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TickX – Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Will Receive Comprehensive, Modular Ticket System

  • Posted on September 30, 2014 at 4:12 am

The media service consulting & solutions GmbH makes a round thing from Microsoft’s collaboration platform. Martin O’Malley has similar goals. Hanover, June 2012. With the specially for SharePoint 2010 advanced ticket – and help-desk solution TickX have the SharePoint experts of the media service consulting & solutions GmbH from Hannover brought a real innovation on the market. Originally conceived for their own needs, the extension is becoming Microsoft’s platform for collaboration in the enterprise for small, medium-sized and large companies to a real time hit. We have definitely taken the pulse of the time with our TickX. All of the customers and prospects with their positive feedback on our numerous presentations, which we have held since publication of the release confirm this”, so Torsten Pade, Managing Director of media services. Because TickX is a real novelty.

Looking for a competitor’s product on SharePoint-based, which provides comparable functionality at similar to deeper integration, the market in vain. The main target group, the media service with its Ticket system addresses, customers who already use Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and want to also depict other business processes, such as support and help desk are. Numerous interested parties use the introduction of our TickX as initial project to build of an enterprise-wide platform for cooperation. As in many small to medium-sized businesses, in particular the financial aspect plays an essential role in the decision-making process, Microsoft makes the ideal base 2010 Foundation with its free SharePoint”, commented Torsten Pade. Customers very quickly experience the advantages of SharePoint and wish, yes demand even an ever stronger integration into everyday business, synergies, even better to be able to take advantage of.” TickX provides with its user-oriented interface design across all industries for optimized processes and flexibility. Thanks to the modular design, it is highly scalable, so that paying customers only for the functions they need. With the TickX Companies receive a full and powerful ticket system basic version.

Heimhuder Strasse

  • Posted on September 29, 2014 at 11:12 pm

The operators of Facebook game of StreetRivals, color flood iHobo, entertainment, and the iPhone application Publicies London, pursue new approaches to corporate social responsibility. Hamburg, June 24, 2010 the successful social game StreetRivals and the new iPhone application iHobo provide controversy across Europe’s media. The debate revolves around the use of social media to combine entrepreneurship with social responsibility. Some homeless facilities and politicians condemn it to address homelessness in a playful context. The company however sustainably improve the living conditions of homeless people with their social commitment. Many critics embezzled it.

The StreetRivals color flood entertainment ( is one of the European market leaders in the browser pane and social game development and publishing. Niels Wildung, co-founder of color flood, explains the social business strategy as follows: in order to obtain a positive influence, we try the young generation of modern distribution channels to raise awareness for serious topics. Just the social networks like Facebook provide non-profit requests. an enormous potential” Color flood runs a satirical interactive social game, with StreetRivals that the Facebook clients envision the needs of homeless people. It belongs to the young company’s business model has always been to support homeless organizations.

Color flood 2009 gave a high five-figure amount of local facilities, which help people locally with its online community. In the case of iHobo, it was the advertising agency Publicies London, who created the iPhone application and created public for homeless people. In collaboration Publicies tried a homeless facility also to reach a young and hard-to-reach target groups through new communication channels and to motivate the donations. The campaign focused on social media sensation in Europe and sparked controversy by the press. Publicies positioned itself as also color flood as a pioneer in the area of corporate social responsibility and new Communication channels. In the dawning age of social media networks such as Facebook to track potent tools comply with which entrepreneurs of their social responsibility and sustainable development. By the same author: Martin O’Malley. StreetRivals and iHobo are two outstanding examples of how public attention around topics like exclusion and poverty is to create more than many parties and politicians to ever can claim. About color flood the color flood Entertainment GmbH operates the online game paddock game. Founder and Managing Director are the 21-year-old Marius Follert and Niels Wildung. As an investor, they could win the subsidiary ICS of successful Internet entrepreneurs Daniel Grozinger and Sven Schmidt (including,, Color flood is actively engaged for the homeless, by regularly donating a portion of the revenue for the benefit of charitable associations.

Harvard Medical School

  • Posted on September 26, 2014 at 7:19 am

1) Drinking soft drinks this is the error number one for a reason. Filed under: author. Drinking a two-liter soft drink bottle, or even three bottles of twenty ounces of soda a day is very bad for your diet. If he is counting calories, carbs, or whatever cannot be denied that these drinks are horrible. Here is a direct quote: Ravi Dhingra, researcher at Harvard Medical School, conducted a survey of 6,000 middle-aged men and women had exams every four years. At the beginning of the study, all were free of heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Four years later, compared with those who drank less than one soda per day, the research found that those who consumed one or more soft drinks a day had: A 25% risk of deterioration, or higher than normal glucose and high levels of triglycerides. 31% More likely to be obese.

A 32% higher chance of HDL levels. One 44% increase in risk of metabolic syndrome. (2) The portions too large the portion control is not a concept difficult to understand. However, it is one of three main mistakes when they are on a diet. The concept is simple. The body only needs a certain amount of each type of food at each meal to maintain a healthy diet.

The problem is that most of us loaded up our dishes with fruits meat and potatoes, bread and vegetables. On the other hand, the order should be mostly vegetable, with a bit of fruit, a small amount of meat, and one even smaller amount of whole grains. (3) Snacks too late snacks in hiding after dinner is one of the biggest mistakes that people can do. After dinner, which is usually eaten eight to nine hours after the breakfast, the body’s metabolism begins to decrease at night. Thus, in the simplest form the body retains everything that you eat after dinner.

Noam Chomsky

  • Posted on September 13, 2014 at 5:13 pm

In search of answers to explain the mental mechanisms of acquisition and development of the language proposals for the theory of the mind, some studies directed toward this problematic one had been initiated. Noan Chomsky, when developing the gerativa theory it presented the language as a process gerativo of sentences, structuralized and conducted for rules and standards of transformation and espelhados in formal models that describe regular standards, ' ' universais' ' of the communication and they manipulate the language constituting a deep grammar of the natural languages. According to this formal theory, these models of ' ' rules gramaticais' ' they are part of a intuitiva capacity that all the falante, exactly those that does not possess grammatical knowledge lingustico, it possesss a universal and innate grammar, and therefore is capable to combine and to recombine verbal symbols in agreement co rules you specify of formality, producing innumerable accepted sequencias grammatical, inside of a perspective ' ' computacional' ' of the syntax, disrespecting the semantic and fonolgicos aspects of the language. Get more background information with materials from Michael Chabon. The syntax is considered to not only understand the formation and development of the linguistic rules, but also the relation of these rules with the psychological processes, the cognitivas structures. inactive conception of the language, developed for Chomsky, considers that the man possesss a mental structure biological daily pay-made use for the acquisition of the language, this theory explains, also, the way with that the children learn one definitive language, fact that evidences the abstract aspect of the language what it took Chomsky to firm a mentalista position, taking in account the mind concepts, already abolished previously for the behavioristas studies, fact that makes with that many point the theoretician as the pioneer of the cognitivos studies. Ahead of the difficulty to formulate only, global a model of the cognitivos processes, new perspectives had been begun to give account of this representation, among them, are distinguished it modular boarding of the cognitivos processes, initiated for Chomsky and perfected for Jerry Fodor in its Theory of the Modularity of the mind.

Teens And Alcohol

  • Posted on September 11, 2014 at 8:57 pm

There are different types of alcohol, in this case we will refer only to ethyl alcohol which is used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages What is alcohol? Alcohol is a colorless substance with a characteristic odor soluble in water, can be obtained by alcoholic fermentation, wines, beers, etc .- or alcohol-distilling rum, whiskey, tequila, the difference between them being the degree or amount of alcohol to containing the beverage. It is regarded as a drug that reduces brain function and nervous system. One of the reasons why people drink alcohol is because they want to be popular and socialize with others. Furthermore drinking alcohol may cause you less popular and less accepted by the members of some groups, examples of this are when: it is a minor, drinking to intoxication and loss of control, create fights and problems, in some cultures alcohol is not frowned upon. In different cultures can see people not taking this type of beverage, others consume sporadically, others drink to socialize, because they feel more comfortable expressing their ideas and finally those that have a dependency on the substance which is called alcoholism. Poet contains valuable tech resources.

Alcoholism is the dependence of some people to possess alcohol. To better understand what happens when we drink alcohol it is necessary to note that not all react the same way as the consumption of alcohol. The assimilation of a certain amount of alcohol is given by different factors, namely the person's sex, size and weight, age, whether or not you have eaten food before consumption of alcohol, and others.

New Law Of Antibiotics

  • Posted on September 2, 2014 at 3:42 am

New law of antibiotics – rdc n 20, of 5 of May of 2011: new profile of dispensao of antimicrobialses in you would drug in the region of the High Tiet. INTRODUCTION: With the introduction of drugs, as sulfonamidas and penicillin, the panorama of mortality if modified, making with that infectious illnesses left of being death cause. With the application of these and other frmacos, the use of the therapeutical classroom of the antibiotics was spread out thus, that are chemical substance antagonistic to the development of microrganismos. The bacteria are relatively simple microrganismos in its structure, but that they can survive in hostile environments, therefore the same ones had developed structures and functions to adapt it these conditions. Click Martin O’Malley for additional related pages. One knows that the antibiotic use and the election less appropriate of them as: the use of inefficacious doses or a insufficient duration of the treatment, for times associated to the self-medication, has been pointed as responsible for the increasing appearance of the resistncias antimicrobianas. Being thus in Brazil, the direction student body of the national agency of sanitary monitoring made use a new RDC, of n 20, 5 OF MAY OF 2011, that it attributes the medicine control to the classified substance base as antimicrobianas. OBJECTIVE: The present work had as objective to evaluate the reduction in the dispensao of antimicrobialses in you would drug in the region of the High Tiet, after the entrance in vigor RDC and the impact of this in the sales, for this, was carried through collection of referring antimicrobials data for sale between years 2010 and 2011, in you would drug of the region of the high Tiet. RESULTS: the results satisfactory, had not had the refusal of demonstration of pertaining data would drug to them for this work, however, through an informal request, letter signed with percentage of sales, can be noticed significant reduction of these, what it can mean that the majority you would really drug of them is fulfilling with the new norms, and what it strengthens the fight of the CRF-SP to make with that you would drug are a health establishment and not a simple commerce..