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  • Posted on December 14, 2012 at 9:44 pm

The government created organic laws for approach of the schools with the world of the work. Such law (Law of Lines of direction and Bases – LDB) aimed at to the estruturao of education technician to take care of the companies who needed hand of qualified workmanship better to take care of the customers of the companies contractors (Barreto, Tamanini, Peixer, 2004). A curricular grating of strong base can influence in the choices of the pupils, making with that these if pledge to become good professionals and to act in way to satisfy the market external offering one not only arrives in port theoretician, but practical of what it was learned inside of the classrooms and a good form of if making this is to search to improve its abilities through periods of training in diverse areas that fit in its ability and can contribute for its resume. Education passed, from the elaboration of this line of direction, to be disputed by the public sectors and private, demonstrating as soon as education it was more for a dispute of being able that to long for one better education of the Brazilian population and this it did not supply one better specification the majority of the population that needed education. In accordance with Barreto, Tarmanini, Peixer (2004) the education appeared in Brazil as half of garantimento of the maintenance of a partner-economic system, without having any commitment with the transformation and emancipation of the human being in itself. For they still it education are established in the conception of a formation of abilities and alone she answers the market interests, forcing a competition for the students, moving away a social perfectioning. As the educational function did not have no concern in reaching all the types of classroom of the population, being that this age privilege only of the ruling class having as objective to make with that the children of such classroom ascended socially and professionally reaching the work market.

The Gift

  • Posted on December 7, 2012 at 11:38 pm

The memory on the Guerrilla of the Araguaia created a species of projection of the imaginary one establishing a collective memory: ‘ ‘ It is perfectly possible that, by means of the socialization politics, or of the socialization historical, a projection phenomenon occurs or of identification with determined past, so strong that we can speak in a memory almost inherited … regional events can exist that traumatizaram in such a way, had in such a way marked a region or a group, that its memory can be transmitted throughout the centuries with highest degree of identificao.’ ‘ 11. This feeling of belonging, this almost inherited memory, associated to the trauma, the feelings of admiration for the guerrillas had only made to grow enter the inhabitants of the Araguaia, visas as good people who had arrived there and never they had been. This memory makes to fall barrier that separates the gift of the past, launching bridge that eliminates the esquecimento, fortifying search of familiar of guerrillas disappeared, since the memory belongs to all that they know to discern stops beyond the gift what it is embedded in the deepest past, without revanchismos: ‘ ‘ I have authority to speak: the destination of a disappeared relative is mounted with remnants of information harvested throughout the time. For times, new information contradict the old ones, they tear the bedspread, and the family reevaluates, an end for the relative imagines as, and thus it goes, until the next information. … this goes and comes of information of the life to the death: a missing person dies of many skills, and its family I fight revive it, canine tooth to a new calvrio. It is difficult to visualize the father hero, the guerrila son, intellectual, involved students, former-members of the house of representatives in romantic dreams to change the country, at the hands of feras imbecilizadas by the dirty war, monkeys esquartejadores of a right without project.

Alves Martins Literary

  • Posted on December 1, 2012 at 7:34 pm

' ' In our trajectory while student, not rare, we hear colleagues complaining of the inacessibilidade of the meanings of literature, therefore? they had never obtained to arrive at the conclusions that the professors desired? e, for being thus had aversion for disciplines that enigma&#039 was considered as one; ' (P. 03). Of this form the professors of had been today formed and continue reproducing this form of education where the literary text is understood as static and univocal. As we verify in Alves Martins: In the truth, important it would be, in the literary reading, the attempt not to neglect the ficcional pact that the game of the language and the imaginary one tries to establish with the readers and that these would only be capable to restore, or to ignore, in its participativo behavior. In the same way, important he would be not to treat as informative or instrucional, charging essentially subjective and opened and closed answers, texts objective as the literary ones (MARTINS, 2006, p.1). We observe that the mediaes made for the professors do not consider the literary text as plurissignificativo that allows some readings, being its directions completed for the participation of the readers, in the act of the reading interaction/text. This occurs due to the unfamiliarity of the contributions of the literary theory for the dialogue of the reader with the text that could assist in the teach-learning of literature, making with that the pupils if felt attracted by the aesthetic workmanship and found pleasure in its reading. As it ratifies Martins (2006, P. 84), ' ' if the literary theory had greater penetrabilidade in classroom, the voice of the pupil, in the act of the literal reception, would not be stressed by the interpretation scripts, for the fiches of readings, the exercises considered for didactic books and the reading already instructed by professor' '.