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Santa Marta

  • Posted on October 29, 2015 at 10:41 pm

In the latter case, after failure according to the PSOE, IU will govern PP 28, and 20 months in a proportional according to the number of votes. The PSOE, for its part, will govern in 11 municipalities with the support or abstention from the Coalition: Santa Marta de los Barros, Villalba de los Barros, Talavera la Real, Benquerencia, Guarena, Valverde de Llerena, Fregenal de la Sierra, Jaraiz de la Vera, Montehermoso, Villarta de los Montes and Ribera del Fresno. The PP will rule thanks to the support or abstention from IU in seven locations: Castuera, Calamonte, Barcarrota, Madrigalejo, Olivenza, Usagre and Cheles, in the last three cases for the popular ones being the most voted list. Follow others, such as writer, and add to your knowledge base. They seek explanations IU explains that it is gathering information for detailed agreements taken in municipalities in which has achieved any Councillor, as well as the reasons that have prompted their councilmen to vote themselves respecting the list most voted (either outside the PP or PSOE) or supporting nominations deciding City Hall for one of these two partiesin order to proceed to an overall assessment of the process. The regional Bureau of the Coalition recalls that, a few days ago aware of the complex reality of the Extremadura localities, It issued an internal memo in which appealed to the responsibility of all its elected councilmen so that their decisions were inspired in our program and the general interest of each village. Consequently, it respects all the decisions their councilmen have taken in different localities and appealed to the addresses of other parties so that accepted democratic normality, since all produced pacts are fruit of the will of citizens expressed at the ballot box on May 22. UI helps in 40 Spanish municipalities El PP PP has achieved with 40 mayors in all Spain thanks to the express support of UI or to the decision of the councilmen of this formation not give their votes to the PSOE so that he could form a Government. The clamp between PP IU has helped the popular done with the baton in municipalities in Andalusia (19), Extremadura (8) and Castilla – La Mancha (5), regions in which the PSOE has been for many years in power, according to data provided to the PSOE.

The Alliance against the Socialist it has also led IU to do with 15 mayors, including nine Andalusian and Extremaduran five, thanks to the support given to them by PP. in some cases, have abstained, but in Almonte (Huelva), the councilmen of IU and others have joined their votes the PP to oust the PSOE, the most voted list. The most important municipality where this situation has been given has been Coslada (Madrid), with a population of 91.218 inhabitants, where UI to voted for their candidate, preventing undo the tie between PP and PSOE. Source of the news: IU Extremadura called to accept his decision to favour the PP in dozens of mayors

World Development Movement

  • Posted on October 22, 2015 at 4:27 am

"And the Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai saying, talk to the children of Israel, saying that ye find entered in the land which I give, let it rest for a year sevens, to honor the Lord … Dr. Mark Hymen recognizes the significance of this. So same count seven weeks of years, seven times seven years that together make forty-nine years and the seventh month on the tenth day of the month, which is the time of the feast of Atonement, you will sound the horn throughout all your land. And hallow the fiftieth year and will announce rescue remission or generally for all the inhabitants of thy land, because this is the year of jubilee. Each regain possession and each will be returned to his old family, being the fiftieth year, the year of Jubilee. not sow or reap what in itself born in the field, nor shall gather the first fruits of the harvest, in order to sanctify the Jubilee it shall eat what you put forward first. In the year of jubilee all have to recover their possessions …. The land, so it will not be sold because forever is mine and you are strangers and settlers mine.

And road of your possession will be sold on the condition redeemable ….." (Leviticus, chap. XXV). In these beautiful and wise words of the Creator has been inspired campaign "Jubilee 2000", launched in 1996 by the three largest Christian aid agencies in Britain and the World Development Movement, which culminated in the creation of the Jubilee 2000 Coalition, which now comprises more than 70 organizations, including Christian Aid, CAFOD, Oxfam, Tear Fund, Federation of Women's Institutes, Action Aid, National Black Alliance, etc., and operates in more than fifty countries. The main aim of Jubilee 2000 is the cancellation, by next year, the unpaid and unpayable foreign debt of underdeveloped countries. But this goal points, too, the recognition of the responsibility of both creditors and debtors and find solutions to prevent accumulation of these debt levels can be repeated. Communism! Some might say. Robo! Cry the absolute masters of the universe. No.

It is a simple, fair and Christian proposal should be accepted without further consideration by creditors and debtors, ie, for all those guilty of this critical situation of underdevelopment which humanity suffers. Because it is an open secret that the overhang of the third world, started in the early sixties and converted into total bankruptcy during the eighties, is now the case, almost unique, poverty and unsustainability of all countries "with unlimited supply of labor and natural resources" or "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries", as they call now the nations of the southern hemisphere. Especially when we know that much of those billions of dollars provided by the commercial banking sector or multilateral banks went to private pockets, at the hands of corruption, or ended up buying all military weaponry ever served to no good. And much more if we know that those billions of dollars paid "fluctuating interests" have only increased and increased by the unilateral decision of the creditors! For all this, men and women of the world: unite the Jubilee 2000! It is the word of God! .

Russian President

  • Posted on October 15, 2015 at 1:11 am

Gaddafi must leave because the Libyan people have the right to a democratic future, Sarkozy said in a brief statement alongside Obama. Obama and Sarkozy have analyzed the movements of civil unrest in the Arab world to determine the most appropriate ways to help them. The U.S. President, Barack Obama, said Friday that the United States and France are United in their determination to finish the task in Libya and get the March of the leader of that regime, Muammar Gaddafi. Obama met Friday with the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, on the second and final day of the G8 Summit that takes place in Deauville (France). In a brief joint statements at the end of their meeting, Sarkozy said: we share the same analysis: Gadhafi must go because the Libyan people have the right to a democratic future. Speaking candidly author told us the story.

For his part, Obama said that both had agreed that progress in the campaign of NATO in Libya has been made to protect the civilian population but this goal may not be met completely as long as Qadhafi remains in power. We all agree that we have made progress in our campaign in Libya, but the UN mandate to protect civilians while Gaddafi in Libya, directing his forces to acts of aggression against the Libyan people, explained Obama cannot be achieved. Both Presidents also discussed in their meeting the movements of civil unrest in the Arab world to demand political changes and the most appropriate ways to support them. The G8 intends to address support to these movements in its session on Friday and give his support to the plan proposed by Obama to economically assist the processes of transition in the Middle East and North Africa so that these countries can reform their finances, create employment and integrate into world trade. Obama and Sarkozy also reviewed issues as the war in Afghanistan, the Iranian nuclear programme or the progress of the global economy. In his remarks, Sarkozy said that he had congratulated Obama for his discourse on the Middle East for the past 19 days in which proposed a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders modified with exchanges of territories mutually agreed.

It was a speech lucid and courageous, said Sarkozy. After the closure of the G8 Summit Friday, Obama will depart toward Poland, the last leg of a European tour of six days that has led him also to Dublin and London. French President held another bilateral meeting with his Russian counterpart, Dmitri Medvedev, in which it exhibited their differences about international intervention in Libya on Thursday. Sarkozy, in any case, thanked Medvedev that Moscow had abstained in the vote of the U.N. resolution that allowed the operation military against the Gaddafi regime because without it Benghazi would have disappeared from the map by the deadly folly of a man who had promised a crackdown unprecedented. Also tried to convince the Russian President that will not be the international coalition, but the own Libyans, who will decide on his future. Source of the news: EE UU and France, United in their determination to “finish the job” in Libya

National Hearing

  • Posted on October 11, 2015 at 9:56 pm

It has been added to an act of Etxerat to demand the rights of the prisoners. It has received a group of young people who are being judged to belong to Segi. The General deputy of Gipuzkoa assures that he does not commit any crime. Garitano takes advantage of the celebration Loyola to dnder to the ETA prisoners. The General deputy of Gipuzkoa by Bildu, Martin Garitano, has thought east Wednesday that " da&quot will arrive; in which there will be to reflect on the caused pain although, it has thought, that moment not yet has arrived. In an interview in Basque Wave, Garitano it has said that " there will be a day in which all we must reflect envelope which has happened and over the damage that everyone has been able to suffer and to commit, but we are not in that tiempo". According to it has clarified: " Still we are leaving this conflicto".

Also, it has thought that " delito&quot is no; on the other hand in adding itself to an act of Etxerat to demand the rights of the prisoners, nor there is either no it in receiving a group of young people who are being judged by their property to Segi. The past Sunday, the general deputy of Gipuzkoa did not go to the traditional misa that is celebrated in the basilica of Loyola to commemorate the festival of San Ignacio, although yes took advantage of its presence in Azpeitia to dnder to the ETA prisoners and to request the aim of its dispersion. Two days before, Garitano received a delegation of the 17 Basque young people judged during the two last weeks in the National Hearing by its presumed property the ilegalizada organization Segi, those who it showed his support. In his opinion, other parties and institutions are doing " much demagoguery and fires of artificio" on the exigency towards Bildu and it has considered " deeply undemocratic that an advisor or minister of the Interior says that he is vigilando" to the coalition abertzale, done that, has warned, " ilegalidad&quot can graze;. Nevertheless, Garitano has assured that it does not feel any fear after to have added to the act of Exterat, " that it is a legal association, soon to approach and to salute are not crime, and that understands the opposite is in parameters very little democrticos".

Sunday in Azpeitia, Garitano has justified that in center did not remember nor made mention to the industralist Inaxio Ura assassinated by ETA the 3 of diciembr and 2008 of that locality, because " that day acto&quot was no; in its memory. Also it has understood that " to receive a group of Guipuzcoan young people who are being juzgados" and that, according to it has remembered, " at the time they denounced torturas" , " he is not delito&quot either; . On the other hand, Garitano has affirmed that " it is had exaggerated, of way interested or in desconocimiento" on " the degree of sintona" between Bildu and the fiscal proposal of reform that raised lehendakari to the leasehold deputies. In fact, there is addition, at the end of the meeting with Patxi the certain Lopez showed " coincidences in the subjects to try, but not the diagnosis nor in the solutions " raised by the Executive of the PSE. Source of the news: Garitano, of Bildu, thinks that not yet the moment has arrived for thinking about the caused pain