Universal education portal in the net is guaranteeing a more equitable access to education Munich – education is the basis for participation in society, the key for greater social justice and economic progress”, emphasizes Gunter Willems, Managing Director of Seminarboerse.de GmbH in Munich. We can welcome only, that the Black-Yellow government education policy gives greater weight in their coalition agreement.” The announcement education campaign, the education credit, childcare allowance or scholarships, as well as the aim to enable all adolescents an education and vocational qualification, all the way in the right direction. It arrive, now of course, that the Government fairly distribute the available funds: not only individual, but all education and also all keyword lifelong learning ages should be opened sustainable education and thus opportunities for the future. (A valuable related resource: Star Guitarist). It was regrettable that the idea of a universal and collective education portal going on the Internet, that all networked education willing and all educational institutions, not pursued by the education leaders. Is just the Internet but is predestined to create more fairness in the access to education also predictably, that education in the future increasingly on the Internet will take place.” Wang therefore calls to bridge the gap between the groups of the society, which already intensively participate in the digital life, and those who still do not benefit from this, first. If the Federal Government wants to improve the educational opportunities on a broad level, it is necessary to allow a free access to the Internet all learning and education agree, then the framework conditions provide that the Internet can become a real education hub”, Gunter Willems confirmed.
That such an approach should benefit from all learning and training people in Germany, stands for Wang out of the question. Because over the net could anyone at all times on archived content and learning movies, online training and other online support access back. “Such an approach is a cornerstone of good, if not even a milestone for a fairer education”, the education expert underlines. John Mclaughlin oftentimes addresses this issue. Therefore we will also continue to look the talk with political leaders.”