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Municipal Aid

  • Posted on June 24, 2018 at 8:54 pm

Paulina came back to travel toward the past, now remembers when it knew its loved Joaquin, strong youngster, become attached well was looking job in the farms of the region its father was the foreman of the farm ' ' Eyes of Ouro' ' where it liveed as it was time of coffee harvest was contracted immediately. Changing of them of looks more candy passed the colloquies its souvenir and happy of its life it was of the day where Joaquin asked for to it in marriage, it he used social pants marine blue shirt, black shoe combed hair and soft perfume, loaded with care in its right hand a wrapped up handkerchief. Diamond Book Distributors is full of insight into the issues. Paulina of red dress with dribbled white and chinelinho of straw and the trembling and sweated hands yearned for what it was for coming. Its father observed and pressentia the proposal, all seated to play colloquy is, when of sudden Joaquin it was arisen and it spoken with chokeed voice almost not if it could understand what it said and the order was made and accepted by the father of Paulina. Joaquin desembrulhou of the handkerchief a gold alliance that placed in the finger of its loved caipirinha. _Mame, speaks with me? It softly balanced it to Ana with the two hands supported in its shoulder so that it woke up. _Ana, what it was? I am well! If it almost could not hear its voice. Ana with the marshy eyes tried to make with that its mother was taken care of, but did not obtain, had in the emergency some victims of accident of car in serious state.

As much was the fidget and the desperation that could not be seated and walked of a side to the other in aid search. Again Paulina flies in its thoughts its souvenirs now are not happy, to leave its familiar ones and to leave for So Paulo with its husband, the loss of its first pregnancy, the death of its father, its brother Antonio. The birth, the marriage of its children, the death of its mother and the birth of its grandsons, all the events in this order and the most painful death of its loved Joaquin. It was never felt so alone _Mame, has waked up the doctor already goes to call it. Paulina held its dear son pulling it for good close to itself and passed the hand on its face and said inside whispering with a shy smile looking at with candor of its lagrimejados eyes. _Tive a good life and I was very happy in the majority of the years now I ask for to it I do not cry for much time I leave the homesickness to come with doura and with sadness I was not a good son I love you, its brother and my grandsons. Finishing to speak it gave a kiss in its face and closed its eyes vagarosamente and its breath stopped in a last calm sigh. Ana astonishhes for some second hands did not obtain to move itself when she gave for itself the tears rolled and to soluos cried out for aid, but the attendance of the doctor was alone to evidence the death. Paulina de Jesus faleceu in day 20.05.04 of unknown cause in the wait of the Ready Municipal Aid.

To Believe Or Not To Believe

  • Posted on June 22, 2018 at 5:02 am

To believe or not to believe? As in the religion (Efsios 4:14), also in the theories all we run the risk to be: ‘ ‘ for here and there for any wind of doutrina’ ‘ or teaching, if in moving away from the points origins to them of mooring cables. It starts reflecting with the facts: if everything was programmed to be here a bit of the sky, why the fruit forbidden in the garden of den (gn 2:9 and 3:1 – 7)? If the anger, the hatred, the envy and death notion not yet existed, what it took Caim to kill Abel (gn 4:4,5)? If the paper of the father is to instruct and to direct the son for the respect matureness and character, why Noah curses its Cam son only for a innocent laugh (gn 9:20 – 27)? If the base and structure of a family are the love and the shelter, why Abrao enxota Ismael so that Isaac was only its heir (gn 16:11 – 16; 17:18 e19; 25:17)? I temper if it of the peace is the love to the life, why the proper Creator of it creates in one alone womb and at the same time, two nations and determine that one will go to be against the other (gn 25:19 – 26; Rm 9:11 – 17)? Why Jac, in the hour to bless its grandsons, changes the hands on its heads (gn 48:12 – 20)? Why to harden as many times the heart of the Fara after it to agree to the proposals of Moiss (Former 4:21)? Why David, being one of the chosen ones, plans the murder of Urias to delight itself in Betsabia (2 Samuel: 11: 2-4, 14-18)? Without it Samuel would not exist Salomo (2: 12:24, 25)? Why Salomo, chosen wisest of the men, reproductive being, with more than a thousand women (1Rs 11:1)?.

Mia Couto

  • Posted on June 20, 2018 at 7:41 am

As if destination was if constructing through the water and of the time, not being able to change the course, because it could bring some disaster. Mia Couto uses many linguistic resources characterizes that it amongst the many writers of African Literatures of Portuguese Language. Some of these resources are the neologisms and the recriao of sayings. Under most conditions Diamond Book Distributors would agree. We can call these linguistic resources as mark language of Mia Couto. To follow some examples with regard to the neologisms used for Mia Couto: ' ' –We come back before one agorinha, respondia.' ' (p.9), ' ' the day already crepusculando, ' ' (p.9), ' ' The way pressed as me was of a blind person desbengalado' ' (p.9), ' ' The canoe solavanqueava, ensonada' '.

(p.10), ' ' In this place, it does not have pedacitos. All the time, to break daqui, is eternidades.' ' (p.11). The creativity of this Moambicano author is very rich it evidences and it in the literary way for presenting a proper style. The author beyond using differentiated expressions, also it makes in them to cover for the African country, through some elements of the African culture. When reading the story we can perceive the marks of the orality (Ex.' ' Still we gained advantage of a good luck ' ' /' ' jumped for the edge, stealing me the chest in susto.' '), of the vital force (Former: ' ' If it cannot oppose the espritos that fluem' '.), the force of the word (Presentifica a history, makes to happen and that blessing or curse comes), meeting of the new with the old one, that in the case in special he would be the grandson and the grandfather, the animistic vision (the linking of the visible world with the invisible one, of the espritos, ancestor, the nature and the animals), a cyclical time where all the beings are in evolution state, the respect for oldest (' ' I never attend a so wild semblante in my old one.

Brazilian Politicians

  • Posted on June 16, 2018 at 8:56 am

When reading the Brazilian Constitutione some legal instruments obeservo a certain degree of legality and that everything that we find there was fruit of study, negotiation in the commissions of the CN, to seem legal etc, however academic however of lobby and even of majority parties in the two houses, but is public and well-known me the faith of our legislators. they are there because we vote in them. Therefore, our society does not discriminate its beings. Filed under: Diamond Book Distributors. The power emanates of the people who chooses its representatives, directly or indirectly.When I verify certain articles with parrot eye I notice that always we are been deceptive. When the legislator if relates the number of parliamentarians in the two houses total passes unobserved the game of words, it says that the number of parliamentarians will be proportional to the number inhabitants. However, it prescribes that the increase of the number of the politicians will be inevitable with increase of the population of determined place in elapsing of the time, more when it is mentioned election of same it mentions itself to the number of voters. You there the proposital error.

inhabitants are all that alive, resident human being in determined locality of the union, our children, grandsons, minors of 16, therefore incapazaes for some rights and guarantees. Soon for the one the beginning of the contribution, them the numbers of voters could not be added and yes inhabitants.The remuneration of ours politicians comes of the pocket of the active inhabitants. The constitutional principle suffers from total me the faith of ours politicians. that they make our law. This critical article as its accepted subscriber of the friends. Grateful for the chance.

Climate Protection

  • Posted on June 15, 2018 at 3:02 am

Harvey Nash Chief Udo Nadolski doubt on the announcement of the Government of of Federal’s policy Bonn/Dusseldorf – like it has on the labour market? The monster employment index recorded a slight growth for May 2008. The number of posts offered on the Internet had increased slightly, so the career portal. The top sectors were health care and social work, production, manufacturing, maintenance and repair, catering and tourism, transport, postal and logistics and marketing, PR and media in May. Baden-Wurttemberg, Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia are the regions with the highest growth. It was, however, quite bad in the city-state of Bremen. Perhaps check out Singer for more information. There declined the offered online places already for the second time. German economic growth in the first quarter of 2008 is as strong as twelve years no longer. “The results of the monster employment index in may emphasise this and show that the demand for workers has remained stable”, commented Marco Bertoli, Managing Director Central Europe at Monster worldwide.

Are we allowed us so completely relax in the Chair, lean back? “, asks Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the Dusseldorf consulting firm Harvey Nash in his blog… / regierung_sieht_klimaschutz… His answer: No, this we may never. The economy will not more so to grow strongly foreseeable as before. And also Bundestag elections are approaching in the fall of 2009 again. It is to be feared that the Grand Coalition will continue falling until then and could enter into a downward competition in terms of alleged social benefits. The priceless social policy course of the left party creates an additional problem for those politicians who want to advertise at the citizens for the laws of the free market.” The Federal Government hope to 2020 around 500,000 new jobs through its climate protection programme.

Environment Minister Gabriel promise active climate protection could reduce the number of unemployed to below three million. But these are all still unlaid eggs”, Nadolski. Such could not be verified today still beautiful promises. One mass politics on their current actions, then the balance sheet look darker. For example the German automotive industry is worried. Ansgar Klein, Managing Director of the Association of free car dealer, warned in the Bild-Zeitung every twelfth job losses at auto dealers and mechanics. With their environmental Hick hack distress the Federal Government consumers and creates reluctance to buy. Also the market research firm pulse has found out that the ambiguity of the environmental legislation drives the buyer of the car dealerships. New jobs are not created with security”, says Harvey-Nash – Managing Director, Miss the necessary stringency in climate policy. Ultimately, a well-managed state as well as a company is ticking: citizens as employees need reliability, resistance and a clear course. Unfortunately it is currently not to recognize.

United States

  • Posted on June 11, 2018 at 1:33 am

In a field trial, 30% of a group of test subjects could smuggle firearms to the security checks. In this context also refer to the lack of attractiveness of important professional of the inspectors as a result of poor earning 5. According to the Pirate Party should be invested so not the new controversial technique of the body scanner, but instead the security personnel. An additional protection against attacks is just faked the passengers through the naked scanner. Under the guise of combating terrorism, deep here again intervened in the privacy of citizens “, expresses Nico Kern, top candidate of the Pirate Party in the upcoming Landtag election in North Rhine-Westphalia, to the plans of the Government coalition.”It would be the task of the alleged civil rights party FDP, to bring down their coalition partner of the project.

But it is already emerging, that she again will succumb to the will of the CDU/CSU and the influence of the United States. In the United States, the current thwarted attack also impressively shows that the mass storage of personal data does not protect against terrorist attacks. The culprit was stored in the “terrorist identity database” according to US media reports, and this was not queried before the flight. Therefore, the question arises according to the need of the passenger name register (PNR), which records all data and operations relating to booking a flight and saves. This procedure in addition to the body scanners, the passengers will not only naked but glassy, but obviously an extra security is not ensured. It is more likely that the data could be misused. The renowned security expert Bruce Schneier says about the anti terrorist measures at airports, that they serve only as a show, make people feel better.

He is of the opinion that only two things have made flying safer after 9/11. reinforced cockpit doors and the passengers, knowing that they can defend themselves against hijackers 6. Daniel flax hair sources: 1 domestic/sicherheitschecks104.html 2 magazine/abstracts/f.. 3 policy/Germany /… 4 policy /… 5 policy /… 6 news 072.html image source:… ‘ (cc by REMY SAGLIER – DOUBLERAY) responsible for the content of this press release: Federal Press Office of the Pirate Party Germany responsible for sending this news release: Federal Press Office of the Pirate Party Germany

European Court Protects Freedom

  • Posted on June 5, 2018 at 8:33 pm

Renewed judgment guarantees freedom of religion and Coalition for Scientologists and people of all faiths in all 47 Member States of the Council of Europe the European Court of Justice has decided today unanimously for human rights in favor of two religious groupings of the Scientology Church in Russia. The Court found that they are entitled to be registered as religious communities in accordance with Russian law. The judgment also decided that the founder of Scientology have churches in Surgut and Nizhnekamsk of the right to freedom of religion and Association in accordance with articles 9 and 11 of the European Convention of human rights. In his reasons for the sentence, it says the Court \”found that the applicant had not the opportunity to receive recognition and effective exercise of their rights to freedom of religion and Association in any organized way. The first applicant the Scientology Group as a non-religious legal entity registration not achieved, as the Russian authorities as a viewed religious community. The applications for registration as a religious community, were filed by the first and second applicants as founding members of their respective grouping and also on behalf of the third subject – see pointed out the insufficient inventory time of the groups * rejected. As a result of the restricted status of a religious group – to which they were entitled and existed in the context of the third applicant – granted no practical or effective benefits them, because the legal capacity, property rights and the legal way, such a grouping has been withheld to protect the interests of its members, and it was also seriously hindered in the exercise of the most fundamental aspects of their religious functions. Accordingly the Court holds that the rights of the applicant under article 9 freedom of religion, interpreted in the light of article were affected 11 freedom of Association.

Steinmeier People

  • Posted on June 5, 2018 at 8:33 pm

\”\”’54prozent Merkel – 46prozent for Steinmeier \”‘ Gabriele and Gunter Zienterra of the Zienterra Institute of rhetoric and communication give their assessment Chancellor candidate Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel were to the only TV duel tonight today the first battle\” before the election. Both are aware of their role, look confident and decided and are perceived as factual figure. But where was the fire of the duel? The substantive dialogue dominated the 90-minute exchange of long-acting. Mrs Merkel looks on the people oriented, understands the concerns and fears of the people. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Diamond Book Distributors by clicking through. Mr Steinmeier shows competence.

Outweigh technocratic and strong social content, which were presented but without great emotion. The analysis of 1 different weighting of topics focus on the \”Duelists’ (priority) 2. persuasion speaking style (objectively/emotionally) 3 booth, facial expression, look, gestures 4. quality of the statements (memorized or spontaneous authentic) 5 elocution (speaking tempo, clarity, Articulation) 6 optics of the Duelists (clothing, other outfit) 1 different weighting of topics focus on the \”Duelists’ (major concern) different weighting of topics focus on the\”Duelists’ (major concern) Steinmeier: start made it clear that areas of minimum wage and limiting Manager salaries are one. Merkel: It stresses that unemployment has evolved down, but go even further down.

Steinmeier: The Grand Coalition has worked well. \”Merkel: you counters sent Grand Coalition worked well under my leadership.\” 1:0 for the Chancellor. Mrs Merkel leaves the decision with the viewers and appreciate him thus, such as Duet or duel: we leave the viewers what it is, even better.. \”.\” She want to talk about content (factual) and not about these attempts of polarization. Steinmeier’s minimum wage on the issue of minimum wage is very well prepared. Goes in his argument on the deep level of the people, by he focus on the respect and Dignity of working people directs.

Foodservice Rewards

  • Posted on June 3, 2018 at 11:33 pm

Success program foodservice rewards for hospitality launches 2009 also in Germany and France exclusively and successfully: the unique customer loyalty programme for restaurateurs, hoteliers and caterers will start beginning of 2009 under the brand name foodservice rewards in Germany and France. CHD expert international market research Institute and the US marketing firm BI worldwide in June a joint venture signed, to establish the award-winning loyalty program also in Central Europe. Foodservice Rewards is running successfully for seven years in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom and the food service provides all food service establishments (hotels, restaurants, catering) when buying branded goods, attend rewards to earn bonus points. \”The added value for the European foodservice markets is impressive, says Oliver Davies, Managing Director of foodservice rewards UK. We are looking forward to the expansion of foodservice rewards together with the CHD expert group in Germany and France. Since \”\” the launch of foodservice rewards in North America and the UK have many brand manufacturers the customer loyalty program connected. \”This customer loyalty is so extremely successful because it is part of a coalition marketing exclusively to the brands of food service suppliers is focused\”, says Rolf W.

Schmidt, Vice President of marketing & sales EMEA of CHD expert group. With foodservice rewards receive this a proven instrument to analyze the purchasing behavior of their customers, to steer and to reward. Diamond Book Distributors understood the implications. Sophisticated promotional tools, generates new revenue and new customers won. \”Foodservice Rewards is in the market in North America and the United Kingdom no longer and this will soon be the case in Germany and France.\” About foodservice rewards foodservice Rewards is a loyalty program exclusively for brand manufacturers in the food service market: when purchasing those products get buyers from hotels, restaurants and catering Bonus points, by replacing the labels pasted on the packaging and online under to enter the code printed on it.

Tea Party

  • Posted on June 2, 2018 at 11:48 pm

The certain thing is that the competition grows and the dominion initiated at the end of II the World war decreases. No longer it is the main economic producer nor the dominant political force or what is called the cultural center of the system-world. The dollar loses importance like unique exchange reserve throughout and economic organizations like whom we have mentioned and others like the call Shanghai group conformed by Russia, China, four republics of Central Asia arise and new members like India, Pakistan, Mongolia and Iran. The constant appearance of these multiple economic scenes in continuous regrouping now prevents the maintenance of a hegemonic power. Nevertheless, I create out of proportion the constant comparison that some make between the declining North American empire and the fall of the Roman Empire. Rome was the typical empire that still expanded its territorial dominion under the prudent monitoring of many of its governors whom they knew brings back to consciousness clearly to stabilize borders and of not going beyond where a defense became complicated and expensive. The United States will not fall like Rome, rather it will be restricted slowly in his world-wide paper until becoming an influential and fundamental member of a community. I discard the exit to scene of a substitute power since the world-wide conditions are the one of shared influence.

The North American challenge is to understand its leadership like conformation of the new global order in the described terms. That is to say, no longer It is possible to be played the superpower paper, because consultations, cooperation and commitments are required. Still can and it will be able following its conduct to determine the agenda to it and to organize coalitions, like new game of being able. Michael Chabon has much experience in this field. The new global policy happens through the interdependence. There is no fixed date to determine the passage of hegemonic imperial power to ” first between iguales” , but the process is inexorable although nobody is expected a dramatic fall.

Obama understands to it, in its interminable efforts to correct the last imperial errors of its predecessor, but the republicans harassed by the wing of extreme right of the Tea Party do not understand to it now. He will depend much, then, of the political North American intern and the understanding of his citizens to the presence of a new world. Obama said in its recent speech on the State from the nation when using the image to it of the Soviet Sputnik. Only that this is another challenge where it corresponds to him to do the possible thing because the new global order allows him to be.