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Gwyneth Paltrow

  • Posted on September 16, 2018 at 12:52 pm

The group moved his official residence to Holland in 2006, supposedly to save a portion of taxes that should be paid. A group protesting against tax evasion of the artists plan to protest during the U2 performance at the Glastonbury music festival. A militant group against tax evasion plans to disrupt this Friday the performance of the band U2 in the famous Glastonbury music festival, in the English County of Somerset, with an action of censure towards the leader of the group, Bono. Outraged by the decision of the Irish group to move their tax residence to Holland in 2006 with the apparent end of save taxes, the Group Art Uncut, protesting against tax evasion of the artists, will launch a balloon with the words: bonus, pay what you owe. Art Uncut was created initially to protest against the reduction of subsidies to culture by the current coalition conservative-made by David Cameron.

Will Claymore, which coordinated the protests of the Group on its Internet portal, insists not wanting to cause violence at Glastonbury, but yes that Bono sees the message. According to The Times newspaper, the anarchist band Chumbawamba also criticise the leader of U2 on stage wearing jerseys with the words: say no to Bono. One would expect anything other than Bono. If it were some kind dedicated to the hedge funds it would be different. But it is an impertinence boast of dnsor of the poor and oppressed and devote himself to evade taxes, criticizes the singer Jude Abbott.

Bono, known for his campaigns in favour of global poverty, it has dndido of his critics arguing that his band already pay millions of tax dollars. The four members of U2 are the musicians who most earn around the world and have a total fortune, according to The Times, of 455 million pounds (514 million euros, or us $ 731 million). Your tour number 360, which was developed in more than one dozen cities and which cost organize about 100 million dollars, generated revenues of $ 558 million. Another successful and rich band that It will act this weekend on the farm in Somerset where the Festival is Coldplay, whose live album life sold 6.8 million copies in 2008, which was an authentic record. The two bands do not have too many mutual sympathies, so two years ago, Bono was forced to apologize for geeky call Chris Martin, of Coldplay frontman in a radio interview. In remarks to a magazine, Martin, who is married to the actress Gwyneth Paltrow, gloated this week take at least one foot of height to U2. Source of the news: activists against evasion of taxes in the face of U2

TV Formats

  • Posted on October 6, 2016 at 1:02 am

The radio and television festival is one of the most important in Spain. He inaugurated a section which will be screened formats which have recorded a pilot program but that still does not have been purchased by any chain. Radio and Television of Vitoria Festival inaugurates this year a new section which will present projects of programs and series that have already made their numbers zero, but that still does not have been hired by a television network. Producers such as El Terrat, K2000, Mediapro or Petra Garmon as well as Carlos Sobera television professionals will participate in this new section called pilots, which will be announced the ten proposals selected by the Organization of the FesTVal. The festival opens its doors on August 30, and the first screening will take place the next day 31 when David Ortega will present a crazy House, a series directed by Juan Ramon Bonet and Ana Otero which narrates the disparate experiences of patients and therapists of a centre of rehabilitation of obsessive behavior compulsive, as reported today in a statement the organizers of the contest. That same day, the producer ZZJ displays his two works: someone looks at us, a program about Paranormal phenomena and amazing videos, with sightings of UFOs and possible ghosts; and does last appointment? a new format reality in which a couple in separation process envisions a documentary about their relationship.

On Thursday, September 1 Carlos Sobera will announce a new contest, common denominator, where what matters are not knowledge but quickly finding the connection between characters, places and objects. Also day 1 the Catalan producer Aproptv be screened his comedy of a series of superhero fiction, in which the four protagonists, in his eagerness to become authentic justicieros, they steal an accessory store for superheroes in Barcelona and patrol the city waiting to find an opportunity to impart justice. The day will close with a series of humor and suspense room 13 of the producer Petra Garmon, on very cheap room but that is always free so it happens; and with the program this is another story, that parodies the sinking of the Titanic, the death of Julio Cesar, the tree of Gernika or the construction of the pyramids. September 2 this section closes with two original K2000 betting: 5 waves, 5 continents, dedicated to surfing, and starring by Eneko Acero who, camera in hand, captures the essence of this sport; and what happens to me Julian, a comedy starring Gorka Otxoa and Mauro Muniz. In addition, that same day El Langui (Juan Manuel Montilla), known rapper and a Goya winner for his work on the film the trick of the manco, presented a television project based on his radio Taraska program. The singer, wrapped in this project by the producer El Terrat, will attend the capital of Alava next Jose Corbacho to present this show whose pilot program involves characters such as David Bustamante, Emilio BUTRAGUEnO or Gabino Diego. Source of the news: new television formats seeking owner in the FesTVal

Russian President

  • Posted on October 15, 2015 at 1:11 am

Gaddafi must leave because the Libyan people have the right to a democratic future, Sarkozy said in a brief statement alongside Obama. Obama and Sarkozy have analyzed the movements of civil unrest in the Arab world to determine the most appropriate ways to help them. The U.S. President, Barack Obama, said Friday that the United States and France are United in their determination to finish the task in Libya and get the March of the leader of that regime, Muammar Gaddafi. Obama met Friday with the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, on the second and final day of the G8 Summit that takes place in Deauville (France). In a brief joint statements at the end of their meeting, Sarkozy said: we share the same analysis: Gadhafi must go because the Libyan people have the right to a democratic future. Speaking candidly author told us the story.

For his part, Obama said that both had agreed that progress in the campaign of NATO in Libya has been made to protect the civilian population but this goal may not be met completely as long as Qadhafi remains in power. We all agree that we have made progress in our campaign in Libya, but the UN mandate to protect civilians while Gaddafi in Libya, directing his forces to acts of aggression against the Libyan people, explained Obama cannot be achieved. Both Presidents also discussed in their meeting the movements of civil unrest in the Arab world to demand political changes and the most appropriate ways to support them. The G8 intends to address support to these movements in its session on Friday and give his support to the plan proposed by Obama to economically assist the processes of transition in the Middle East and North Africa so that these countries can reform their finances, create employment and integrate into world trade. Obama and Sarkozy also reviewed issues as the war in Afghanistan, the Iranian nuclear programme or the progress of the global economy. In his remarks, Sarkozy said that he had congratulated Obama for his discourse on the Middle East for the past 19 days in which proposed a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders modified with exchanges of territories mutually agreed.

It was a speech lucid and courageous, said Sarkozy. After the closure of the G8 Summit Friday, Obama will depart toward Poland, the last leg of a European tour of six days that has led him also to Dublin and London. French President held another bilateral meeting with his Russian counterpart, Dmitri Medvedev, in which it exhibited their differences about international intervention in Libya on Thursday. Sarkozy, in any case, thanked Medvedev that Moscow had abstained in the vote of the U.N. resolution that allowed the operation military against the Gaddafi regime because without it Benghazi would have disappeared from the map by the deadly folly of a man who had promised a crackdown unprecedented. Also tried to convince the Russian President that will not be the international coalition, but the own Libyans, who will decide on his future. Source of the news: EE UU and France, United in their determination to “finish the job” in Libya

Lebanese Maha Akhtar

  • Posted on June 17, 2014 at 10:19 pm

After his first two novels, both autobiographical, the granddaughter of the maharani and the lost Princess, gets to test his inventive talents in a pure novel. It will be called honey and almonds and will be published in the spring. His new work will tell the story of three very modern women in the turbulent war Beirut, explains the Lebanese author Maha Akhtar. After the success of his first autobiographical novel, the granddaughter of the maharani, and full dissemination of its sequel, the lost Princess, the Lebanese Maha Akhtar has announced that next spring will publish his third work, this time a fictional story with the civil war in his native country of Fund. Although inspired by some women in his singular family, the new work, which probably will be called honey and almonds, will tell the story of three modern women (a Muslim, another Christian and one Jewish) in the turbulent war Beirut, the author has explained to. The draft, said, already it is finished in English, the language in which type and which is then translated into Spanish for Roca Editorial, which also published his first two books.

A life marked by a secret life of Maha Akhtar, born in Beirut in 1964 and with Lebanese descent, Indian and Spanish, has been marked by a secret and a confession, which his mother, made shortly before his death, in 2005, about the true identity of his biological father. Narrating his fascinating family history and the discovery of his origins in the granddaughter of the maharani, with the tragic life of his mother Zahara, his aunt Hafsah and the Indian family of his father biological, descendant of the Maharaja of Kapurthala, whom the malaguena flamenco dancer Anita Delgado (1890-1962) married (his grandmother), led him to sell over 35,000 copies in Spain and several Latin American countries. The second work by this woman who lives between New York, Seville and New Delhi, the lost Princess, is now in Second Edition just a few months after seeing the light, which promises a good future to This new part of his memoirs. A dramatic family story in the first book told its story from the point of view of the facts, more journalistic, while in the second he does so from a more intimate and emotional aspect that comes to understand and forgive a mother who left her at a British boarding school with 7 years. And despite a family history so dramatic, Maha Akhtar radiates joy and optimism. I am a person very, very normal, and sometimes I wake up in the morning and think that this no can be happening to me. Reality surpasses fiction Akhtar is considered a writer with a lot of luck, since he did not have to imagine anything to write two successful novels. And it is that in his case the cliche that the reality surpasses fiction sometimes complies to one hundred percent. From now on, and with his next third work, gets to test his skills to invent, with a pure novel that, keep the title proposes, honey and almonds, it will do rrencia to the ingredients basic of a typical Lebanese cake, but also to the color and shape that suggest the eyes of three Lebanese women who star in its new history. * You can buy books from Maha Akhtar in PopularLibros source of the news: Maha Akhtar will publish in spring her third novel, this time pure fiction