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  • Posted on July 30, 2013 at 2:55 pm

As everyone knows that the family is the pillar and Foundation of the development of every human being, East by both should provide physical, mental and emotional health; allowing them to achieve an organization, structure and functioning of such, which can determine a stable way in individual life and group this with the particular characteristics of each family will be determined by various factors such as their customs, habits, context, social and economic position, etc., but under healthy acceptance of their reality. What functional family projects is: in the functional family: relationships are well established. Accepted the hierarchy or the existence of authorities family the parents-under the respect and love. Are positive for all their members. All action leads them invariably to reach a clear agreement on the exercise of the live and coexist. This is reflected in the satisfaction of being together. Family members, willingness to accept determine special and specific times for live together, no matter the age or individual activities. The search for other groups that replaced the family hardly occurs.

They coexist with the ability to recognize that each of them have individual needs and interests. So you need some degree of privacy. Respect for each of them and their needs. There is no conditioning or being tried or prosecuted for being different from the rest of the family. There are no internal coalitions or competence among the members of the family.

They behave as a group requiring no subgroups to achieve objectives. The limits of the family are clear and everyone sees it as a unit. The education system is accepted. There are no assaults, impositions or powers fight among members. This because everyone knows partakers of the approaches within the family and have adopted them as their own. It is a structure of bargaining to fix conflicts. There is flexibility. There is authoritarianism. Presents a clear communication that allows the spontaneity.

Partner Organizations

  • Posted on July 29, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Caves indicated that these companies take advantage of this system to be able to run over us, which we as FAGA, we have many partner organizations, we are going to do a work so that this could come to fruition, i.e., that not it materialize, clarifying that even many farmers say that if there is a law that makes this I’ll sell well, they are wrong. Peace Foitzick, spokeswoman for the regionalist movement, stated that what we are denouncing here is indolence and lack of transparency of the State and the Government to be able to inform those who will be adversely affected. We are talking about more than 600 homeowners who affect these mining motions, as well as a myriad of productive activities in our region linked to livestock, forest, aquaculture on a small scale, tourism. He added that the commitment of the organizations involved in the complaint is starting a work of information in each one of the municipalities and also for organizing the peasant world, because clearly in one region such as ours, with isolation and lack of access to the media, the State has not complied with reporting and ensure the transparency of such processes has been a let. The Coordinator of the citizen by Aysen Reserva de life, Peter Hartmann, Coalition expressed that in order to carry out the projects of dams is abusing the mining code to, in practice, expropriate the land people access without permission and do whatever they want with a law that is aimed at anything else.

He explained that the mining concession entitles you to do what you want in the basement, but you must gain access to the basement. To have that right they can make up whatever they want also.

President Michelle Bachelet

  • Posted on July 23, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Pinera plummet in the polls. Not even the helicopter saves him from this. The latest ADIMARK survey shows that the adoption of the current President of the Republic, Sebastian Pinera, fell to 41%. Worse still, first rejection marks more point than the approval (46%). What’s happening with people? not supposed that they wanted a change, which got tired of the conclusion? There is the solution to all your problems, what the public asked for. We have a President extremely moth, because where there are cameras and lights, Pinera is present with its the Grinch smile. No, I don’t like Frei is very stubborn, he has no charisma said people.

And well, we can now appreciate a number of pinericosas, as what message Nazi in Germany, the extravagant pinned and the existence of many animals that we had no ideas who inhabited so many things in our country, like the Leopard for example, in the end. It is clear that the people He intended to change the insolence and bad habits that had some members of the coalition. A smell of rot out at the meetings of the parties. Now, they are in an Action Plan or better ventilation Plan, since they want to rewrite the conclusion with new ideas and new faces. Which for me, has no strength yet.

In addition, we all know that the future presidential letter of the Concertacion, is the former President Michelle Bachelet. Okay, he is a great professional made a big government, but what change I speak, if they are going to be the same types before, only with other charges, perhaps not so important, but just be there as ticks. Therefore, that faced with these surveys is a focus clear, that neither the right nor the left call have things clear, i.e. not know where goes the micro. Lack change several things in our Constitution regarding what is democracy, which makes him sick absence to our country. When truth exists, will not have major problems with social policies and decadent figures called 01-02-11 Presidents Juan M.

President Hosni Mubarak

  • Posted on July 11, 2013 at 5:11 pm

They have sent a statement to support camping in Spain. Ye (the Spaniards) are proof that we can build a world different and better, they say. In Egypt they succeeded the fall of President Hosni Mubarak after 18 days of protests. The coalition of young people by the revolution and the campaign of solidarity with the Arab revolutions have sent from Cairo (Egypt) a manifesto of support for camping organized by the movement 15-M in all Spain, with special importance to the crowd from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. As can be read on the blog the Minotaur anda loose, the international information journalist Olga Rodriguez, Egyptian activists who protested in Tahrir square for weeks until the fall of Hosni Mubarak, sent their greetings to the Spanish fight and are happy to be able to return to Spain the support they also Spaniards gave them at their time in their demand for democracy and social justice. With our unit in Tahrir square between different forces and social movements, between young and older, joining millions of poor and working people, derrocamos to dictator Mubarak, and took a great step forward in the struggle for a better world, he said the statement and adds: ye (the Spaniards), along with the revolutions in the South and East of the Mediterranean, are proof that we can build a different and better world. Source of the news: Egyptian activists give their support to the movement of 15-M

The Original Attempt To Revive The Celtic Culture

  • Posted on July 11, 2013 at 3:47 pm

In this time of global culture, while the economy is universalized, it also is producing a homogenization of global culture so ancient cultural small are losing prominence. On this occasion created a new Web site that tries to resume starting this week, Celtic culture, presenting the world in one of the places where more deeply rooted Celtic has been the magic. ” So Brian has presented O’donoughes, head of the new project the idea of which arises the new portal. “Ireland is a country which suffered a great loss of this Celtic culture when the English came, and again gets to experience a setback with the arrival on the island of the different communities of different nationalities that are being established as a result of economic boom of recent years. Therefore, with this new site we try to recover a bit of knowledge about the original Celtic culture is “as referring to the continued O’donoughes reason has led them to the realization the new website. The new portal comes with a handy user-friendly menu is divided into different sections based on presenting the history and culture while accompanying it with the possibilities that are in Ireland to discover the ancient culture that has inhabited the North Atlantic country for many centuries.

This makes it possible to join one of the excursions offered by either group, organized tours, city tours and other activities such as hiking the website offers to discover some of the places, many of them sacred, in which breathing the essence of Celtic culture. “There is much that Celtic culture in Ireland has provided over a long time, music, folklore, including the openness of its people, the value has family in Ireland and we can not let that be lost. So we wanted to return as Irish somehow a little bit of this to the Celtic culture, promoted through our site. ” Thus ended an interesting designer presentation of the new portal has done. is the Spanish version of the new site and all information and services offered can be found in Spanish.

The Article

  • Posted on July 2, 2013 at 4:32 pm

What causes fever? In the majority of cases a fever is caused by a disease or an underlying infection. When the immune system fights an infection, it generates heat, which gives rise to an increase in the temperature of the body. In addition, the hypothalamus (which acts as the body thermostat) increases baseline body temperature. This elevated body temperature assists the immune system in ridding the body of disease such as viruses and bacteria, which thrive in cooler environments and can not withstand high temperatures. The causes of a fever may be caused desdela common teething in children and a fighter from the flu, to more serious conditions such as pneumonia, glandular fever, sunburn and sunstroke. They can even occur as a result of certain medications including some antibiotics, blood pressure, antidepressants, and anti-convulsivas drug medications. It is therefore always important to monitor a fever and seek medical attention if rapidly increasing, or persists, in order to achieve a correct diagnosis.

Help for fever treat a fever It will depend on the underlying cause as well as the severity of the fever. Some health care providers are against of trying to lower light fevers because this interferes with the natural response of the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. However, caution always must be taken to treat children where they are potentially dangerous fevers. Conventional treatment there are a large number of commonly used medications to reduce a fever. These include acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin. It is important to note that aspirin should never give to children, as it can cause serious side effects including Reye’s syndrome potentially fatal that causes inflammation of the brain and vomiting. Parents home treatment can help manage the temperature of your child using a cool compress and encouraging them to that drink plenty of cool fluids.

Children can dehydrate very rapidly by fever, so it is advisable to give them fluids containing electrolytes. Another method of lowering a fever is a sponge bath warm, or a warm bath. Make sure that this not cold water and remove your child from the bath and dry them quickly if they are shivering since the quake increases the temperature of the body. Make sure that your child is getting rest. Given that fevers are usually the result of an underlying infection, their bodies need more sleep and rest to fight viruses or bacteria that cause it. The herbal remedies and homeopathic natural related fever are a natural method to gently and effectively without the associated risks often reduce the fever in a child to legal medications. Herbal ingredients such as Yarrow and Meadowsweet have long histories of use in reducing fevers and relief of a number of symptoms that usually accompany a fever. Another beneficial herb that can be used to help to a febrile child is Passiflora incarnate which helps relieve irritability, anxiety and pain, while it promotes sleep. Given that a fever is usually caused by a disease or an underlying infection, is also useful to explore natural remedies that work to support the immune system such as Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus membranaceous. Original author and source of the article.