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Fascinating And Unique In The World – The Curly Horse!

  • Posted on March 7, 2021 at 5:48 am

Europe’s largest breeder of curly horses – Riverside curly horses round every 4th person in Germany suffers from allergies, including many horse hair allergy. Curly horses the only antiallergic horse breed in the world. Skin rash, itching, watery eyes and shortness of breath as soon as one comes only in the vicinity of a horse. These people have long abandoned the dream of your own horse. The chance has come curly horses! Indian of curly horses owned in the 19th century, but it has experienced much later that curly horses are hypo-allergenic. But why curly (Engl.: Locke) horses? This is because that most Curlies the mane, tail, the winter coat and partially also the summer coat is curly.

The eyelashes are bent upwards. It occurs repeatedly, a curly with optically smooth coat coming to the world, which but has all other properties of a curly horse: hypo-allergenic, (, they’re still right wild horses), uberzuchtet very robust and enduring, not powerful, extremely balanced and people involved, and very healthy. There are curly horses from 140cm to 165cm height in all colors and shapes. “Curly horses are horses with another protein structure therefore they smell like normal” horses. Allergy can again safely pursue their sport.

That they find so many friends but also among non-allergic individuals is among other things to their wide usage spectrum. It is not just horses to the Petting, but also very talented and powerful companion. Some contend that Jet Blue shows great expertise in this. Whether in front of the horse-drawn carriage or under the saddle, Curlies cut a fine figure in the Turniersport. Absolute advantage is their healthy bone structure and the healthy hooves, usually no Horseshoe need because of the hardness. Curly horses on the lower Rhine – Europe’s largest curly breeding – Riverside curly horses of the Riverside curly horse breeding install is the only training and training stables throughout Europe where the only animals are the hypo-allergenic, pure-bred curly horses. The Curlies are trained here non-violent resistance and according to type up to the high Turniersport. The rare breed animals come from 6 different countries, including three gold approved breeding stallions. THE curly position throughout Europe! Family Riemann and the Riverside curly horse team welcome you to the Riverside curly horse Stud!

Would Like To Fly A Modern Airbus?

  • Posted on September 30, 2017 at 3:27 am

Unusual events with A 320 Flight Simulator. In Berlin, there is a welcome event location, which offers an exciting change of pace since June 2009. Why? The company JetSim allows anyone with or without feeling to experience knowledge of a modern airliner pilot to be from 30 minutes up to a full day. Individuals, groups and companies can book at JetSim. The individual A 320 will experience during a personal conversation regarding duration, content and services (such as catering) targeted to own ambition, knowledge thereby tuned wishes. For events lasting several hours lectures and practical experience offered alternately in the Simulator. Our goal is to explain the world of simulation and aviation precision.

Be offered in the following topics: the functioning of the pilots, Fundamentals of engineering/physics, the systems of A 320 and their operation. The focus, however, is focused on the fun and flying in the cockpit. On request, it is possible to a competition and prize for the first placements to implement. Quickly lost the feeling to sit in a simulator, if you experienced the stunningly real cockpit atmosphere, together with all-round and realistically leaves the ground with equivalent 30.000PS all systems are true to the original. The Interior equipment and instruments are authentically modeled after the real aircraft. All relevant flight systems of the Airbus A320 are appropriately implemented and fully functional. In addition, most of the parameters can (E.g.

time of day, weather, 24,000 airport worldwide and emergency situations) and as a result flight program, as well as flight time individually set and implemented. A prior inspection of the premises and the Simulator is also possible after contact. Consequently, there is a failed opportunity for corporate events of a special kind, E.g. for incentives, operation or Christmas celebrations. This represents a new and varied experience for entrepreneurs/companies, their customers, business partners and employees. More topics, in cooperation with qualified teachers and psychotherapists, seminars on fly tackle, are team building, communication and conflict management, including using the Simulator allow carry out professional guidance. It provides tools that can help to communicate effectively at work and to avoid possible consequential error. This reflects also the functioning of the pilot, which will be amended further formed to reflect on their actions. Should not come from Berlin, so it takes Jet SIM team like to care of the arrival / departure and accommodation. At a workshop planned stay an interesting Berlin program for all participants is compiled on demand in addition to round off the visit. For a no-obligation consultation the company is like by telephone or via the mail available.

Cultural Highlights Of The Oktoberfest

  • Posted on September 15, 2017 at 2:58 pm

More than beer and Lederhosen, meanwhile, almost, the Munich Oktoberfest is an institution. The folk festival is known on all parts of the world, which Wahrzeichen are not only beer and Lederhosen. The Munich Theresienwiese offers its visitors many traditional enterprises, which are an integral part of the Oktoberfest for countless years. The portal presents historically and culturally valuable starting points. Arrived in the State capital of Bavaria, is the 50-metre Ferris wheel of Oktoberfest from afar see.

During a ride, visitors get not only an overview of the hustle and bustle between the beer tents. In fine weather enjoy a distant view over the entire city of Munich up to the Alps. Oktoberfest visitors have the choice between rides of different degree of shaking through again solid ground under your feet. Under most conditions Martin O’Malley would agree. The Tower slide Tobbogan delighted visitors for 75 years. Get on the treadmill, which promoted bold upward, to be able to keep a functioning sense of balance is required. For visitors, is already one or the other measure have approved beer, the crinoline is an alternative.

The 85-year-old business owes its name to the gently swaying movements of its platform. It reminds of the weighing the Petticoats of fine ladies at the end of the 19th century. The theatre not neglected during a trip to the Oktoberfest. With the classical puppet theater piece has been preserved here German heritage, what threatens to fall in times of video games into oblivion. In addition to the puppets, visitors can enjoy also of real actors. The Oktoberfest vaudeville circuit Saghafi is Butterfly dance or the beheading by guillotine with programs such as Elvira’s a highlight for fans of the comic Arts each year. Learn more from the tapping of the first beer barrel to stand the Oktoberfest musicians concerts see: magazine/showArticle/article/914 contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59