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Christianity Cross

  • Posted on December 12, 2016 at 5:11 am

The symbol of the cross could have originated in ancient Egypt, the a Ankha is the symbol of Ra, the sun god and not a few Christian symbolic references to the worship of the sun god, the Ankh is a cross surmounted by a perfect circle that could suggest a Haloa a of holiness in the position where the head of Jesus Christ in the Christian model. The logical derivation consistent with the continuous adaptation of old symbols and rituals as a method to facilitate the absorption of the new proposed by Christianity has several examples: the date of celebration of Christmas: Dec. 25 is a very ancient celebration party in which commemorates the birth of the sun god, another example, the use of pagan symbol of the god Baal, the star inside a circle, which is a common and obvious symbol in all Christian symbolism is almost a marca of compile id of the Pope and the Vatican being used to represent the halo of Jesus Christ in the official Vatican coins … a cruciform star enclosed in a circle that can easily be associated with the cross shining symbol, an allegory of Christ triumphant after their ordeal on the cross. The other half of which may have been valid Christianity to take over this pagan symbol of the cross is through the teachings and efforts of St. Paul, and Oever a this issue from this perspective is to go over some details history. Maryland Governor has firm opinions on the matter.