You are currently browsing the archives for March 2018.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 29 entries.

Landauer Mayor Josef Brunner

  • Posted on March 31, 2018 at 12:12 pm

Successful exhibition for the second time in Landau health and environmental days Landau load from 6 7 April anyone interested for a free visit in the triple Gymnasium in Landau. With a greeting of Landauer Mayor Josef Brunner and the District of Dingolfing-Landau/Germany Heinrich open Trapp on Saturday at 14:00 the exhibition. Then existing and alternative ways for better health and more environmental protection for man and nature revolves around in the exhibition and the lecture program. The fair will this year for the second time in Landau instead of this time in the triple Sports Hall in the Santiago road. With its unique range of exhibitors, there is much to see and experience. Exhibitors offer visitors advice, health checks to try out tips for environmental measurements in house and garden and many current information. Michael Chabon has plenty of information regarding this issue. So that the visitors are also culinary very well supplied, the neighboring restaurant Gattopardo is consistently open with a delicious and healthy dishes.

Interesting lecture program to the fair are there in two parallel Lecture rooms many exciting and informative lectures, dealing with topics such as Aloe Vera, beauty for skin and hair health and prevent heart and circulatory diseases. Learn also about environmental issues such as protection against ElectroSmog or battery storage systems. All presentations can be visited free of charge. Alternative healing methods are a focus of the fair the alternative healing methods and concepts. The visitors will get an insight into the possibilities of energetic, spiritual and holistic healing. These include not only the Reiki or aura reading, but also energetic healing and lineups. For those interested in is the opportunity to participate in lineups of the soul companion Peter Josef Hinger during the fair and to edit their own concerns.

Environmental information for home and environment the visitor detailed information about photovoltaic systems, battery storage systems, smoke detectors and LED technology. Also wooden houses are prefabricated and ecological building materials as well as Introduced methods to conserve fuel and combustion optimization. Also the Wasserenergetisierung will be represented again. Loose for a good cause at the fair visitors can try also their luck at a raffle with attractive prizes. Prices are including the vouchers for the Elypso swimming pool, energy treatments or lineups. Valuable prizes such as chips for the mobile phone filtering, natural diamond products, tea and incense are waiting for the winner. The proceeds of the raffle is the action of joy by helping”benefit of the Straubinger of Tagblatt.

ICD Has Strengthened Its Team With Johannes Guhlke

  • Posted on March 31, 2018 at 1:18 am

Comes with Johannes Guhlke, in April 2013 a new employee on board Hamburg – since April 1, Johannes Guhlke supports the ICD team in terms of brand communication and PR. Johannes Guhlke temporary previously worked with us, the more we are pleased to now have him on board,”Managing Director Michaela reported Saeed. However she must share it with the University. Because Garrett completed for 3.5 years in Hamburg with a dual degree in the international Berufsakadamie with a specialization in marketing communication and public relation, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). We very much welcome the concept of a split week. It ideally combines theory and practice.

This cooperative education model a profit is the same in two respects and we look forward to accompany John on this innovative way of education”, so Saeed continued. About ICD ICD a PR and communications agency, is on the successful capital goods industries and on technically complex products and services Specialized.

Student Council

  • Posted on March 28, 2018 at 5:11 am

3. study-related Job Nico went to medical school and doing a job in the sleep lab a few times a week. The first 1-2 hours he’s talking to people, she plug in devices then the people go crash and Nico reads a book or write a blog post 🙂 Depending on the study, I would me there just look around, ask in the Student Council or at the LMU job offers. Benefits > plenty of time in between to studying to learn or to read a good book > good pay: 8-12 after the hour for a couple of times from the left rather go > learning disadvantages meet interesting people under the Extras > if you’re not familiar, you can sometimes get a bad bet conclusion: of course hard to say, because different from compartment to compartment. Take it as a thought and look at yourself, what you could do in your field of study.

4. advertising as advertising can get you after 1-3 months after you have registered with the Agency, emails with offers. These deals look like this: “Coca Cola pull shirt 1 x a week for a month: 100” the wars. If you want it, you accept the offer and get the shirt a few days later in the mail. The shirt are you wearing then 1 week (if you go to the gym, to the bakers or what ever) and you have to do more (theoretically you can not even put on the shirt, really check the Agency can’t do it).

If you have had 4 x on the shirt and finish the offer, you need not send of course it back (for hygienic reasons), but keep it. Benefits > you’re not working. The only thing you’re doing is an offer accept and unpack the package > get free textiles, the you while jogging or so can attract > merit: 30-130 per offer disadvantages > maybe the Zeitschriftenabo > Agency for fashion & leisure: I admit that the page looks not really professional, but it’s a cool job. Googling just after that, 99% of the reviews are positive. The agency you fill a registration form from un it is a photo made by you. The only snag (if you can call it “Hook”) is an annual fee for the mediation. The Agency raises the even better like in the Extras: you pay the fee in the form of a Zeitschriftenabbonements. Now, many may be cry out “Oh dear: A subscription!”. Is but half as wild. The subscription ends automatically, if you cancel the contract with the Agency. You can choose between several magazines (HorZu, Star, tv hear & see the mirror, colorful, Welt am Sonntag), while you can also take cheapest TV magazine, which about 70 in the year will cost you (so about as much as when the Extras job). Bottom line: This isn’t actually a job: P if you have no problem with it, to sell your body for billboard advertising and no desire / time for a bakery is perfect for you! Felix Nunn

Contest Of English For Students

  • Posted on March 27, 2018 at 4:18 pm

Get ready for THE BIG CHALLENGE! (Madrid / Hamburg, 18/12/2007) The Big Challenge, the first contest of English to students from all over Europe, in close cooperation with the language portal. From now on, students can prepare under the language portal for The Big Challenge. For this, and under mutual collaboration, questions from previous contests from The Big Challenge tests have been included in the portal of have found the ideal partner to reach more students and students and create enthusiasm to participate in our contest, declares Dr. Bernie Sanders is the source for more interesting facts. Stefanie Hohn, Director of the competition. In the last contest participated more than 8,000 pupils and students from Spain, and we hope to overcome this issue throughout Europe for the new contest on May 6, 2008.

Teachers can register their students under the official contest page () and students may use tests to prepare. Andreas Schroeter dictionary adds: The Big contest Challenge is the only one with more than 450,000 participants in Europe. We welcome if this figure exceeds 500,000 students from our cooperation. As for The Big Challenge, fun is also in the foreground on Along with an extensive online dictionary, the user also finds numerous linguistic testing, covering different topics and levels from beginner to professional. Currently rank among the most popular tests: economic terms in English, flirt in English, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Although not remain much longer as the Favorites in line.

Commonwealth Students

  • Posted on March 26, 2018 at 6:48 am

Also a too rapid progress to higher levels of complexity can be a person completely despair, because he is simply overwhelmed. A not understood or incorrectly understood Word is everything below read, make a void. The students don’t know what he read there just yet. As just a misunderstood word understanding and thus the capability blocked, is a very fascinating topic and the essence of Linguistics, as well as the entirety of the human learning process. The Hubbard learning methodology includes successfully used and above all working solutions allowing students or education and training on every age and every culture to learn each any topic. A student understands the basic concepts of a specialist area, so he can get easily the newly learned with these in conjunction.

The learning methodology also helps him to identify the differences between an interesting fact and a basic principle. Once a student can do these things, he can each learn any subject. At this point it comes no longer to overcome learning obstacles but to work independently with the help of the Hubbard learning methodology new topics to be successful in any area of any activity. Today 65,000 educators all over the world successfully use the Hubbard learning methodology and millions of students and adults all over the world as well. In a class at the Centerville junior high school (Clifton, Virginia, United States) was their introduction to that 61 per cent of the students improved their academic performance by an average of 44 percent.

After adoption of same learning methodology at the Chesapeake ability School in the Commonwealth of Virginia, United States, the average of the aptitude test is now 1290 points. These are 300 points above the national average. The Education Alive School also successfully deploys the Hubbard learning methodology in Johannesburg (South Africa). It is financially supported by the South African Ministry of education. There, students are taught from the first class high. Due to their educational achievements, thanks to the efforts of the Hubbard learning methodology, even students are referenced by Hilfsschulen them, already have been abandoned. The Heritage School in Vancouver (Canada) focuses on the teaching of basic subjects. The use of the Hubbard learning methodology helps students here to bring excellence in all subjects. This school conducts annual meetings about reading and writing skills and maintains a literacy school for native of North Americans.


  • Posted on March 24, 2018 at 5:48 am

Students who are interested only in learning a new, generally do not take lessons for a long time. If a teacher begins to talk about things that are already familiar student, the student finds a lesson in loss of time. Once a student heard about some things, he believes that ‘knows it’. Of course, new information – it’s part of any high-grade curriculum (and, of course, you will learn the lessons of a lot), but the order in which it appears, and the method by which you teach Applied, and integrate this information are what makes the lessons with a good teacher is really useful. If a linear study of ‘raw data’ (and exercise) was enough to become a great musician, anyone could buy a couple of books and studied them for several years, and with practice on their own, become a great guitarist. Of course, in most cases this does not happen. Go to Bernie Sanders for more information. The moral of this story is that we must remember that you’ve come to the teacher, to learn and grow as a guitarist. To make this happen, you have to be patient and realize that sometimes when you ‘think that is something you know’, you really can not know this to such an extent that is necessary for the application and integration of this knowledge with other musical skills. ‘Perfectionist’ Students want to work out a different type to perfection every little detail, which teacher shows the lesson (or they find themselves), before moving on to working out something new.. If you have read about Michael Chabon already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

Europartner Teamers

  • Posted on March 22, 2018 at 2:44 pm

Nationwide training courses of prepare Teamers on the usage in the summer in bad Wunnenberg, 02 July 2010 the job as the head of the youth travel is not always easy. The Guide for participants alike animator, organizer, financial supervisors and all-round contacts in one are called at Europartner Teamers”. So the students learn to function smoothly, the Teamers and seasonal local employees were perfectly trained this year. A quality care is essential for the success of a youth travel. “The award of the quality label conditions travel companion” of evaluation for children and youth travel e.

V. on June 28 once again confirms, which highly qualified Teamers at Euro partners have. This in mind approximately 200 Teamers were prepared in recent weeks on six nationwide training in Luneburg, Potsdam, Dachau, Tubingen and twice in Fulda on its role during the travel. While the legal backgrounds were in addition to topics such as programming, Tour guide activities and in particular the concrete dealing with the participants on the spot on the agenda. We strive to give the budding Teamers this content through numerous role-playing games and interaction as possible interesting and memorable way”, reports officer Ania Jelonek. Overall the training were very successful and we can send our Teamers with a good feeling after England and France.” In addition to the training courses for the Teamers a multi-day training course for the seasonal local employees held in the euro partners Office in bad Wunnenberg in addition. This special training is aimed at a range of experienced Teamers have mastered many teamer inserts itself in the past, and will work in the coming season as a point of contact for the Teamers locally in England.

There is text on more information on the topic: Kathrin Junemann euro partner Walter Beyer GmbH travel Europartner hosted headquartered in bad Wunnenberg in North Rhine-Westphalia since about 30 years language courses for kids (8-13 years) and teens (14-17 years) to the United Kingdom, France, Malta and Spain, as well as language camps in Germany. All courses are carried out in a group frame with all-round support and include also the complete leisure program of travel accommodation in host families, as well as teaching for local teachers. As a member of the Association of German language travel organizer shall be subject to strict quality guidelines Euro partners. How to contact with Euro partners travel Walter Beyer GmbH +++ Julia Wilhelm on the Rachel 9 +++ D-33181 bad Wunnenberg phone: + 49 (0) 2953 9805-28 +++ fax: + 49 (0) 2953 9805-98 +++


  • Posted on March 22, 2018 at 6:18 am

With summer courses the students help makes fit in all learning issues Gelsenkirchen, summer 2012. How do you calculate the volume of a ball ice cream? And what is actually an English Scone? The summer courses of the students help provide answers to all questions. Make up for gaps in knowledge or targeted inspections prepare for fun and no pressure vacation courses of help of students during the summer vacation offer individual support for each student. And there’s the holiday course valued at $99 for those who would not lose the connection even after the holidays and continue with the tuition even presented. * If math, English, or German here are learning fundamentals reviewed and refreshed content.

Because the brain is no holiday. It has been proven that what they have learned in relaxation phases especially well can be processed. With the help of the students, the children and young people improve their knowledge without having to forgo the holiday. Because with 90 minutes of lessons per day, enough time for the swimming pool remains. The students help has brought together the best tips on how to learn playfully during the holidays: a great exercise for the next essay is no matter whether travel experiences or reports write diary at home over the holidays. Overseas trip planned? There is no better way to deepen the knowledge of foreign languages. Museum, Zoo or walk in the forest: has the largest effect of learning with practical knowledge. Solve puzzles, organize the best wrinkle or a scavenger hunt to learn is, if you don’t realize it.

Write letters and emails from vacation is pleased that not only the Grandma, it is also an excellent writing exercise. There are all information about the holiday offers of students help locally, or at. * In all participating students helps the student aid: student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria as well as Germany’s third largest franchise system. For over 35 years, it offers individual tutoring in small Groups of three to five students. The students help offers support in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools. Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a scientific study of the University of Bayreuth. The student assistance promotes at 1,100 locations more than 75,000 students per year. As important private training providers, the student aid provides a wide range which includes also exam preparation and holiday courses in addition to tuition. A quality management system, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, is used to achieve a high level of quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94 percent of customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. The students help is premium partner of DeutschlandCard. With the loyalty program can students help customers collect points, redeem points and discounts to secure themselves.

The Entire

  • Posted on March 20, 2018 at 4:02 pm

The regulatory techniques will provide some (30%) under-contract rental rate in comparison with the market. However, if a specified condition in the LC RF auction for selling the right to conclude such grace lease, sell that right (you can call it a lease or a right of superficies of the earth) will allow the state at least compensate for loss of earnings caused by objectively justified imperfection establishing the value of usage rights and ownership of land, but often (in the manifestation of a developers’ investment interests) – and even receive additional benefits. Simultaneously with the above must be borne in mind that the right to conclude a lease (“the lease”) belongs to the owner of the land improvements. When selling real estate in the leased land together with improvements “for sale” and “leasehold” (Which may in time grow in value!). It follows that in determining the market value of the property means the cost approach to the subject being evaluated should include the ownership of the improvement and the right to conclusion of the lease (“the lease”) of land. In the taxable property should not be together with the inventory cost of improvements include the market value of “the right to lease” land. In fact, the land tax pays the lessor of the amounts he received for the sale of improvements to the owner the right to conclude lease contract (as part payment for the use and ownership of land) and lease payments due to a given method of determining the contractual rental rate for the entire period of the lease (the second part of payment for the use and ownership of land).

Earn Money For Personal Savings

  • Posted on March 19, 2018 at 11:56 pm

Dear Readers: I always thought that saving counting on my salary was a dream almost impossible. Each day the wages are more in line with our basic needs and do not cover aspects such importsante as is the recreation and planning our financial future (investments). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Michael Chabon has to say. Seeing this picture I started to develop additional activities with the idea of increasing my income and contribute to a surplus of savings and investment plan. Although I wondered how I earn extra money saving opportunities arose always focused my attention. So, I could increase my income, improve my current financial situation but at the end of the annual period that I was still depending on my monthly income.

Was really looking for a job, extra business or the solution to make more money? This experience made me reflect and I realized that no previous planning, my goal simply fall into a state of covering non-priority needs, with my extra income, but in the end was in the same financial position with no savings fund. The habit of saving, if possible, for me there is no excuse whatsoever. Who intends to save and make a financial plan should do so with a firm and determined to change. John Mclaughlin insists that this is the case. To change we must know why we want to change and where we want to change. Do not take this course is like sailing without a compass or direction, with the result that we lost in our actions and have null results. Therefore, if we decide to have a habit of saving and investment have to do before the following: Conduct a personal assessment to discover our true financial needs.

This step is to reflect all our income and expenditures (expenses) monthly. Define where we are making expenditures that have no relevance and can be adjusted. Define the amount needed to adjust to cover our expenses, incidental expenses etc.. When, at one point we found that our expenditures or expenses are consuming more than 90% of our income the situation is critical and our adjustments should be raised and applied as soon as possible. If expenses or disbursements represent or consume between 70 and 89 percent of revenue so we are in a care situation where you make adjustments to avoid falling into critical situations. If expenses do not cover more than 70% of our income then your situation is appropriate to make a savings plan. In short, never allow your financial situation falls into a position where your duties, debts or exceed current spending over 30% of your income. Adjustments should be in terms of releasing the burden of your personal expenses and use them in your recreation needs, savings and investment. Imagine a lifestyle where you achieve steady income and real waste to cover all living expenses and you'll get money for your recreation, savings and investment. You'd be living the dream as financial freedom. Be sure to do this analysis before committing a savings plan. This will give you a vision of where you stand now, will tell you your reality and maybe you'll be amazed. I can guarantee to know your financial reality will open the doors doeth how I earn money to save. Jose Gregorio Lopez Sanz.