Working – 8 hours the waked up human being, does not support to be motionless for much time. God wise person of this, thus, when the man created, gave also useful occupation to it (work), that is, had to subject, to dominate, to cultivate and to keep the land. Gnesis 1:28 Before the sin work was a pleasure, later, became tiring and many times indesejado. Gnesis 3:17 – 19 Gods gave the work to be a blessing.
That one that works is exercising its body and, as tool that is used it does not rust, also the body that works enjoys of better health, free etc. To have mind, body and time is a danger; are opened doors the Satan to act freely in our lives. It has people that they do not like it work, which God of the o advice in Sayings 6:6; on the other hand it has people that they only think about the work. Not to work is a disaster and to work excessively also can be. God wants that he has balance.
3. Comungando – 8 hours) With the family. Recreation: to walk the foot, the horse, of bicycle, to hear a good music; to read a good book; to take care of of the garden; to plant one horta; to look at the birds; to contemplate the sky, rain; to feel the breeze; to hear the wife, the children and etc. b) the necessary husband to have time to dedicate to the wife. I Color. 7:33, Efsios 5:31. wife must have time to dedicate to time its husband. Tito 2:3 – the 5 parents need to dedicate to time its children. Efsios 6:4; Sayings 22:6. all family must take off a time for the domestic cult. C) Personal Devocional. Tempo to read, to meditar in the Holy Writs and to pray (Sl.1: 2,3; I Tss. 5:17). Tempo with the brothers (Church/Cell): Yes we must redeem our time Mr. Hebreus 10:24 – It considers the others. Joo 15:12 – It loves the others. Joo 14:14 – 15 – Serves the others. Hebreus 10:24 – It stimulates the others. Romanos 12:10 – preference Gives to the others. I Tess. 4:18 – It comforts the others. Judas 23 – It gains the others. II Timteo 2:2 – It teaches the others. Atos 2:46; 5:46 – It is congregated with the others in the Temple and the Cells. Filipenses 2:4 – Partilhe with the others. We must therefore, to redeem our time for God. Joshua and its family had taken the decision to use to advantage the time. ‘ ‘ I and my house will serve the Mr. ‘ ‘ Joshua 24:15. Conclusion We arrive the conclusion of our concise one study on the time. Who is wise will know to manage this gift coming of the Onipotentes hands de Deus, Mr. of the time. The trusted time foiz us so that let us use in our personal preparation for this life and the perpetual life. Without a doubt, God will ask for accounts of our time, the lost time for recklessness or ignorance of its value. It is time of being saint, pure, strong and useful. It is also time to search the Mr. while he is close. Isaiah Shalom 55:6 u’ vrachot! Favour and peace!