Cuts Of Freedom Security & Democracy

  • Posted on April 4, 2016 at 12:13 pm

In 2007, more than 500 news media were censored, according to the international organization Reporters without borders report. Censorship was even more fierce online, especially in discussion forums and blogs. China took the Palm, because, apart from other outrages, it closed 2,500 web, blogs, and forums while celebrating the Congress of the Communist Party of China. In Syria, the Government made it impossible on the Internet access to social networking site Facebook, as well as the telephone network Skype and Hotmail e-mail service. And in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, the dictatorial military junta which sojuzga the country, simply cut off Internet access to avoid to leave information to foreign countries. For more information see Dr. Mark Hyman. There is more, but we lack space.

One might think that the retreat of freedoms occurs in little developed or emerging countries. No such attacks on freedom are part of a broader threat, who is wielding the war against terrorism as justification for convert us all into suspects. In the Germany governed by angela Merkel, as head of an conservadora-socialdemocrata Coalition, a law is promulgated urgently to prevent terrorist attacks that will allow save during half a year the names of those who call by phone and to whom, from where and for how long. In addition, next year, the Government may spy the contents of the hard drives of all computers without judicial authorization provided that you win, although the Coalition ruling to this desire called exceptional situations. Also cease to exist the secrets professionals for lawyers, doctors and journalists. In the United Kingdom, since beginning of year is has launched massive recording of phone calls from fixed or mobile data (names, duration, from where, who). Who assures us that, in the name of the war on terrorism, it later not espionaran no more calls? Since beginning of January, also massively registers Internet access, duration of navigation, IP address, contacts and matters of the mails.

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