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Heimhuder Strasse

  • Posted on September 29, 2014 at 11:12 pm

The operators of Facebook game of StreetRivals, color flood iHobo, entertainment, and the iPhone application Publicies London, pursue new approaches to corporate social responsibility. Hamburg, June 24, 2010 the successful social game StreetRivals and the new iPhone application iHobo provide controversy across Europe’s media. The debate revolves around the use of social media to combine entrepreneurship with social responsibility. Some homeless facilities and politicians condemn it to address homelessness in a playful context. The company however sustainably improve the living conditions of homeless people with their social commitment. Many critics embezzled it.

The StreetRivals color flood entertainment ( is one of the European market leaders in the browser pane and social game development and publishing. Niels Wildung, co-founder of color flood, explains the social business strategy as follows: in order to obtain a positive influence, we try the young generation of modern distribution channels to raise awareness for serious topics. Just the social networks like Facebook provide non-profit requests. an enormous potential” Color flood runs a satirical interactive social game, with StreetRivals that the Facebook clients envision the needs of homeless people. It belongs to the young company’s business model has always been to support homeless organizations.

Color flood 2009 gave a high five-figure amount of local facilities, which help people locally with its online community. In the case of iHobo, it was the advertising agency Publicies London, who created the iPhone application and created public for homeless people. In collaboration Publicies tried a homeless facility also to reach a young and hard-to-reach target groups through new communication channels and to motivate the donations. The campaign focused on social media sensation in Europe and sparked controversy by the press. Publicies positioned itself as also color flood as a pioneer in the area of corporate social responsibility and new Communication channels. In the dawning age of social media networks such as Facebook to track potent tools comply with which entrepreneurs of their social responsibility and sustainable development. By the same author: Martin O’Malley. StreetRivals and iHobo are two outstanding examples of how public attention around topics like exclusion and poverty is to create more than many parties and politicians to ever can claim. About color flood the color flood Entertainment GmbH operates the online game paddock game. Founder and Managing Director are the 21-year-old Marius Follert and Niels Wildung. As an investor, they could win the subsidiary ICS of successful Internet entrepreneurs Daniel Grozinger and Sven Schmidt (including,, Color flood is actively engaged for the homeless, by regularly donating a portion of the revenue for the benefit of charitable associations.