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Germany Services

  • Posted on May 27, 2016 at 5:33 pm

Check penalty for slow / the State must pay someone will care, are to tackle a host of problems. If then in addition, that the Treasury delayed the decision, BBs is financially tight. It doesn’t have to be. So, now at least the Fund to respond quickly. Reality lags far behind this wishful thinking. In the future each affected legally insured, more than five weeks waiting for his decision, should be compensated for each delay day with 10.

At least this is so in a first draft of the Federal Ministry of health care reform. This aims, that the insured get a decision quickly, it was shouted from the Ministry of the FDP Health Minister Daniel Bahr in Berlin. In the draft denounced that there are still cases of Fristuberschreitungen to the detriment of the applicant, it says literally. Delays are the norm, not the exception. The medical services of the health insurance (MDK) reported in its opinion to This theme, that over a third of all applications will be processed within one month. Then the mail is added, the 5-week period exceeded in many cases one-month period. To accelerate contribute to, that the maintenance funds can instruct other neutral reviewers in addition to the MDK Pflegebedurftigkeits verification. How this will affect the parallenen area of the private Gesundhetssysteme, is still unclear, the last private health insurance comparison has suggest but no need for action.

The overall evaluation process should according to the design in the future of more service resemble as a bureaucratic administrative act. There are not enough care bases the counselling services for new occupants were in Germany in lower number of far less opened, than was originally intended in the care reform dating back to 2008. This year these care centres started after endless policy debates to achieved. Those in care and their families should find counselling services and support through the bureaucracy here easily. EUR 60 million funding provided for, so that around 1,200 of these bases had may be opened in Germany. According to latest reports from the middle of last year were funded only 353 cases such focal points or planned. The fifth report of the Government on the development of the long-term care insurance, now published by the Bundestag, confirms this figure. In particular many of the approximately 1.2 million dementia patients were trying to help the Union and FDP offer of help for people with dementia this reform. They currently receive no or only a very small help from the long-term care insurance. 70-215 euro higher services per month in different levels of care should be delivered in accordance with the Coalition plans. Opposition and care associations accuse now the Coalition, despite the ambitious announcements remain far too little for the Concerned to do. So, there is still no specific timetable for the advertised fiscally sponsored supplementary insurance for care case. Especially the FDP had requested this. The Ministry of finance and the Ministry of health are in according to their respective speakers in negotiations. “The officials were however said: determining the future regime, and the schedule so still no reliable information available.” Apparently no one tell why this really uncomplicated procedure to the comparison meadow small sums so the length is pulled, can or wants to.

Totalitarian Regime

  • Posted on May 26, 2016 at 6:26 pm

Press release of the International Organization for the protection of human rights in Iran attack on the British Embassy in Tehran susceptible to back out of the totalitarian regime in Iran. In the face of the upcoming Iranian elections in March 2012, the Supreme seems Guide to whistle Ali Khamenei his hard-hearted ideological Kettenhunde of group Amariyoun back from its aggressive approach. Amariyoun is a coalition of extremist conservatives and ultra-religious fascists. Like that? There was nothing else left him… In a few days, the population of Iran’s will experience that Mehdi Karoubi and Mirhossein Mousavi getting out. This is not prophecy.

This is the price that the Supreme Leader in the Iran for the attack on the British Embassy in Tehran on November 29, 2011 is forced to pay. This action was a challenge of the Amariyoun group – but their leader Ali Khamenei moved the cock at the last moment. On December 15, 2011 one of the Chief ideologists of this radical grouping, Hajj Said Ghassemi, expressed as a for the attack on the British Embassy is the mastermind in the following way: “we have made a mistake. We should regret it. We had to attack the British Embassy, we have to hunt them instead in the air”. To access a message includes a clear declaration of war on the country in question. For this reason we have seen as most European countries have withdrawn their ambassadors and staff. Others who remained in Iran, made pilgrimages to the site of the destruction of the British Embassy in the Ferowsi road and the Qolhak garden, although the Amariyoun tried to prevent this partisan. At a meeting during the Afghanistan conference early December in Bonn said the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s Foreign Minister: “Britain is a member of the EU. An attack on the Embassy of a member country of the EU means also an attack on all embassies of the Member countries.


  • Posted on May 25, 2016 at 2:18 am

The diversity of the AVG concept offers the chance to show how the Member, to realize the dream of financial freedom. At an Association of individuals in the all members jointly and on an equal footing a company maintains, in which every single member at the same time owners, business partners and investors, one speaks of a cooperative business operation for the mutual benefit of all members – so it says the law. Already in antiquity, alliances resulted in strains with cooperative moves. In the middle ages community coalitions evolved mostly socially, economically or politically weak for a common purpose. Learn more about this with Michael Chabon. This idea is to plant and precautionary advice cooperative EC is today. On the basic values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, it builds a cooperative in the trust their founder to the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and interest in other people. Housing, Bank or production cooperatives are well known. Also, the benefits of purchasing or supply cooperatives which are caused by the Association of small and medium-sized enterprises, are known to achieve competitive advantages in the market together.

The plant and precautionary advice cooperative EC has the Community system of capital to achieve a regularly far above average yield extensive excluding the risk of loss to the target. Similar to involves the model of the largest European cooperative society from Spain, where nearly 80,000 members are United, again achieving price benefits for the members of the Association to a cooperative. Security, availability of profitability and tax optimisation are combined in the AVG EC on an optimal level. The plant and precautionary advice cooperative EC is headquartered in Potsdam and can look back on a long tradition in the field of cooperatives in their bodies. The establishment of a cooperative has the purpose of the acquisition, the Economy its members, to promote their social or cultural needs of Community operations. It formulated the cooperative law in Germany.

That cooperatives are inspected regularly, is also dictated by the law. Therefore, economic Declinations are rare and intense confidence in cooperatives. Dr. Mark Hyman gathered all the information. And the idea that behind all this, more together economically to achieve more when alone, because the current. About the plant and precautionary advice cooperative EC the purpose of AVG plant and precautionary advice cooperative EC is the economic promotion and support of the members. The object of the company is advising the members in all financial matters and the most profitable investment of the business assets of the members taking advantage of the benefits resulting from the merger as a cooperative. The cooperative can take over all in the area of finance, the system of necessary business assets and advising members of the tasks, insofar as not to subject to authorisation of the banking. It has in particular the tasks to achieve price advantages for the members of the Association to a cooperative, as well as the Community system of capital, the support and advice of members in relation to the investment of capital and the development of financing schemes and optimization of output structures. The EC works exclusively for its own members. It lays its own capital, i.e. the business assets of its members, in the framework of its possibilities. The EC maintains no foreign capital. It is determined only by the idea of self-determination and the democratic rules of the cooperative law.

Regional Environmental Commission

  • Posted on May 19, 2016 at 7:13 am

The commitment is to act according to law and with criteria very technical, no hearts or passions, but they attached to what he says today the law, along with every Member of Corema, according to technical, legal, legal. At Martin O’Malley you will find additional information. Or let yourself be influenced by this trend or that. I think that is the right thing. With these words the intendant and Chairman of the Regional Environmental Commission (Corema), Pilar caves, sealed their willingness to avoid all kind of pronouncement in favor or against the dam projects today in evaluation in the Aysen Region outside the proceedings established the environmental impact evaluation system. The regional authority met during the afternoon of Tuesday, May 11 with the Coordinator of the Coalition for citizen by Aysen reserve life and director of Codeff Aisen, Peter Hartmann, President of the Corporacion Costa race, Alejandro de el Pino, President of the private corporation for the development of Aysen, Patricio Segura, and the regional Council of Defense Secretary of the Patagonia, Miriam Chible.

In addition the regional Director (s) of the Commission national of environment (Conama), Roxana Munoz participated in the meeting. In addition to giving away the book on occasion Patagonia without dams (which the authority had already received in his previous role as regional councillor), leaders made him delivery of a letter which expressed their concern over irregular handling that had hitherto HidroAysen. In this sense, some of their approaches are to keep impartiality, acting with transparency and informing the citizenry, to support initiatives for the creation of a sustainable energy matrix to bring better quality of life to the ayseninos and to analyse the situation both of members of the Corema authorities that have played roles in HidroAysen of those who have expressed welcome to such projects. In addition, to consider spaces so that regional organizations expose their approaches in the different instances that presides.

Silvio Berlusconi

  • Posted on May 18, 2016 at 12:02 am

6. Project area reform: the economic and political Crisis background 6.1 is the background of the reform approach of the Italian economic system for thirty years in the crisis. Extensive privatization took place since the early of 1980s, but has not succeeded in the realignment of of the State the economic co player on a regulatory role.x after the system fracture of the party constellation a strong bourgeois regionalism showed at times in Northern Italy. Market economy, ideology distance, liberalism and communitarianism, promote private investment and small and medium-sized enterprises under were his priorities.xi in the party system over twenty years of crisis, the regional identities are grown and decreased the binding force of the national parties. Almost all Italian parties of national significance are start-ups since the implosion of the party system by 1992/93. The Movimento Cinque lost this year’s election from the stand at 27% site (CS) with the cabaret artist, Beppe Grillo, as Chairman in a sense more figurehead was until 2005.

The main party of the centre left spectrum, the Partito Democratico (PD), is the applied successor successor party to the former Communists; their political orientation remains between Social Democrat and linksliberal unclear, so that she can no longer connect to its strong early dating of the olive tree (ulivo) coalition. The formation of the Government and thus the prospect of four years of stability under the leadership of the now-retired PD leader Pierluigi Bersani playful after the election of February 25, despite a majority in the National Assembly by the amateurish machinations CS and PD. The forms by Silvio Berlusconi in the expiring year dominated Popolo della Liberta(PdL), like its predecessor Forza Italia of an Association for administrative and mandate distribution and strong cult of the figurehead. As a whole, all three of the major parties remain programmatically weak. Also the Government of Enrico Letta (PD) with the participation of the PdL, makes with the repeatedly condemned Berlusconi as still identity-giving head, an extremely unstable leadership of the Country.

Tips For The Marketing Of Affiliates Make Money Easy At Home

  • Posted on May 15, 2016 at 10:42 am

It seems these days all the rumors about the economy and lack of jobs. With a global recession that affects everyone, more and more people are forced to find new sources of revenue. For many, the Internet is the most obvious solution, because there are programs that do not require a large amount of money or know-how to get started. One of these programs is called affiliate marketing. Michael Chabon: the source for more info. This article will provide some tips for affiliate marketing and how you can earn easy money at home. The beauty of this method is, not only does not need a Pocket full of money or to be a computer geek to start, you do not need to have your own product even. Just sell a product or service and receive a Commission for doing so. You can make some money decent if you will to do the job.

When done correctly you can make residual income from their efforts. So you are still winning again and again since the work you’ve done. Dr. Mark Hyman may find this interesting as well. When choosing a product to sell, choose carefully, because there are a lot of products to choose. The idea is to sell much, so make sure that there is a demand for your product. Remember this, people are looking for a product that solves a problem they have.

The Fund is to choose something that is in demand and ensure that you have some knowledge about your product. If you are not familiar with it, then tomse time to learn everything I can about him. You can market your product in various ways: web site… create your own web site and have a landing with its network of affiliates page in, or set it to redirect to the product sales page. Blog… You can create a blog with Blogger or WordPress. It’s free and will give you a web page with your link in it and a unique web address.

Communication Within The Classroom

  • Posted on May 4, 2016 at 1:18 am

What is communication? In this letter I would like to make known the importance of communication in the field of education. Since each of us in our classrooms we carry every day this practice with our students and the community in general since the communication is an important reference in education. Every one of us sometimes give us the task of implementing strategies in our classroom that has allowed to know the great diversity of language that exists in our teaching; more without me however do not give the importance that deserves or simply ignore those small details that in my opinion are the basis to improve a small part and contribute in this teaching-learning scenario. Since we have a great competition with the media but we can not dismiss it but if we can maximize what programs that allow us to facilitate the learning of children on the basis of their conceptions. Communication in the classroom: the communication takes place in the formal education process in the classroom: between the teacher and the student. Since the classroom is just this communication process that is not simply an exchange of words. As its name suggests is a process which the student expresses his ideas, feelings, emotions, experiences, arguments, values personal, tastes, preferences and aspirations that every day is observed in the class.

Now how many times have permissible do students express their ideas, feelings, emotions etc.?. But the majorities of the times we are in this position: within practice traditionalist teaching and communication process places the student as receivers which doesn’t allow you to interact since the teacher is who makes the rules and establishes restrictive towards a student. would be best the language school? Communication in the classroom or in the classroom influences: the school language. One of the four universe linguistic since each carries its own logic and rationality.Takes place the classroom where one is wide range of microlenguajes that interact at various levels and whose effect is felt inside the classroom. Does the school language is characterized by its official status which are:? Content, educational policies according to the needs of the same institution: specialization and feature of spaces, physical structure of the classroom, teaching materials, furniture and belongings. The official curriculum of the curriculum as: structure, content selection who believe that it is necessary to transmit it in education: knowledge and skills that you must have educating them with your desire to homogenize these knowledges. But, as we all know in our classroom we find a cultural diversity which does not standardize the knowledge but; said (study plan) can make adjustments; Depending on the need of students and to the context in which is allowing the construction and reconstruction of knowledge (learning and teaching). & nbs p; & n bsp; Original author and source of the Article

Easy Eggplant Dip Recipes

  • Posted on May 2, 2016 at 3:34 pm

Today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for Eggplant with fried pitas and Mint Dip, an excellent choice for learning to cook recipes easy and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 people. Ingredients for the recipe for Eggplant with fried pitas and Mint Dip: Cup olive oil 2-3 aubergines cut in halves salt and pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup cooked white beans 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons chopped fresh Marjoram or oregano to serve: oil to fry 3 pita bread cut into triangles 1 tablespoon mint leaves cashews to taste preparation of the recipe of Dip of Eggplant with mint and fried pitas: Precalentamos oven to the highest temperature to sear the eggplants. We spread a little olive oil in a baking tin lined with foil and put the Eggplant halves smearing these with more oil above. We season, put the meat down and take you to the oven until the skin look burned out and the flesh is tender, 20 to 30 minutes. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Michael Chabon. Chop the garlic finely and add salt. We are a rustic paste with a knife.

We have been to the processor with a cup of white beans cooked and cold, 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon water. We make a puree. When Eggplant is soft and cold, we remove it from the skin with a spoon and carry it to the processor with the bean mixture. Martin O’Malley is full of insight into the issues. Add lemon juice and fresh oregano and process until blended. We tested it and add salt and pepper if need you to. We fritamos bread pita in hot oil and serve with the dip, decorate with mint leaves and flavoured cashews. Eggplant with fried pitas Dip recipes are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe book and enjoy delicious recipes easy as the Eggplant stuffed with meat and baked eggplant.

United States Federal Government

  • Posted on May 1, 2016 at 1:03 am

The United States Federal Government, through the General Services Administration (GSA) has awarded Technology ACT Federal Contract or license to sell to the U.S. Government. This is a very important milestone in the development of the launch of Gecor in United States. The Federal Contract is a 5 year contract that specifies the price that the Federal Government is willing to pay for products and services from a provider. This contract may be extended for 3 consecutive terms of five years each, which in practice results in a 20-year contract. Basically, it is a contract in which the price of a product or service has been pre-negociado beforehand.

To obtain a Federal Contract, companies have to go through a long and arduous process of negotiating prices and conditions. The GSA made a thorough investigation of the applicant company in which assess issues such as the economic strength of the company, years of experience with the product in question, the opinion about the company and product by part of current customers, the price that current customers pay for the product, etc. Further details can be found at Martin O’Malley, an internet resource. ACT Technology adopted with an outstanding in all categories. The Federal Contract is a guarantee so that all parties can benefit, from the point of view of the federal Government, this can save lot of money, time and resources by not requiring a bidding process every time that you want to buy a product or service; from the point of view of the empresa-proveedora, this can more quickly sell your product without having to be always competing on price with other companies; and from the point of view of the citizen, the products and services you can use quickly when needed. This is one more step in our goal to more than 20 million citizens in Spain and USA benefit from Gecor by the end of this year, says Jose Nebro, Gecor President.

About Gecor GECOR is a service for the management of incidents on public roads that facilitates communication between citizens and public administrations as well as It improves the efficiency of the processes of resolution. The use of the GECOR system allows reduce the average times of processing of incidents at a 58%, decreasing costs by incidence by 25%. GECOR has a panel of experts who analyze the data generated by the system, to identify and disseminate good practices, innovations in the management, savings in costs and average resolution times. For more information visit: Gecor (**) technologies in the cloud or Cloud computing, is known as a trend brought about by various technologies, that is prevailing in computing: applications to run on the Internet rather than on your computer or local network of user original author and source of the article.