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Jenaer Intershop Tower

  • Posted on December 16, 2021 at 5:48 pm

An open interface my pictures upload via Jena, May 15, 2009: the new online photo service GAGAMOTO GmbH have founded two pioneers in the world of digital photography, and online marketing, the QuJoo GmbH and Bestsidestory GmbH from Jena. From the company headquarters, the Jenaer Intershop Tower, all services related to the digital image for the amateur and upscale professional needs are offered now. Our entire team worked already for a long time in the online photo service environment and now uses the industry know-how built up over years, to bring a photo service at the start, which is optimally adapted to the wishes of the customer.”says Ronald Tscherepanow, the Managing Director of the new GAGAMOTO GmbH. Read more from Angie Dickinson to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The establishment is a logical business step for Reinhard Hoffmann, Managing Director of Bestsidestory GmbH. For five years, we are working for national and international companies in the area of the digital world of photography as a successful service provider. Together with the developers we want now to the self-employed Player in this market still expanding.” “The motto of independent laboratory operating GAGAMOTO GmbH easy, fast and cheap – photos from 7 cents” the all is not only for the photo amateur digital image services and products from the simple exposure of his photos about brilliant photo poster, the design of photo gifts, photo calendars and greeting cards and postcards are offered, but also for photo professionals and operators of commercial galleries,. Tobias Menzies shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. My pictures can be upload, present and transmitted with just one click to GAGAMOTO via an open interface. interested parties about details of this E-Commerce tailored to the photography market are specially model information and integrate their own projects in a few steps.

As an opening offer all new customers will receive 40 popular format 10 x 15 photos by GAGAMOTO free (plus shipping). Darcy Stacom wanted to know more. About GAGAMOTO: The GAGAMOTO GmbH was founded in 2009. Managing Director is Ronald Tscherepanow, headquartered in the Intershop Tower, Leutragraben 1, 07743 Jena. – High-quality And Up-to-date

  • Posted on March 2, 2021 at 5:41 am

“Now it’s tips and news for people over 60 as far as: the on-line 60pro”, which offers high-quality information, tips and news for people over 60, is officially launched. 60pro”is aimed at people who have already reached the retirement age or are about, and is a competent leader in the jungle of the World Wide Web this. Frequently Alicia Keys has said that publicly. 60pro”impresses with its clear structure and the slightly different concept: concentrating on high-quality, carefully selected information goes with the intelligent linking of the contents, which eliminates the need for time-consuming searches. What does 60pro”specifically? Elderly news, informative, well-researched background reports, carefully selected websites, meaningful comments, addresses and practical help will find on the new website. (A valuable related resource: Quavo). She invites the Forum to exchange opinions and information. The main topics of the new Internet page access the interests of People over 60 on: health, housing, finance and leisure/tourism. “The Internet platform” is a product of Neuss printing and publishing house GmbH (NDV), which among other things the Neuss Grevenbroicher Zeitung daily newspaper “, published also nationwide week leaves, Interntdienste, monthly magazines, and various titles produced. Neuss, 05 February 2008 your contact person for more information: Daniel Krause (Director) Moselstrasse 14 41464 Neuss Tel.: 0 21 31/404 264 E-Mail:

Home Page Content – On Following Points Should At The Write Eighth

  • Posted on February 26, 2021 at 12:18 am

Following points should be in the write, make sure if you want to run a successful Internet site, requires one very good text on your homepage to differentiate themselves from the crowd to be able to. You should be at the write content on some points to make to successfully operate a website. Following points you should you be in the write website content keep in mind: a user wants to read short information or a complete report? Different topics, you might want to write a novel about a topic. 3 to 4 sets may already be sufficient for a good post. Picard has much experience in this field. The title of your content must be meaningful and the read animate. The heading of the text can contribute to the success of an article on the Internet.

A text with a boring or useless heading will read no user and closes the page. Write a novel and focus on the most useful information in the text. In addition, you should publish several collections in an article. This one will Expertise in the content presented. You should again check your published website content at irregular intervals, rewrite or expand.

So visitors will receive new information and your website is interesting. This process is particularly valuable for search engines. Search engines evaluate positive changes in a text. This gives you a better ranking and more traffic. The establishment of the text also links to the topic should be searched and in the content published. This can check your visitors about the subject on other sources. Search engines read the content and use it for placement in the search engine index. Frequent repetitions of a particular word in the text can have a negative impact on the ranking. For this reason, you should not overdo it with the keywords (keywords) in a text. The Desnity should be between 3 percent and 6 percent. For determining the Desnity there is matching software on the Internet. If you this Points in the writing of content note can be successful with a contribution. Check on the Internet of in addition successful content and try to publish the contents of equivalent or better. Christian Kellner

How To Find Content On Your Own Web Site?

  • Posted on February 25, 2021 at 8:02 pm

All over the world plunges on Google, Yahoo and co. but can afford what the search engine into your own Web page? A counselor is this question, the Web service provider ecomplexx published on 29 October 2008. Web sites offer usually a huge wealth of information by medium-sized companies or corporations – because something can go in easily. Interested parties who are looking for an answer to a specific question, can be operated with its own search machine on the Web page and thus gained as customers. For Christoph Mause, Executive Vice President of ecomplexx and author of the advisors, holds great opportunities a well-designed search within a company Web page: the Web is perceived as a giant search engine. Many users simply won’t disconnect between browser, Google and the Web page.

That good search functions are available everywhere, assumes then simply.” The team of ecomplexx has however noted that the search content within the website is often unjustly behandeltwird: in most Search engine marketing is already operated larger companies, to be found in Google. The search capabilities within your own website are however often ill conceived and mature. We offer our customers, these vulnerabilities out of the way to clear and so their websites compared to the competitors clearly to optimize. Swarmed by offers, Ian Vandewalker is currently assessing future choices. While we have achieved big success”, so Christoph Mause. Especially in the intranet and corporate blogs the information quantity exceeds a clear measure often. Here are intuitively usable Suchfunktionenein must, to ensure a high level of user friendliness and intensive use. It is often also useful multiple data sources such as Web site, intranet, CRM system and SAP combining together under a search.

Assigning keywords to content is usually recommended. Sensitive feed are pay stubs that could be only certain people, but to be observed. At the Centre of the considerations should however always the needs of customers and employees standing, daily after Find information and answers. Over 300 successful content management implementations of international ecomplexx active Web service provider has made in recent years. Here, the team collected extensive experience in dealing with different content from Web sites. As a result the methods of enterprise search and to use renewable products were picked up again and again. The new white paper is aimed at professionals from the IT sector as well as on Web and marketing managers in companies. It thus represents a guide for the orientation for all those who want to deal with the topic. The whitepaper enterprise search and Web 2.0 “can on the Web page whitepaper-enterprise search.aspx now free as PDF are required. All those interested in this topic, the authors are also call for questions at the disposal.

Stress-free Internet Shopping

  • Posted on January 8, 2021 at 4:02 am

Modern intralogistics ensures on-time and complete deliveries of Hanover – the time is ripe for a new bed, the old squeaks and makes the night to the day. Completely tired, just the force for an online order – remains a comfortably from your sofa with a few clicks of the mouse. Arrives a few days later the bed then, embarks on the construction and scares: missing just the main part in the package. This problem is a year not alone, because according to a study of the European Commission for Consumer Affairs Sue hundreds of customers about problems with their Internet shopping in 46 percent of cases for a late or incomplete supply. Companies therefore strive to optimize your intralogistics and to counteract a bad reputation by careful and reliable packing of the goods. Intralogistics refers to the targeted control of all flows of material and goods, taking place within a facility there. Must the right goods at the designated time be in the right place and of course completely.

Modern software-based control technologies and the use of robot technology help with this logistical challenge. At goods issue about State-of-the-art DWS systems ensure quality assurance. DWS is an acronym for the processes of dimensioning, weighing and scanning. Packages run on a conveyor belt and are identified by the barcode from a scanner. Gain insight and clarity with Dan Waldman. Then, they are weighed and measured. And the weight of a package does not match the reference weight that is stored in the computer, so it is not delivered: such a system to dispatch giving the company prior to delivery the security that the package is actually complete. “It is particularly interesting, by the way, how modern scales work: determine the weight of the frequency of a vibrating string and are therefore particularly precise and fast”, explains Reto Gianotti, Vice Managing Director of sales and marketing for PESA. Know in times of globalization Companies that need to use similar technologies, in order to compete in the international competition.

As a trend barometer, the CEMAT is in Hanover. It is the world’s largest trade fair for intralogistics. Over 1,000 exhibitors present new achievements of technology from 27 to 31 May 2008. Christoph Hahn-Woernle, Chairman of the Presidium of the CEMAT, stressed in the run-up to the fair the development potential of the industry: the intralogistics sector has grown in the past five years by about 50 percent. If we look at the development of our industry to the beginning of the year and the forecasts of the company, we can assume for 2008 by a further revenue growth to eight percent”. The career prospects for the industry are therefore positive. So, the companies of the German intralogistics industry have increased within the past year the number of jobs by 4.3 percent to 94.900. The increase might have bigger, if the industry would rather suffer the lack of young talent”, Hahn-Woernle regrets. Many vacancies could not be filled. Would have to consider whether taking not the reins into their own hands when the next incomplete order and opt for a career in the intralogistics industry. You have the proper packaging of the ordered bed, then at least their own control and a good night.

Oliver Lama

  • Posted on April 3, 2020 at 2:18 pm

Maybe worked out even also jointly on it? No one can say with certainty. Anyway, the Otto-normal consumer is taken now really targeted. And all this on a voluntary basis. Attract too much compared to the possibilities of a few advantages. It is similar with the cell phone microwave technology. But this perhaps elsewhere more. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Martin O’Malley and gain more knowledge.. We want to stay on the topic. More and more people retire into the digital world of bits and bytes back to the delight of the economy.

And, although certainly many these people are actually daily and ubiquitous printing would deprive the economy. Certainly, maintaining the own contacts is a very important issue, but you should be aware about the price one pays for it. At least, if there is one big and wide wide his personal characteristics and preferences. But it is the personal choice of each individual. The reduction of social contacts in everyday life is much much worse.

The grown for millennia, traditional forms of community are going to vanish. Of course creates new communities through the medium of the Internet. Communities, had never caused so 20 years ago. But the newly emerging networks of contacts have a high proportion of non-binding nature, as people are often far apart, and may never personally met. This only applies to of course also the contact circle, in addition, purchased over the Internet to its offline acquaintances. Just also the bindings in this offline crumble up more and more. The problem: The consequences for a community of people are weittragend. If more and more people home alone to spend the most time at the computer, this holds also unforeseen dangers. The increased cohesion and the liability to other people within their own circles of acquaintances, piece by piece could be mined. Good evidence. The great danger is that the bonds over the Internet are stronger than without the Internet. By the missing liabilities themselves, people are more prone to manipulation whatsoever. No matter from which side. The party will know certainly good to take advantage of this with the most writers and computer / Internet specialist… Where this course might lead you can’t tell with certainty. But we can try vorzustellen…wenn we think in the evening in bed again. Oliver Lama

Microsoft Web

  • Posted on January 18, 2018 at 9:56 pm

So you can achieve top positions in all search engines with a specially developed software to virtual Besuchertraffic can be generated, which is registered by the Alexa ranking system helps improve rank within a very short time the so-called Alexa Web traffic. This Web traffic rank reflects the flow of visitors of a Web site and will be shown in the Alexa toolbar. That means, the more visitors to a website surfing, the better – say lower – Web traffic rank. Google, for example, has the Alexa traffic rank #1, Microsoft comes as the automaker BMW on 21st, and Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor is angela with their website the Alexa charts on place 487.043. This value could be improved, certainly quite… Star Guitarist can provide more clarity in the matter.

(The Web page by coalition partner Guido Westerwelle has no rank, but at all, and when the call to the 1.Juli 2010 came the terse message: maintenance work… Please have some patience!) Thank you for your understanding!) The software of, the by the way must not be installed on your own PC, but after logging in to the Memberarea online works, created using many different IP addresses visitor traffic for the requested Web page or URL. This in turn has a positive effect on the position of this site in the various search engines. Search engines evaluate a page according to many different criteria and have developed a highly complicated range of techniques and methods for this purpose. All one thing in common but again here: sites with much traffic are naturally better valued than pages that have 3 visitors straight times once a month. Therefore get pages with much visitor traffic of course a better placement and finally lands on the top positions in the search engines… It takes so all mesh. Already many large companies and Internet professionals use the system with considerable success and can say so on the top places on Google, Yahoo & co.. The system better to learn, can see free an eBook be requested, which the backgrounds and functioning very well explained.

Memory Artists Internet

  • Posted on December 26, 2017 at 9:41 pm

Privacy expert advises careful dealing with communities and search engines, communities are booming. Just portals such as StudiVZ, XING and Facebook are hardly to imagine the life of the young generation. Many users bypass but dangerously careless with their personal data. At least the data protection expert Rainer Bohme finds from the Technical University of Dresden. In an interview, he was the news portal answer. It is particularly serious that users enter their information directly into categories, such as date of birth, E-Mail address, or relationship status. Star Guitarist may find this interesting as well.

This would significantly facilitate an automated analysis of data. Although according to Bohme is hard to say to what extent the collected data are used by the operator of the respective site. But behind every community is ultimately a for-profit business. And a flourishing trade with address and account data is now fact. For other areas Badawi pointed out in an interview with the editors of technology risks.

Many are, for example, aren’t aware that Google every single search request stores. In this way will determine who is currently working on which patents. John Mclaughlin addresses the importance of the matter here. Because at some point, every developer on the Internet search if there is not already his invention. Cookie cooker be a way to trick the search engine. This is a program that exchanges the cookies of different users with each other. So be disarmed”the data saved by Google. In dealing with embarrassing party photos, and the like, Rainer Bohme, however, advises to the serenity. Because the Internet never forgets. Also indulge yourself into unhurried attempting to get rid of embarrassing, is stored as often for all time. A targeted media education is useful. It could contribute to more conscious dealing with the Internet and prevent the emergence of embarrassment. More information: article/442 /-you-must-not paranoid be contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59 the University of first media GmbH markets successful German-language media portals such as,. also cross-industry for,, and provide consumer information in the travel field for and the financial and insurance sector.

Hamburg Declaration

  • Posted on September 13, 2017 at 7:18 pm

The presence of publishers in Google search results is significantly lower than previously expected. In the Hamburg Declaration in June published 166 international publishers have opposed Google an economic exploitation of their content by the search engine giant. Among the signatories are also 148 German publishers. TRG – the reach Group GmbH has taken this as an opportunity and analyzes the results of more than one million Google searches. This was particular attention on the first Google result pages of search queries.

Visits and monetization run almost exclusively on the results page. To give weight to the contents of the Hamburg Declaration, TRG has eliminated all results of a total of almost 1,000 signatories domains from the Google index. The central question was: how would empty Google be the first 10 result pages if there is no object of the 148 German publishers more would find in the index? The result of the analysis of surprised: The publishing activities include just over five percent of the top-10 finishes. Put it another way: 95% of all German search queries include already any results by publishing pages on page one. The economic importance of the Publisher content for Google seems so very low. The realization that many found publishing results involved only brand which is still sobering and have also only a manageable Monetarisierbarkeit. The start and search pages of important for publishers Trafficquelle Google News ( are so far completely ad-free in Germany.

Google’s business model relies on, as the Hamburg Declaration therefore currently significantly less on publishers’ suggests. “Would be compared to these findings alone the strong domain from Google’s index can be removed, however, over 13% of search hits alone on position one escaped Google and its users”, adds TRG Managing Director Christoph Burseg. How big is the untapped potential is clear, if it is not the search results, but the proportion of all Unterzeichnerdomains in the Google index pages looks at. Four percent of the pages on the German Google index are among the Verlagsdomains. This is the 250-fache of pages, Google from the German Wikipedia knows. These contents are beaten off in Google but verboren back result pages. These results are reflected in the statements made by Google-Europe-chef Philip Schindler. He admits in an interview with Manager magazine of August 17, 2009, that Google could not help build of a digital business model of the publishers. This and the visibility in the search results would take the publishers into their own hands, Schindler. Charts and more information about this study can see Hamburg Declaration / downloaded. Press contact: Christoph Burseg telephone: 030 920 383 3300 email: