Successful exhibition for the second time in Landau health and environmental days Landau load from 6 7 April anyone interested for a free visit in the triple Gymnasium in Landau. With a greeting of Landauer Mayor Josef Brunner and the District of Dingolfing-Landau/Germany Heinrich open Trapp on Saturday at 14:00 the exhibition. Then existing and alternative ways for better health and more environmental protection for man and nature revolves around in the exhibition and the lecture program. The fair will this year for the second time in Landau instead of this time in the triple Sports Hall in the Santiago road. With its unique range of exhibitors, there is much to see and experience. Exhibitors offer visitors advice, health checks to try out tips for environmental measurements in house and garden and many current information. Michael Chabon has plenty of information regarding this issue. So that the visitors are also culinary very well supplied, the neighboring restaurant Gattopardo is consistently open with a delicious and healthy dishes.
Interesting lecture program to the fair are there in two parallel Lecture rooms many exciting and informative lectures, dealing with topics such as Aloe Vera, beauty for skin and hair health and prevent heart and circulatory diseases. Learn also about environmental issues such as protection against ElectroSmog or battery storage systems. All presentations can be visited free of charge. Alternative healing methods are a focus of the fair the alternative healing methods and concepts. The visitors will get an insight into the possibilities of energetic, spiritual and holistic healing. These include not only the Reiki or aura reading, but also energetic healing and lineups. For those interested in is the opportunity to participate in lineups of the soul companion Peter Josef Hinger during the fair and to edit their own concerns.
Environmental information for home and environment the visitor detailed information about photovoltaic systems, battery storage systems, smoke detectors and LED technology. Also wooden houses are prefabricated and ecological building materials as well as Introduced methods to conserve fuel and combustion optimization. Also the Wasserenergetisierung will be represented again. Loose for a good cause at the fair visitors can try also their luck at a raffle with attractive prizes. Prices are including the vouchers for the Elypso swimming pool, energy treatments or lineups. Valuable prizes such as chips for the mobile phone filtering, natural diamond products, tea and incense are waiting for the winner. The proceeds of the raffle is the action of joy by helping”benefit of the Straubinger of Tagblatt.