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Ukrainian Real Estate Experts

  • Posted on May 29, 2018 at 4:56 pm

Ukrainian Internet portals for real estate earn big dividends in the publications of forecasts of real estate experts of all stripes and colors. The forecasts are often radically different and unreasonable, do not give resting potential buyers, "the American dream in Ukrainian." Who in Ukraine makes forecasts on the development of the real estate market? From the Land of the Soviets to the crisis in 2008. In Soviet times, the monopolist to the provision of housing was the state. Real estate market did not exist, it does not exist, and professions from which would be engaged in property management. If you have read about Bernie Sanders already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In the higher education preparing and still cook wonderful civil engineers, but not train professional experts who would have the tools to predict the real estate development in the volatile market conditions. In the early 90's real estate market began to develop rapidly and to attract members of all professions, without exception, but the first people who failed to realize themselves in the major field.

In 2000, the construction boom triggered an avalanche increase in the number Realtors, real estate brokers, which gradually became highly specialized. Many realtors "in action" acquired skills, learned to understand the psychological characteristics of the client and use them for more successful work. Part of the profession simply coasted on, not showing special talent and not much effort. Indeed, during the accompanied them, and they felt no problems. The market has grown and so property prices have increased by leaps and bounds.

Thus, neither the first nor the second were not engaged in real and honest prediction of the real estate market due to lack of experience and demand for this prediction. People understand that real estate prices were much too high, as well as the expectations of the market. On Internet forums are actively discussed, when cheaper Ukrainian real estate. But none of the today's experts could not predict the development of the market, even when the banks stopped issuing mortgages. It was only when I came crisis, brokers had to become more and analysts in real estate. No doubt that professional real estate agents have extensive experience in sales and support sales transactions. But can these people correctly predict the development of the real estate market in Ukraine – a very complex market in unpredictable country? Of course they can, if the prediction must take into account two or three factors. But to make accurate predictions must take into account a complex set of economic, political, psychological factors. Professional analysts, regardless of industry, do not assume the responsibility to assert that a certain market will develop a certain situation. Instead, these analysts prefer to talk about possible scenarios for the situation. At the same time every possible scenario, but only at confluence of certain circumstances. The uniqueness of most forecasts, and their isolation from the economic situation in the country supports the assumption made inoformatsionnym portal, that "experts" on the property by all means, try to convince people that that price bottom has passed, and it's time to buy real estate. Therefore, the question of how honest may be forecasts of experts who are interested in the growth in house prices, remains open.

The Entire

  • Posted on March 20, 2018 at 4:02 pm

The regulatory techniques will provide some (30%) under-contract rental rate in comparison with the market. However, if a specified condition in the LC RF auction for selling the right to conclude such grace lease, sell that right (you can call it a lease or a right of superficies of the earth) will allow the state at least compensate for loss of earnings caused by objectively justified imperfection establishing the value of usage rights and ownership of land, but often (in the manifestation of a developers’ investment interests) – and even receive additional benefits. Simultaneously with the above must be borne in mind that the right to conclude a lease (“the lease”) belongs to the owner of the land improvements. When selling real estate in the leased land together with improvements “for sale” and “leasehold” (Which may in time grow in value!). It follows that in determining the market value of the property means the cost approach to the subject being evaluated should include the ownership of the improvement and the right to conclusion of the lease (“the lease”) of land. In the taxable property should not be together with the inventory cost of improvements include the market value of “the right to lease” land. In fact, the land tax pays the lessor of the amounts he received for the sale of improvements to the owner the right to conclude lease contract (as part payment for the use and ownership of land) and lease payments due to a given method of determining the contractual rental rate for the entire period of the lease (the second part of payment for the use and ownership of land).


  • Posted on December 28, 2016 at 2:11 pm

So do not start repairs right away everywhere. Otherwise, you risk all the time to repair live on the site. Renovated one room to the next. Also, this approach allows you not just buy everything necessary materials, and to break the process into several stages. Pluses in this case, at least three. 1 – no need to convert a significant part of the apartment in the warehouse of building materials.

2 – no need to lay out a significant amount of money at once for material that will be needed over time. 3 – if you happen to run out of money before repair, then you will just have to tidy up, return the furniture to their seats and enjoy what had do not search frantically for money to finish the job around the home. Step five. Purchase of materials. Probably one of the most enjoyable moments. The choice of wallpaper, tiles, mirrors and other things, is a positive feeling you imagine how it will look your home, make plans, mentally arranged the furniture, etc.

Usually spoils the idyll of one thing – the total amount of purchase. Practice shows that almost never fails to meet the earlier budgeting, as continually caught the eye of some much-needed framework oboychiki, pots, and other gadgets svetilnichki, and even the law of meanness, yesterday to rise the price of the plaster or tile. But this does not mean that the estimates do not have to be. If the repairs you do not own, then we can negotiate with the contractor, who and what materials acquired. Rough materials such as glue, putty, primer and cement, beams, pipes, wires, etc. better to instruct them, as company buys materials in bulk, and therefore cheaper. Finishing materials: wallpaper, tile, laminate, parquet and others, it is better to buy their own or together with an expert, so avoid the friction that was purchased is not what you had in mind. Well, after that remains to wish you an easy and quick repair. Although people say that the repair is not possible to finish – you can just stop.