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Familiar Therapy

  • Posted on March 31, 2016 at 7:11 pm

The rule most important is fondness not to be the other; always speaking for it, feeling for it, or thinking for it. The therapist must establish a limit for participation of house one; ' ' … to block the intromissions, alliances and coalitions being said that this is to speak in place of the other or to imagine the thoughts and the future actions of the other pessoa.' ' (MINUCHIN and FISHMAN, 1990, P. 148). The space maneuvers concrete function as a delimiter of borders. In accordance with Minuchin and Fishman, (1990) the therapist can use its proper body to block a visual contact, to realign or to rearrange the physical space approaching or distanciando the people, in some sessions to take care of only certain members of the family, the therapist can make use of different techniques second, the necessity of the attendance. The paradoxical tasks are used to establish borders in situations where the involved ones extremely are joined; they still articulate a bigger approach enter the members of a subsystem.

For example, in certain situation ' ' … to guide a mother super-protector to increase its attention ace small necessities of its son, or to instruct a demasiadamente involved spouse who follows the steps of its companheiro.' ' (MINUCHIN and FISHMAN, 1990, p.152). This objective technique exactly to intensify the conflicts, so that thus, the participants if distancie ones of the others. Conclusion the techniques of setting of borders are used instruments pra to mediate and to solve the conflicts located in the systems and the familiar subsystems, and are developed in accordance with the demand of each situation. The therapist must know the conflicts of the family well, she must make a mapping to identify the problems, and thus consider action adequate effective and the presented demands. In this article techniques had been presented only some of the possibilities of use of these, from some examples of hypothetical situations. References MINUCHI, S.; FISHMAN H, C. Borders.

In: MINUCHI, S. Techniques of Familiar Therapy. Porto Alegre: Medical arts South, 1990. CAP. 11, P. 145? 157. GOMES. H.S.R. Therapy of family. Psychology Science and Profession. Brasilia. v. 6, N. 2,1986. Available in Access in 28 ago.2010. SHEEP. F.T. familiar Therapy: of the divergences to the possibilities of joint of the different approaches. Psychology Cincia and Profisso.Braslia vol.16, n.1, 1996. Available in Access in 28 ago. 2010. I THINK. M. Thinking on families about a sistmica perspective. Alive net, 2007. Available in Access in 29 ago. 2010. PAROLIN. I. Borders. 2009. Available in Access in 29 ago. 2010. PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC OF MINAS GERAIS. Standard PUC Mines for normalization: norms of the ABNT for periodic article presentation in scientific. Belo Horizonte. 2010. Available in Access in 29 ago. 2010.


  • Posted on March 29, 2016 at 2:02 am

It would not be exaggerated to say, without fear to be wrong, the image that Israel planned in analyzed aspects radically changed in term of few decades, or rather went from a pole to another. Orthodox religious sectors (not so-called religious national) took advantage of favorable electoral conjunctures and negotiated support for Government coalitions in return for release all its young people of enlistment to the army to allow them their sacred Torah study. The process of globalization and privatization that spanned all over the world, also left their marks on israeli society. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bernie Sanders. The combination of the disengagement of the governmental institutions of all responsibility for social support groups weak or needy together with an ideology promoted by the Government of a marked predominance of personal interest to the general, it triggered the intensification of the efforts of many young people sneak by any means possible of enlistment to the army. Anything they earned noisy campaigns of promotion of mobilization or threats of possible penalties. The statistics of recent years are very clear and reflect how distanced in time was that expression all the people army. In 2008 it was reported that 34% of young Jews are not ready for various reasons (young Arabs are exempt by law be submitted to the army).

The second fact that reflects even with greater intensity this estrangement is only 4.5% of the population in age appropriate participates in the mobilization of the reserve in the army. The army, for its part, also left virtually all activity that represented a significant contribution to civil society, as it was in its time the artistic and cultural aspects as the educational and colonization of desert or frontier areas. The persistence and deepening of this trend will necessarily lead to the beginning of the programming of a future professional army based in mobilizing fostered by the economic reward and not the enlistment of every citizen according to the social commitment to the security of the State.

Central Patagonia

  • Posted on March 24, 2016 at 5:34 am

We are opposed to the installation of hydroelectric power plants which Endesa intends to build in Patagonia were the words of the presidential candidate of the broad Social Movement (MAS), Alejandro Navarro, after meeting on Thursday last in the seat of the Senate in Santiago with the Defense Council of the Patagonia (CDP), which is in the process of making public the opinion of La Moneda aspiring around multiple dams that various electric planned to build in the Region Aysen. Already last Monday the candidate Sebastian Pinera had done the same, occasion in which raised that sustainable alternatives to exist he would not endorse HidroAysen and that in its eventual Government the main impulse energy would be toward the non-conventional renewable (NCRE). Scopes are absolutely compelling, impacts have been in sight. The presentation that has made the company HidroAysen has had more than 14 thousand comments, both public services and the citizenship said Navarro. He added that the attempt to dam the Baker and Pascua rivers is a project that Chile does not need, because for 12 years is projected contribution to the Central interconnected system (SIC) there will be healthy, viable, lower-cost alternatives for environmentally friendly and therefore we are going to generate all actions to discourage this project and enhance the Patagonia and the proper use of water.The candidate of the more pointed out that the preservation of water in Aysen and the need to nationalize it, are ideas that have promoted throughout our campaign, and we will continue to support, because they are integrated to the presidential programme that we intend to carry out. We talked with the Bishop Infanti and several communities in the region that oppose HidroAysen.

The legislator, who also participates in the Senate Environment Committee, said about Aysen we all know that this area is known as a reserve of life, based on his extraordinary source of wildlife and unique features in their ecosystems. To carry out this project is, without a doubt, destroying part of the Patagonia. At the same time, Navarro added that his presidential programme contemplates the NCRE development and efficient use of energy, where fundamental and innovative is working together with the community that will be affected or benefitted with the project. People are tired his opinion, does not take into account especially when resources who are affected should be State-owned and non-private, who surely shall not ensure foreign interests said the parliamentarian. After exposure before the presidential candidate, Member of Secretariat policy in the CDP Hernan Sandoval stressed on the project that this is not a solution to the energy problems of Chile. The Colbun-Endesa complex, if construct HidroAysen, would concentrate in their hands 92% of the country’s energy production, and if that is not a monopoly we don’t know what it is. It was reported that only 18 generation thousand gigawatts hour (which would produce HidroAysen), marketed in the SIC at today’s price represents a rotation of 1,200 to 1,400 billion of dollars a year (almost half of total cost of dams). This is a project that their owners very interested with that tremendous sales and huge profitability. In addition the regional Secretary of the CDP Miriam Chible, Coordinator of the Coalition citizen Aysen Reserva de life, Peter Hartmann, the head of the Patagonia campaign of International Rivers, Gary Hughes, the Coordinator of the campaign Patagonia of Natural Resources Defense Council, Allison Silvermann and Bernardo Reyes de Forest Ethics, among other directors of the Patagonia Defense Council participated in the meeting.

Russian Federation

  • Posted on March 22, 2016 at 11:56 pm

Heavy smokers in our day not to be envied. The smoking ban has already spread to practically all public places, smoking office workers are now persecuted by their non-smoking employees. By and large it is correct – the combustion products of nicotine and paper undermines health not only directly to smokers, but also those who are nearby. Ex-smokers on their own, and know firsthand how difficult implement its plans. Smoking – is not only a habit but a real relationship, not only physical but also psychological. Options to quit smoking is available from 2 – through the efforts of the will and the use of offsetting the need for nicotine gum or patches. (Similarly see: Bernie Sanders). The second way is less stringent, but the psychological dependence on smoking in this case remains, delivering tangible difficulty quitting.

So whether there is something different, simpler method to quit smoking? Such a method to quit smoking before that time did not exist, but electronic cigarette imperium, which became this magic wand for smokers who give possible today with the convenience and easily or to quit smoking permanently, or to continue this activity without harming others and themselves. Electronic cigarette visually virtually indistinguishable from the ordinary, but it works quite different principle. In an electric cigarette, there is no fire, but the satisfaction of smoking remains absolutely. Exceptionally rave reviews given by those who have already tried the electronic cigarette, after a nasty smell when smoking completely absent, and a set of accompanying electronic cigarette cartridge allows you to select different smells. The question of where to buy electronic cigarette, easily solved with the help of our shop, in range which offers not just various elektrosigarety, and even a mini electronic cigarette, electronic cigar but different species. Available electronic cigarettes Muscovites and residents of the Russian Federation. In Moscow delivery Electronic cigarettes are forces in our shop, and residents of the rf subjects could receive electronic cigarettes shipping costs.

Orthodontists Braces

  • Posted on March 19, 2016 at 6:12 pm

Having said that, legitimately ask why so progressive method of treatment for so long making it into a mass practice? The answer is obvious and simple: this method requires large expenses. What made braces? Requirements to be met by the materials used in braces orthodontics, to their machining is very high, and determines their high cost. Thus, the details of the wire are nickel-titanium alloys. It’s believed that Martin O’Malley sees a great future in this idea. This means that you have a wire in the first place, superelasticity, and secondly, with the property, referred to as shape memory. Superelasticity is manifested in the fact that you can wire it how you want to twist, bend, tie a loop – a wasted effort, she once again returned to its original state. And here it is – the starting position – just set in the memory. " The form can be arbitrarily complicated, but when a certain temperature – say, 36.6 degrees Celsius, wire, whatever was before "Remembers" and takes on the character that she had been raised.

And given her an ideal form of the dentition. Brackets are mostly made of stainless steel for medical purposes. However, there are braces, gold, pure titanium, sapphire piece, composite, ceramics, special glass, plastics, etc. Sapphire brackets Like the rest of Dentistry, its components – orthodontics – has become increasingly complex, multi domain science and practice. This includes, in addition to its own 'highly specialized disciplines, extensive sections of chemistry, physics, theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, metallurgy, mathematics, psychology and sociology. Doctors Orthodontists initiate the development and production of new and new bimetallic alloys: titanium-molybdenum, titanium, niobium, titanium, copper.

Emergency Transportation

  • Posted on March 18, 2016 at 8:43 am

Cases when the direction of the patient from the local hospital district level in the clinic of the state level may save his life. As an option here may be considered, and private Moscow clinic. Then, most cases, call the ambulance service, also known as the Immediate, the principal function of which is the urgent hospitalization of the patient with the provision of adequate medical care during transport. You may find Martin O’Malley to be a useful source of information. Must always remember that the delivery of patients whose condition is unstable, unpredictable event in its complexity. Usually directly from the experts arrived at the ambulance, make hospitalization patients. But the fact remains that ambulances are not always equipped enough to transport a patient manner, and the qualifications of medical workers engaged in transportation, not always in the proper level. Read more here: Bernie Sanders. This admission does not increase, but rather reduces the chances of a favorable outcome for the patient, and threatens all sorts of complications, and general deterioration. There is a strong likelihood that of an accident during transportation of the necessary assistance will be provided on time and correctly. Risk associated with transporting seriously ill, is not always justified, so before you make such a serious decision, emergency doctor with the responsibility must go to determine the severity of the patient, and then make every effort to make the process safer and more painless. With specific regard to transport itself, responsible for all this risky process lies with the senior doctor of emergency teams, emergency medical care. Each machine, emergency medical assistance must be equipped so that when any emergencies during transport the patient, the team was able to provide the necessary control over its basic vital signs.

Healthy Weight Loss

  • Posted on March 3, 2016 at 7:11 am

Here is their scarcity and 'sin' just did everything possible diet! It seems it is very difficult to lose weight without harm to health and that it does not have to take round the clock proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories Option – go to the reception with a dietitian. He thinks, and you will only perform prescription. But practice shows that this is not an option for most people: it is expensive, time consuming, besides, not all able to come to the doctor with such a sensitive issue, as once Wt. Protein weight-loss program – your ideal choice today there is a progressive approach to a balanced diet and a smooth, safe and comfortable weight loss. This protein programs, whose composition includes meal replacement on the basis of a full low-fat soy protein + absolutely all trace elements and vitamins needed for good nutrition.

That is, it's ready to diet programs and perfectly balanced composition. That they are now incredibly effectively used to provide a balanced diet and ideal weight loss. The essence of using the protein program is as follows: for some Time to replace all meals or part thereof for ready-made products that are part of the program. This may be cocktails, protein bars, different dishes that can be prepared from protein mixtures. Long-term global Practice has shown that this technique is losing weight and maintaining your ideal weight is most convenient for people. It requires no calculations, cost-effectively, a long time to cook a meal. Such programs are extraordinarily efficient and allow for the first month of use to lose 5-10 kg weight loss and then it will be smoother. In this case, consuming a sufficient amount of the highest quality, grade, low-fat protein, you'll always hungry, energetic, and pleased with themselves and the world. Because it will realize how beautiful it is – when your life will change for the better: you'll be much healthier, slimmer and more active! We very much hope that our advice assist you in achieving this wonderful goal!