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Everyday Operation

  • Posted on August 27, 2015 at 1:26 pm

Balancend Scorecard expert Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch speaks at event the DGQ regional district, Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, Germany. How can we ensure that our strategy is implemented in day-to-day operation? And how we make sure that our employees have the business goals in mind for their deeds? Many business leaders wondering just in turbulent times, in which a strategy adjustment is often necessary. “The balanced scorecard (BSC) is an instrument for the introduction of strategy / implementation the both highly praised as well as the source of numbers cemeteries” is branded. See O’Malley for President for more details and insights. Against this background the regional district in Schleswig-Holstein, the German society for quality (DGQ) organized the 6th March, from 15: 00 in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce in Kiel on Tuesday, an event on the subject with the balanced scorecard to the successful and sustainable companies”.

For this purpose, all executives of companies are cordially invited. After the welcome of the participants by Dr. Klaus Thoms, head of the regional district of the DGQ Schleswig-Holstein is the Munich-based expert on strategy implementation, Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch about the success factors in the implementation of the balanced scorecard”talk. In detail the adviser who accompanied more than 60 strategy implementation projects in companies, is up on the strengths and weaknesses of the balanced scorecard. In addition, the author of two books on the subject of strategy implementation, where the sticking points are the introduction and working with the balanced scorecard explains. Then Tim Scherer, Director of the Schleswig-Holstein land forests, Neumunster, and social portrays as the State company developed the balanced scorecard to the sustainable balanced scorecard (SBSC), to a unison by economics, ecology in terms of sustainability”to achieve.

Also he explains how the company introduced the SBSC and what’s your experience so that it collects in everyday operation. After the presentations, the participants can discuss each with the speakers. The participation of approximately 2.5-hour Event is free of charge. Will be asked to login. For more information interested on the homepage of the German society for quality ( under the heading of regional districts.