General Directorate

  • Posted on April 19, 2016 at 5:18 pm

Less withholding than other Friday occurred in the early hours. Special device has started up from 15.00 hours will be extended until noon on Monday, August 1 night. 20minutos. is, in collaboration with Amovens, offers a new service to its readers: the possibility of sharing car on their travels. The first hours of the operation on the occasion of the August holidays have passed smoothly on the roads, especially in the output of large cities, where since three o’clock in the afternoon there have been even fewer problems than any other Friday. In the first five hours of the first exodus of holiday in August, which started at 15: 00 and runs until midnight on Monday, there has been no fatal accidents, as reported to the General Directorate of traffic (DGT). At eight in the evening, only in the A-1 in the Madrilena locality of San Agustin de Guadalix occurred three kilometers from withholding in direction Burgos, while an accident in the kilometre 340 of the A-6 in Brazuelo (Leon) has caused traffic jams seven miles that have been forced to divert the movement in direction A Coruna by the N-6. Also recorded driving slow in the A-2, Garbajosa (Guadalajara), because of a breakdown of a vehicle; in two tracks the province of Granada, the A-44 and the N-340, as well as on the A-8, in Cantabria.

However, the normality of the start of the August vacation exodus has been the protagonist throughout the afternoon, with the exception of withholding timely at the start of the output operation in the M-40, at the height of Coslada, where at 16: 30 hours traffic was slow and stops are registered in the province of Burgos. intermittent in the A-1 in the town of Puebla de Arganzon. Three three traffic accidents traffic accidents have also caused withholding first thing in the afternoon; two were produced in Asturias, specifically in the A-66, Robledo, and in A-64, in Viella, and a third in Brazuelo (Leon) that to four in the afternoon caused cuts traffic and deviations in the A-6, felt A Coruna, which remained at seven o’clock in the evening. Throughout the province of Cadiz, the wind hinders circulation, so that from the DGT, caution is advised when drivers. Special device has started up from 15.00 hours will be extended to twelve night on Monday, August 1, three days in which 6.7 million of long-haul trips are expected.

In addition, traffic estimated that during the entire month of August 43 million from trips occur on the road, one million less than in the same month of 2010, period in which killed 188 people in accidents. High levels of pollution, traffic and economic cost that will generate these shifts could be reduced with a simple solution. From 26 April Amovens and 20 minutes offer a system that allow you to connect with other users to share the vehicle. Source of the news: tranquillity in roads dominates the beginning of operation output the month of August

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