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Municipal Aid

  • Posted on June 24, 2018 at 8:54 pm

Paulina came back to travel toward the past, now remembers when it knew its loved Joaquin, strong youngster, become attached well was looking job in the farms of the region its father was the foreman of the farm ' ' Eyes of Ouro' ' where it liveed as it was time of coffee harvest was contracted immediately. Changing of them of looks more candy passed the colloquies its souvenir and happy of its life it was of the day where Joaquin asked for to it in marriage, it he used social pants marine blue shirt, black shoe combed hair and soft perfume, loaded with care in its right hand a wrapped up handkerchief. Diamond Book Distributors is full of insight into the issues. Paulina of red dress with dribbled white and chinelinho of straw and the trembling and sweated hands yearned for what it was for coming. Its father observed and pressentia the proposal, all seated to play colloquy is, when of sudden Joaquin it was arisen and it spoken with chokeed voice almost not if it could understand what it said and the order was made and accepted by the father of Paulina. Joaquin desembrulhou of the handkerchief a gold alliance that placed in the finger of its loved caipirinha. _Mame, speaks with me? It softly balanced it to Ana with the two hands supported in its shoulder so that it woke up. _Ana, what it was? I am well! If it almost could not hear its voice. Ana with the marshy eyes tried to make with that its mother was taken care of, but did not obtain, had in the emergency some victims of accident of car in serious state.

As much was the fidget and the desperation that could not be seated and walked of a side to the other in aid search. Again Paulina flies in its thoughts its souvenirs now are not happy, to leave its familiar ones and to leave for So Paulo with its husband, the loss of its first pregnancy, the death of its father, its brother Antonio. The birth, the marriage of its children, the death of its mother and the birth of its grandsons, all the events in this order and the most painful death of its loved Joaquin. It was never felt so alone _Mame, has waked up the doctor already goes to call it. Paulina held its dear son pulling it for good close to itself and passed the hand on its face and said inside whispering with a shy smile looking at with candor of its lagrimejados eyes. _Tive a good life and I was very happy in the majority of the years now I ask for to it I do not cry for much time I leave the homesickness to come with doura and with sadness I was not a good son I love you, its brother and my grandsons. Finishing to speak it gave a kiss in its face and closed its eyes vagarosamente and its breath stopped in a last calm sigh. Ana astonishhes for some second hands did not obtain to move itself when she gave for itself the tears rolled and to soluos cried out for aid, but the attendance of the doctor was alone to evidence the death. Paulina de Jesus faleceu in day 20.05.04 of unknown cause in the wait of the Ready Municipal Aid.


  • Posted on September 15, 2016 at 11:33 am

Seated in one of the banks of the square of the school where he studied when, to my side, a man sat down: bearded, cabeludo, great and sad eyes, lean, bare-footed, said to low rouco. After some minutes more than, a little was come close me and said: ' ' Young! I also was young. Read additional details here: Michael Chabon. Well dress! Also already I was well dress Student! Also I was student. Glad! Also already I was ' ' it called that me to the attention. — ' ' I age young thus you am, walked dress well, studied in a college, was likeable and of flabby smile, admired for very.

I happy age. My friends and my family were became me to mine happy. But everything this acabou' '. Then it counted its sad history to me: My father vendeu the house where we liveed. We had a truck-trunk, that he served for transport of merchandises, my father we were the proper driver. We place everything in the truck, we say farewell ourselves to the friends, we cry very, therefore we would go to feel homesicknesses. We leave.

We went thinking as it would be the new house. All we were singing road to the rejection, since we had many kilometers to the front. It was a trip of three days. But the joy finished in the way it way: my father lost the direction of the truck and falls in a cliff. I was hurled through the door and what vi later were the truck blowing up and nothing I could make. When I woke up was in the bed of a hospital. It had been two days in eats. They had said me at that moment, after to ask for my parents, who were well, but was certain that it was not truth, therefore I I had seen what I had happened, had certainty that almost they had not escaped and unhappyly he was what really had happened. I entered in depression. I went crazy. I passed some months in a psychiatric hospital. When being of high, it leaves for the streets: without father, mother, house, clothes, friend? That man looked at for me when vi the last tears to roll in its face. He gave one to me I hug, he arose themselves and he was walking walking and he disappeared enters the trees of the square. I do not know of where it came and for where it went. Nor its name I know to say.