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Contaminated Money

  • Posted on July 17, 2021 at 10:33 am

Years ago I made an funny experiment and without no scientific rigor. I reunited to several people of my confidence and before serving to the foods and drinks that it had bought to entertain them, I asked to them that they imagined hungry hopelessly. With different degrees from involvement in the game, they accepted the slogan. Soon I put in center of the circle that we formed, a book very used (of which one nor imagines by how many hands happened) and a ticket mistreated enough, of that demonstrate to have had a great circulation. Soon I supported on the book and the ticket, individual bread pieces. Which would eat being that is very hungry? The unanimous answer was that they would eat the bread piece supported on the book and that they would not prove the bread piece supported on the money. Although this experiment is not very serious, equal it serves to ask to us to what extent the paper very used in a ticket imagines it contaminated whereas the paper very used in a book also does not assume it contaminated. Like result practitioner we can think that it is probable that our rejection to the money can start off of the prejudice of which is polluting, enfermante.

Healthful Cellular Regeneration

  • Posted on July 13, 2018 at 5:41 pm

Reports of people exist who have undergone positive results using products for the striae, the majority of these are designed to promote a healthful cellular regeneration. The care of the skin is a daily battle that is worth the pain to have to avoid the striae since your skin is most visible. Especially during the pregnancy or when being gaining weight, the care of the skin must be an essential part every night. Products that include vitamin and, cream of butirospermo, cream of cacao and aloe would help to maintain the elasticity of the skin besides maintaining hydrated it. To know more about this subject visit Diamond Book Distributors. The skin that had scars and does not heal express or are marks generally tend to have pronounce or evident striae but. Two of the great changes that you face the women during the pregnancy are the weave distension as well as the hypersensitivity of the skin and the majority (96%) of the future mothers are worried about the appearance of the skin, the striae head the list of the preoccupations, which are presents in the 60-80% of the pregnant women.

But of 50% they undergo sensible and heavy sines, tired legs, whereas approximately one third part of the pregnant women has the parched and sensible skin. Nevertheless there are the good news if to you striae formed to him, recently I am realised a test in the skin of women that finished giving light, some for the first time, others for the second time, third and until for fourth time, also in which they had gained weight and they had developed striae. The results were impressive, some products that were applied for the striae reduced or eliminated the striae totally! But because they leave striae to us? The striae are scars that are after the skin stretches too much, you can make things very easy to prevent the striae: It drinks as much water as you can Avoids meals that get fat and that contain quite greasy Avoids to take coffee in excess Beam exercise regularly It eats foods with nutrients that help to maintain the skin like Zinc, Vitamins To, C healthful and healthful proteins some of you would find these them in the fruits As your treatment is progressing using the product against the striae, you can choose some way to cover them, at least until your skin improves. It remembers that the best products eliminated the striae totally and until wrinkles, scars and spots in the skin will be of aid eliminating. It demands the good appearance and beauty of your skin. If it wishes to suggest a subject of health or beauty in which this interesting or wants to receive my publications in his mail escrbame: we continue growing in health.

CRM Compiere

  • Posted on January 8, 2017 at 11:11 pm

Redwood Shores, Calif., and Madrid, Spain – the 18 of March of 2008 – Compiere, Inc. (, the global leader in solutions of Open Source businesses, today announced an agreement with Directive Soft, whose Spanish version of software specializes in solutions for resources of enterprise planning (ERP). According to the agreement, Directive Soft has been positioned like Authorized Compiere Gold Partner an Authorized partner of Compiere that will locate, will resell, it will implement and give support to Compiere in Spain and through 18 countries of Spanish speech by everybody. Directive Soft was founded in the middle of years 1980 to provide sales, consultancy, development, putting in practice and services of ERP. Bernie Sanders: the source for more info. The company was united to the world-wide network of Compiere to unfold and to expand the platform of Compiere being located software and adding specific characteristics of each region. ” After determining the future direction of our investment in engineering, we chose Compiere, since they are those that better they represent products and the services that everywhere support the companies of our necessity of market to automate processes ERP and CRM, ” Fernandez de Directive said to Isidro Soft. The solutions of Compiere business allow businesses in industries like the manufacturing distribution, services of sale to the public and professionals to gain competitive advantages for the financial automatization, the distribution, the sales and processes on watch. Offering solutions through a model of business of they open source, Compiere qualifies to the businesses so that they obtain the benefits of the automatization of ERP to only one small part of the cost of the traditional product proprietor of software.

Stuart Bagshaw, the director of Operations of Compiere, indicates, ” Compiere and Directive Soft are working together to direct the demand of an increasing client in economic and adaptable solutions of business for all parts of Spain and Latin America. Directive Soft provides to clients with Compiere the access to the solutions with Open Source business endorsed by a deep experience with ERP. ” The network of Compiere is a world-wide network of integrated systems, suppliers of application solutions that provide consultancy, implementation and services of personalisation to users of Compiere. Like a Gold Authorized Partner, Directive Soft will have direct access to the support of Compiere, engineering, the marketing and resources of the sales. About Directive Soft: Directive Soft, has adapted Compiere to the Spanish market and the market of countries of Hispanic language, adapting it to its tax characteristics and required countable functionalities in each region.

With this it obtains the most stable ERP in the Latin American community, allowing to take several countable schemes to companies that have diverse locations in different countries. This way, Directive Soft fulfills the objective to help its clients to generate efficiencies from the implementation of vanguard solutions. For more information, please it visits. About Compiere, Inc. Compiere, Inc. gives the enterprise resource but widely used of planning of ERP and CRM in open source, with more than 1.3 million software unloadings. The applications are constructed in a development platform based on an innovating model that provides to the client adaptability without precedents, fast implantation and low cost of acquisition. The company is private and his it soothes central is located in Redwood Shores, California. Compiere, Inc. offers commercial endorsement, support and services for its authorized world-wide network of partners who operate in more than 25 countries. For more information, please it visits.

Work Accidents

  • Posted on May 6, 2015 at 4:04 am

To prevent labor accidents and diseases in order to safeguard the life and health of the workers, being favored the productivity and competitiveness in the companies is one of the main targets for the Government of Egidio Cant Tower, reason why in the organization the Days of Prevention of Labor Risks have started up. Carlos Sanchez Aguilar, ordered of the office of the Secretariat of the Work, informed that in the city of Reynosa event was carried out east that counted on the participation of specialists in the matter of labor security. For this dependency, is vitally important to reinforce the conditions of labor security so that Tamaulipas continues being a place with safe centers of work, reason why they are carrying out in different municipalities from the organization, said. It emphasized that from the beginning of this Government, the Secretariat of the Work received the charge to integrate and to enable the Commissions of Security and Hygiene and to the Tamaulipas date has been placed in the first places of the country, in this task. Of year last to the date the Secretariat of the Work, with support of industralists, unions, workers and lecturers, has become qualified to more of thousand commissions, giving like result, to diminish labor accidents, commented Sanchez Aguilar. The conferences were distributed Prevention of Addictions in the Labor Atmosphere, by Carlos Guevara Lopez, director of the Center New Life in Reynosa; on the Classification of the Fire, Quench agents and Application of the Official Norm Mexican NOM-154-SCFI-2005, that was in charge of Pink Ren Alberto Sanchez and char it referring to the Importance of the Commissions of Security and Hygiene in the Centers of Work, were in charge of Antonio Sarabia Cant, Consultant of Health in the Work, the Inspection of Work of the State again Leon.