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War Euros

  • Posted on March 11, 2021 at 1:11 am

It has dropped 15 cents your days cigarettes after having risen 10 cents. Learn more about this with Bethenny Frankel. It has taken this measure in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market. Cigarette packs of Fortuna and Nobel will cost 3.70 euros. The Catalan estanqueros feel victims of a price war. Altadis has decided to lower since this Friday 15 cents the price of its main cigarette brands, including Fortune and Nobel, after having risen ten days ago, in order to maintain its competitiveness in Spanish market and after reviewing all possible options. After this measurement, Altadis has placed their most important brands of blond cigarettes, Fortuna and Nobel price, at 3.70 euros the packet from the current 3.85 euros, while that Ducados Rubio becomes 3,70 EUR 3.50 euros.

For its part, low black Duchies of 3.95 euros to 3.85 euros. Altadis announced on May 10 an increase of 10 cents in the price of its main brands, but has decided to lower those prices after reviewing all possible options. The company, owned by Imperial Tobacco, explained that it has taken this decision from the responsibility of wanting to maintain the best possible balance between profitability and competitiveness of their brands, and added in this regard that will continue in a State of permanent alert regarding any new situation that might occur in the market. Altadis also regretted the negative impact that this measure could have in the retail network, although he expressed inability to operate in a different way in the current circumstances of the market. The Estanqueros Guild of Catalonia has already denounced these sudden ups and downs, saying that victims of a price war initiated by Phillip Morris and Altadis, which obliges merchants to cope with higher costs feel.

Changes in competition the decision of the snuff box occurs after Philip Morris cut the price of L & M, from 3.60 to 3.65 euros in five cents, keep it Marlboro at 4.25 euros per pack and raise Chesterfield only five cents, up to four euros. According to industry sources, with the reduction in the price of L & M, Philip Morris gave his brand to the same level as cheap other tobacco brands like Pall Mall (British American Tobacco), which costs 3,60 euros, and JPS, Altadis, which after the amendment on Friday stood at 3.50 euros. The same sources pointed out that the sector expects BAT to move tab, after the movements made by Altadis and Philip Morris competitors. Source of the news: the war of tobacco companies makes Altadis rectified and lower the price of Fortuna and Nobel