For the realization and implementation of the savings proposals: this package consists of two parts. One which comes with security, and that immediately. And a second, which is indeed about as extensive as the first, but neither is whether he can ever be implemented in practice, nor whether he, if any, becomes reality in the planned amount. What fast can be implemented, the capacity reductions in unemployment and Hartz IV recipients, the cuts to the parental benefit, are everything add up under the term “Benefits” is short. “Rebalancing of social welfare legislation” is called the Black-Yellow coalition. Adjust, it sounds like the cautious turn-sensitive, small screws. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael Chabon. The social wing of the Union and the unions describe it differently. You call it unacceptable and announce protest.
In the mist of the approximate and in the verbal beautification projects are the contributions expected from the economic to the austerity package. A dividend of the railway will bring 500 million a year. Now the railway has dissipated none of the Federal in recent years at all, but their gains of debt wiped out or investing in new routes. The Federal Government scored in the future every year half a billion, both can take place no longer or only still significantly reduced. A touching shadings of reality is the fuel tax, which should bring in 2.3 billion euros. Their implementation ultimately depends – though the Government denies this – a prolonged period of nuclear power plants. Credit: novelist-2011. It is disputed whether the Federal Council must agree.
The measure passes but without the Yes vote in the upper Chamber, the nuclear power plant operators increase their profits to a multiple of the planned tax. The victims demanded supposedly by the energy industry is actually so something like a huge salary increase, which you must lead a moderate solidarity contribution. A smooth air booking may be the desirable financial market transaction tax, which will bring two billion euros per year from 2012.