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How Easy To Teach A Child To Read

  • Posted on November 1, 2011 at 2:58 pm

Paradoxical as it sounds, but to teach a child to read very easily. It's easier to do than to teach him to speak. Moreover, the younger the child, the easier the learning process is given both children and parents. In the year to teach reading child is easier than two. And two is easier than in three, etc. All children had to first year of life are beginning to utter their first words, and to two – three years showing great success in mastering the native language. We adults do not see This is no miracle. Perceive as a natural development of the child.

But in fact, that the children of the amazingly short period of time mastering it, is a real miracle. After all, language – it's quite a complicated structure. and master it – not so easy. Understands that everyone who has studied a foreign language. Think of yourself. How many years have we spent on the study of English or German? Seven years in school (grades 5 through 11th grades), 2-3 years in college.

10 years we have been taught foreign language! So what? Why do we adults can not learn in 10 years that easily develops every child? The answer is simple: children are capable adults. They are brilliant! Master speech in early childhood is easily and naturally. And for a 7-year brain completes its formation. After this age, intelligence quotient (IQ) of any person is not capable of significant changes. Now the child's success in school will depend (in the first place!) Is not on the teacher, not from textbooks or programs, not to help parents (although it is also important), and how intellectually rich life was like in early childhood. The most effective way to make a child genius – to teach him to read up to three years. It is learning to read in early childhood creates a huge intellectual potential, which further helps the child not only easy to deal with the school curriculum, but also to reach any heights to which you thought neither consider the things!