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The Extragalactic Distance Scale

  • Posted on January 21, 2018 at 5:26 pm

Similar considerations can be reduced relative to the maximum age of the universe, which is 20 billion years. Therefore, as it follows from our reasoning and the modern concept, the universe, at least in the range of 20 billion years to 40 billion years. This result does not just automatically shifts the timing of the hypothetical point of beginning existence of the universe, but it has resulted in disastrous consequences for the entire building of the relativistic theory. Of a relativistic concept that the universe is of fundamental importance, since it associated with the Hubble parameter H 1 / T, where T – the age of the universe, he is in the range between 25 km per second per Mpc and 50 km per second per Mpc. On the other hand, since the Hubble parameter enters into the equation V = HR, it reduction factor of 2 reduces the rate of expansion of the universe, too, twice. This leads to a mismatch of all the quantities in this equation, since further increases the lifetime of the universe, and we find ourselves in situation of uncontrolled explosion of the relativistic concept. The most recent value of the Hubble parameter, with which the vast majority of astrophysicists agree, is between 69 and 86 kilometers per second per Mpc. John Mclaughlin oftentimes addresses this issue. Paul Hodge wrote: “All the values mentioned above are within the range of 69 to 86 kilometers per second per Mpc. Michael Chabon can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Having a choice between 50 and 100, we have confidence we can use 75, knowing that our choice is correct up to 15 percent. ” (5, 21). This value Hubble parameter appeared as a result of long experimental and theoretical studies by independent determinations of the distance scale. Therefore, agreement between the velocity away from us and shine distances to them was achieved using a large experimental and theoretical data, which served as the base (foundation) estimate the age of the universe 13 billion light years away. Nevertheless, the above-quoted argument contains a fundamental mistake about the age of the universe by ignoring the geometry of the visible part of the universe and the propagation time of light from it to the observer. From the perspective of the author must be radically to abandon the interpretation of redshift as a result of the Doppler effect. It makes us look for other causes of red shift and the relativistic ideology has put into question. Such a heuristic sense doubling the age of the universe.

We Should Not Stay Away !

  • Posted on February 19, 2017 at 3:14 pm

BELKIN NS "Nature and Youth", Russia Today, oil and gas development in our region is rapid. Despite the significant contribution of the projects in this sector to the economy of the area, they may be serious environmental risks. Additional information is available at Bernie Sanders. Growing volumes of oil transportation routes north, especially its handling of the Kola Bay, multiply the load on the environment. Do not forget that the way transport of hydrocarbons in the White Sea pass through the waters of the Kandalaksha Preserve. Accidental spills will be disastrous, especially for rare species of animals and birds. Adoption decisions on the execution of any projects of an ecological threat should not be taken just as they say, 'high level'. Public participation would avoid possible conflicts between authorities, business and population, and most importantly – to prevent the implementation of environmentally dangerous projects.

Although a citizen's right to participate in making environmentally significant decisions enshrined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it does not increases the activity of the population .. One of the main reasons for this relationship is the lack of adequate information, "" Official announcements are usually overly complicated or, or so vague that isolate from there a grain of truth is impossible. The media are not always willing to give this issue much attention. Often the environmental issue has made headlines time and in prime – time on TV only in th if it is served with a taste chernukha. Shtudirovanie the same multi-volume work on environmental impact assessment (EIA) is often only by specialists.