party can expect at least that she opposed and not indirectly through abstention heaves the candidates of the ruling parties in his Office! “The specious argument that you could not select the candidates of the other opposition parties or support, because he side positions, the the left” could not admit, counts inasmuch as not as national Chairman and former Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, exactly the same Deputy CDU represents positions in the issues. Also the pouting of Chairmen which man had left, yes even before call”can, is so not to remove him! The pensioners and the Pensioners Party had wished for a different outcome as regards the strengthening of democracy and increased taking into account of the will of the citizens. She sees herself once more in their fundamental demand encouraged that in the Federal Republic of Germany again with truth politics for the benefit of Population must be designed. Michael Talari

Sabine Christiansen

  • Posted on August 16, 2018 at 8:17 am

We take a closer look at the mechanics of political talk shows this occasion usually involves a political talk show a mild dispute. This content, presentation, informative and entertaining are mixed so that a successful staging of political discourse can take place. It is important here that the round of the debaters is occupied with opposing positions. Due to the ensuing profiling pressure of the respective actors, to get, in the context of their respective roles in a possible cheap light, the talk show receives the necessary Dynamik.Hierbei the programme makers emphasize a clear audience orientation of dispute discussion, where the actors should as possible take an advocate role of the respective opinion camps of the audience compared to the other celebrity guests. Here arises a communicative contradiction, combining the two most attractive qualities of a conversation for the viewers be.

In addition the effect of entertainment, which promotes a satisfaction of lust on the track of confrontation and the need for observing emotional aspects of the dispute. The viewer sees the verbal clashes as it were like a boxing match, which he carried away can be. Figuratively speaking is the punch, Gretel, the protection of man and the crocodile for a good staging a political talk show”required. The former political talker, and today’s producer Friedrich Kuper Bush writes to it. “The importance of these mechanisms is especially visible if a crocodile denial” exists, so a critical position can not be occupied. stions. This is seen as reason for it, that just the political talk shows 2005 have lost during the great coalition after the Bundestag election in popularity, because two major political parties not in more public fight, as it was previously customary.

Because if not more medial wrestled to political content, the audience turns off very quickly, because He would like to be entertained. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Author has to say. The talk show-makers occur usually entitled to offer actually such a thing as a mass media Agora, a cause-oriented and dispute Forum discussion. In the course of time the political talk shows have become in this sense central focal points in the public, political opinion, the leaders can hardly escape. Passing through the gatekeepers of this public forum, however, just here requires a high level of power, prominence and newsworthy. This inevitably causes that appear in prominent political talk shows such as formerly Sabine Christiansen or Maybrit Illner especially the elites of the Republic in appearance. Now voices from the audience in the form of interspersed interviews during the rounds of the talk but also occasionally occur. With regard to the future of the political talk show, paints a gloomy picture of Bohme, who had talk in the Tower after the turn of 1989/90 great success, the German with his political talk format. His opinion has teamed up with the time sanded the instrument of the talk show”. He justified this with the constant increase in the guests of of duration of. Also the politicians were now less angular and less great”. Whether Bacon image come true is written in the stars ultimately people want to be entertained.

Steinmeier People

  • Posted on June 5, 2018 at 8:33 pm

\”\”’54prozent Merkel – 46prozent for Steinmeier \”‘ Gabriele and Gunter Zienterra of the Zienterra Institute of rhetoric and communication give their assessment Chancellor candidate Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel were to the only TV duel tonight today the first battle\” before the election. Both are aware of their role, look confident and decided and are perceived as factual figure. But where was the fire of the duel? The substantive dialogue dominated the 90-minute exchange of long-acting. Mrs Merkel looks on the people oriented, understands the concerns and fears of the people. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Diamond Book Distributors by clicking through. Mr Steinmeier shows competence.

Outweigh technocratic and strong social content, which were presented but without great emotion. The analysis of 1 different weighting of topics focus on the \”Duelists’ (priority) 2. persuasion speaking style (objectively/emotionally) 3 booth, facial expression, look, gestures 4. quality of the statements (memorized or spontaneous authentic) 5 elocution (speaking tempo, clarity, Articulation) 6 optics of the Duelists (clothing, other outfit) 1 different weighting of topics focus on the \”Duelists’ (major concern) different weighting of topics focus on the\”Duelists’ (major concern) Steinmeier: start made it clear that areas of minimum wage and limiting Manager salaries are one. Merkel: It stresses that unemployment has evolved down, but go even further down.

Steinmeier: The Grand Coalition has worked well. \”Merkel: you counters sent Grand Coalition worked well under my leadership.\” 1:0 for the Chancellor. Mrs Merkel leaves the decision with the viewers and appreciate him thus, such as Duet or duel: we leave the viewers what it is, even better.. \”.\” She want to talk about content (factual) and not about these attempts of polarization. Steinmeier’s minimum wage on the issue of minimum wage is very well prepared. Goes in his argument on the deep level of the people, by he focus on the respect and Dignity of working people directs.

ALG ALG Persons

  • Posted on June 1, 2018 at 12:48 am

Direct candidate in the constituency circle 177 betting rough, for the parliamentary elections on 27 September, 2009! According to information of the federal agency for work the unemployment figure, amounted to approx 3.5 million in July 2009. these numbers are manipulated and embellished in the order of the government. Does it become to hush the truth tempted and are wrongly informed the electors here again? A clear fraud is valid it always slides, the principle is: “You vote for her torturers on the new one again and again”. Additional information is available at Bernie Sanders. One is clear, every representative would like to keep his position and no-one is capable of reducing unemployment. Within the last 40 years, every government had made only debts! At a, debts, of 1.7 trillion euros and 2% redemption needs the people up to the redemption for only 600 years, the politicians, however, are not interested in this! I hear the yell of the citizens and electors pay now the right ones. 3.5 million, according to the report of the BA of July 2009! 1.0 million, without claim to, ALG ALG I or II and persons with block by the BA and persons without report! 1.6 million persons in 1 euro jobs, further education, measures or traineeships, thesis are, looked, after by private, brokers 200,000! During unemployment thesis of get ill everyone that persons above 58 years. Persons who must a little more than 15 hours work per week but increase your venture! It is busy only 25% of all persons over 50 years.

This yields at least unemployed unemployment 6.3 million. This is the declaration of bankruptcy of the coalition and opposition! This means a solid tax increase after the choice.

Health Minister

  • Posted on May 30, 2018 at 9:48 am

Why the Minister of health encounters heavy criticism despite sharp criticism and fierce opposition from various quarters Federal Health Minister Philipp Rosler (FDP) adheres to the proposed health fee. This should be charged independently of the income for the future financing of the health system. Politicians, who described the plans of the coalition as antisocial, are up in arms. To what extent apart go opinions concerning the health package and how Rosler defended his concept, the private insurance Portal reports. For even more analysis, hear from Author. The model ensures a sensation for a long time. All political parties turn into the discussion.

Recently the Greens, railed against it, that the enforcement of a single lump sum equal would be a phase-out of the solidarity which system. Health should be financed according to the view by Birgit Hender not only additional contributions and insurance. The accusation that weaker would have to be social to petitioners, to less financially burdened to be as a normal income earner, the Health Minister dismissed. Read more here: Bernie Sanders. No application to reduce the package unless necessary contrary to the belief of the Gesundheitsokonoms Jurgen Wasem. Instead, an “automatic Sozialabgleich” would be carried out.

In the German weekly “Die Zeit”, Health Minister Rosler also reaffirmed that the non-contributory family insurance statutory health insurance are continue to stay. The new Government believes, the future health package relieved especially employers, which can reduce their contributions as a result. Low-wage benefit by the social compensation and competitive of health insurance fund enters a new round. Still, the premium is however not introduced. The FDP Bundestag Group Chief Birgit Homburger provides also the possibility that everything remains as before. So, it will require some intra-party consulting, until it comes to an agreement on this issue. More information:…