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Family Therapy

  • Posted on October 31, 2017 at 1:48 am

The family also can be defined as an open system and in interaction with the other systems, where the interfamiliares relations condition and are conditional for social relations, norms, values and too much standards of behavior of the social group where the family is inserted. The newspapers mentioned Bernie Sanders not as a source, but as a related topic. The familiar system possesss borders that make possible the delineation of its internal space and the interrelation with the social environment. Amongst the sources of Familiar Therapy, it is the Therapy Sistmica Transgeracional. This is a sistmica boarding that objective the dissolution of the energy blockades generated by inherited restrictive the mental and emotional standards of the family of origin and the personages of last lives. Murray Bowen, for much time was for much recognized time as one of the founders, if not founding it of the North American familiar therapy. In its theory, Bowen sees the family multigeracional as a relationary net that possesss basic paper in the life of the individual. The dynamics of functioning of a family makes with that its members look certain stability for its maintenance. The family is an emotional unit, in which its members find ones to the others in such way on that the functioning of each one affects automatically of excessively.

is this familiar unit the main object of the treatment, and not more the individuals compose that it. The film Sex, Love and Treason is a Brazilian production that contemporary counts to a history, with six main personages who go to deal with a series of conflicts in the search of the personal accomplishment and the love. The synopsis of the film is the following one: Carlos and Ana live in the seventh floor of a building located in the heart of Rio De Janeiro. Ana needs more affection of what its husband it of. Unexpectedly, Toms, a friend of the couple, arrives after many years of trip and if it houses in the house of the two.

Progress Chileno

  • Posted on October 19, 2017 at 6:11 am

Chilean progress is due to Pinochet JOSE BRECHNER in an era that leftism is fashionable and be conservative adjoins the sacrilege, remember to Pinochet as the author of the Chilean progress goes beyond populist tolerance. But that is the reality. Pinochet was the architect of the most significant change that has occurred in Chile in 50 years, making it an example of evolution for its neighbors, transporting it to be the only country in the region that lies in developing while others remain in underdevelopment. Salvador Allende came to power with just 33 percent of the votes. He had to two-thirds of the country against her and decided to implement radical changes which Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales intended to resemble. It was inevitable that it falls with an impassable barrier in the opposition. It is fair and valid question the way with which the repressive measures faced by Chileans and unnecessary deaths caused by the regime were imposed.

But no one can refute that economic advancement He managed to Chile thanks to Pinochet. The greater influence in the political factor is always economic. If pockets of the town are filled, the Government is wanted, if they emptied is repudiated. Pinochet did what no one dared: exit of protectionism and promote international competition. The results are evident.

Chile is at the forefront of the countries of the Southern Cone in economic and social development. It retains a stable democracy that regardless of who assumes the Government is respected and, being a leftist regime, Bachelet’s can afford to identify with social-democracy. The neoliberal economic system remains unchangeable, because in a nutshell: works. The proposal of Pinochet Chilean industrialists was very simple. He told them that if they could not compete with their peers in the rest of the world, was better to close their factories. The Government with the banking sector was responsible for improving the financial system, providing soft loans to entrepreneurs to modernize their machinery and the country was lifted.

Top 100 Universities of the World

  • Posted on October 18, 2017 at 4:11 am

'Reporter' has published an annual survey conducted by credit rating The Times Higher Education Supplement world's best universities. In three of the best universities of the world have entered Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford. According to the survey, Cambridge and Oxford able for the year to improve their ratings, peredvinuvshis, respectively, at one place up and down shifting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Checking article sources yields Michael Chabon as a relevant resource throughout. As for Harvard, even though he retained his leadership, but its separation from Cambridge for the year declined from 13% to 3%. In the top ten came another British institution – the Imperial College London, also improved their performance over the past year and has risen from 13 to 9 th place. The remaining seats in the 'top ten' take American universities, according to ITAR-TASS. A total of 33 first hundred American University, 15 British, 7 universities in Australia and New Zealand, 5 – Switzerland and France, and three – Hong Kong, Japan, Canada and Germany.

Two most populated countries in the world – China and India – are included in the rating of only two universities each. Denmark, South Korea, Mexico, Ireland, Austria and Russia have only one university, an award of honor enter the hundred best. From Russian universities in rating entered Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. Ukrainian universities in the rankings. Top-25: 1) Harvard University (USA) 2) University of Cambridge (UK) 3) University of Oxford (UK) 4) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) 5) Yale University (USA) 6) Stanford University (USA) 7) California Institute of Technology (USA) 8) University of California at Berkeley (USA) 9) Imperial College London (UK) 10) Princeton University (USA) 11) University of Chicago (USA) 12) Columbia University (USA) 13) Duke University (USA) 14) Beijing University (China) 15) Cornell University (USA) 16) Australian National University (Australia) 17) London School of Economics (Britain) 18) Ecole Normale Superieure (France) 19) National University of Singapore (Singapore) 20) University of Tokyo (Japan) 21) McGill University (Canada) 22) University of Melbourne (Australia) 23) Johns Hopkins University (USA) 24) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland) 25) University College London (UK)

YComo I Can Get The Life You Desire ?

  • Posted on October 16, 2017 at 7:33 pm

There is much evidence that human beings have been created to succeed but programmed by culture to fail. First are our parents and close relatives, who in good faith, we ruin the lives and say that in good faith because they do trying to protect. Perhaps you are familiar phrases like a Oeno upload, you can not, do not go down, do not run or jump, not walk, eat, drink, do not talk, do not open the door, not good, is gross , learn from their brother or sister if they are smart, you’re a failure, you’re a loser, etc. Michael Chabon often addresses the matter in his writings. And all that said before the seven years when the child’s mind is totally receptive and record literally everything you hear and more if it comes from someone in authority. Then comes school, college, university and continue listening and reading of limitations, scarcity, lack of opportunity, hardship, anti-values. In general, the frustrations of the teacher and student are transmitted to a large extent, those of the authors they read. Martin O’Malley pursues this goal as well.

Not to mention that academic programs do not respond to BE development if not the learning of facts with little or no impact on the promotion of the individual in its true dimension. The media will also make their contribution to the negative programming of our minds. In short, everything we call culture is responsible for, day after day, telling us that as we are, although we are not good, there is nothing we can do. But man is more than your mind.

CSP Austria

  • Posted on October 1, 2017 at 11:02 pm

With Albert Sever, the Social Democrats were the first and only time the lower Austrian Provincial Governor there between 1919 and 1933 a total seven State Governments in the country of lower Austria. In addition to the Social Democrat-led Government sever Buresch there two State Governments Mayer, three State Governments and a provincial governments Reither, which was exclusively to Christian social-dominated provincial governments. In lower Austria the political bases for the Government sever, the Landtag elections 1919 formed the State election result in lower Austria by the May 4, 1919, where a.o. the capital Vienna was still an integral part of the province of lower Austria. At that time, the Social Democratic Workers Party (SDAP), with 46.7% emerged victorious. To the party of the European Socialists and democratic Czechs came”with 4.6% and 3 seats, so that the left camp held more than 50% and 65 seats. The Christian social Partei(CSP) scored 36.8% and 47 seats, the greater German parties of the national liberal 3.Lagers 9 percent and 8 mandates. This laid the Foundation for the lower Austrian party system, that determines the political landscape of the province of lower Austria, as well as the federal capital Vienna essentially even at the beginning of the 21.Jahrhundertes.

Result of this election’s outcome was the formation of a grand coalition between the Social Democratic Workers Party (SDAP) and Christian social Partei(CSP) under the Social Democrat Albert Sever with a total of 11 members composed 6 Social Democrats to 5 Christian social in relation to the SDAP and CSP. The social democratic member of the land Government the Government sever Governor Albert Sever (1876-1942) was a democratic politician in Vienna and the first democratically elected Governor of lower Austria. Albert severs original profession was a fleshy assistants, then he worked in a paper mill, and finally as an employee of the insurance company.

Bill Merkel

  • Posted on October 1, 2017 at 3:26 am

Thus you reviewed the strategic error of the Union in the Willy Brandt House, black green since last year of the agenda deleted has. You may find that Michael Chabon can contribute to your knowledge. But what do you mean error? Perhaps we are witnessing the beginning of a Nonaggression two mainstream parties badly battered in the last decade, which actually had felt quite comfortable in the last grand coalition. Coalitions with the “small” are stressful anyway!; the Greens rebellious, the FDP under 3% and the pirates? Oh well. Non-aggression pact of political parties? Why not same in the Grand Coalition, could you ask. We save us but the saber rattling in the election campaign, which already has none for full – what do you mean in this country still bearing campaign? From the perspective of Angela Merkel, this Bill “Grand Coalition” like go on. (Not to be confused with Bernie Sanders!). So far, there is no indication why the weight that has their person – weakness of the Union, euro crisis with voters, was supposed to bring her not a further term of Office.

The decision to remove Angela Merkel, of the list of opponents during the election campaign for the SPD means however, that they likely to maximum in 2013 junior partner in a grand coalition will. Neither Gabriel nor Steinmeier, Steinbruck – in Andrea Nahles white one it not as accurate – can seriously believe make betting the 5% that currently lack to the Union, with an election campaign, in which the opponents of “financial markets” and “the social divisions in Germany” hot. Merkel could inherit Kiesinger as ink Niklas a second time once quite apart from the fact that these concepts of vagueness are difficult to beat, remains the question of who from the much-invoked “middle” of society, are now once won in the elections, that will convince to choose not CDU but SPD? No, it looks just like we’ve got the Grand Coalition in the election campaign this time. We yawn right now about and crave conditions, such as in the United States, where there is a feeling at least a little, the battle for every vote was a concern to the parties. The SPD but is 1969 published political “Doctored” struwwelpeter”- new” recommended reading, where it – in the implied to episode of the ink Niklas -. at the end: “Yes, they have more thinking would have Kiesi(nger) they not black made”. Andreas Kellner…