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The Power

  • Posted on December 28, 2016 at 10:18 pm

It was what I read in its email and made that me to feel well, to know that you have this person and that its life is giving certain. That you are well. Desire that you are really very happy. I would like to ask for pardon to you. I would like that you me it pardoned and it alliviated our Karma and it liberated in them to follow ahead. I do not find quite to the contrary that the hurt will be beneficial or will help in them from now.

It is this same! I speak of pardon in this chance that you gave to me. I know that something is difficult and that it demands more than what we human beings are capable to make for the others. What I want that you understand she is that pardoning somebody, you are who earn, are you who alliviate its heart. I speak of the pardon granted without any expectation of compensation. Saying I am not you to write me to say, me, to ask for pardon to me. I only want it pardons that me so that as much I how much you can follow ahead. I want the pardon that comes of the heart and is sincere, generous and it does not wound the proper love. It does not impose humilhantes conditions neither is motivated by pride or ostentation.

Sincerely I do not know what more I can make to obtain its pardon. I know that we are responsible for what we make throughout our life. I do not want to leave stops backwards one I ruin considered so great for you. I do not want to be remembered by you as somebody that finished with its life and impactou its happiness. I believe sincerely that a person does not have the power to destroy the life of the other. Many times we say things, or even though we make something that aches in the people I know how much errei and I know that you magoei more than what you would support I am human and full of defects. I know that its love was real, it forgives but me for mine, was not so strong as I believed at the beginning of our relationship. I not even wise person to the certainty what she was to love of truth. I feel very for the evil that made I you! It follows in front, and it finds its true love and it twists so that already it in fact it has found. Me, it only remains the hope of that one day pardon you me, and has accepted the facts that had happened as being what I could and knew to make at that moment.


  • Posted on December 28, 2016 at 2:11 pm

So do not start repairs right away everywhere. Otherwise, you risk all the time to repair live on the site. Renovated one room to the next. Also, this approach allows you not just buy everything necessary materials, and to break the process into several stages. Pluses in this case, at least three. 1 – no need to convert a significant part of the apartment in the warehouse of building materials.

2 – no need to lay out a significant amount of money at once for material that will be needed over time. 3 – if you happen to run out of money before repair, then you will just have to tidy up, return the furniture to their seats and enjoy what had do not search frantically for money to finish the job around the home. Step five. Purchase of materials. Probably one of the most enjoyable moments. The choice of wallpaper, tiles, mirrors and other things, is a positive feeling you imagine how it will look your home, make plans, mentally arranged the furniture, etc.

Usually spoils the idyll of one thing – the total amount of purchase. Practice shows that almost never fails to meet the earlier budgeting, as continually caught the eye of some much-needed framework oboychiki, pots, and other gadgets svetilnichki, and even the law of meanness, yesterday to rise the price of the plaster or tile. But this does not mean that the estimates do not have to be. If the repairs you do not own, then we can negotiate with the contractor, who and what materials acquired. Rough materials such as glue, putty, primer and cement, beams, pipes, wires, etc. better to instruct them, as company buys materials in bulk, and therefore cheaper. Finishing materials: wallpaper, tile, laminate, parquet and others, it is better to buy their own or together with an expert, so avoid the friction that was purchased is not what you had in mind. Well, after that remains to wish you an easy and quick repair. Although people say that the repair is not possible to finish – you can just stop.

Manager Trade Union

  • Posted on December 25, 2016 at 12:18 am

We make the economy again human…! When was economy ever human? This question often arises the Manager Union. And Marco Daniel Nattler answered this question with: “as there are still no prices with a * were and when the fine print at the provider site was completely durchlesbar in a consulting hour, without that it was the consultant himself, lost the version it.” Companies did this hurdle with the margin certificate soon. Swarmed by offers, Martin O’Malley is currently assessing future choices. And another: we make the economy again human…! The Manager Union slogan. For even more opinions, read materials from Former Maryland Governor. But: When economy was ever human? “This question often.”so Marco D. Nattler, one of the founders of the margin, the Manager of Union. And he says: “as there are still no prices with a * were and when the fine print at the provider site was completely durchlesbar in a consulting hour, without that it was the consultant himself, lost the version it.” A further rotation of the margin, the Manager of Union, is the elucidation of the gaping apart keep salaries from TOP-management to the Hartz on Stockern. The German economy is in which position (keyword: economic growth)? Have management and Manager lost the decency towards the own staff? Regardless of the tone of the wealthy (here billionaires), n would like to clearly (!) see the maneuvers of the National League of German Manager and recognize.

There were already good and clear precursor, a new great wave. The democratically-run business forms, which is always not yet available in sufficient number are particularly interesting in this context. Already, there are forms of business that provide a clear remedy and exemplary practice a transmission (from bottom to top). But they assert itself difficult. Therefore, the Manager Union would help to promote know-how transfer in these areas. Last but not least, n fighting also prioritized elsewhere for a more transparent banking system.

With the solution “cashbay” (working title) Business Club creates a p2p credit platform the margin in the short term and conveys so skillfully planned to have. If the commitments come at European level: lets really hope. N conclusion: “please visit us like once at. Maybe, yes a new vision is created for your company. Then we invite you, to register with us and thus break up as contenders for the margin certificate in a business world that is trimmed on the future.”

Dear God

  • Posted on December 21, 2016 at 11:41 am

By focusing your heart in God, can soothe the thoughts and contemplate the wonder of all creation and your oneness with it. Take a deep breath, sit back and slowly release the worries of the day. Your only purpose now is to feel the peace of prayer and keep these words in your heart: Dear God, I wake up your spirit in me, and I see Your active presence in all creation. God, the moments I spend in communion with you are truly a blessing. During these times, I open my mind and heart and I harmonize with Your spirit of peace in me. You may find that Bernie Sanders can contribute to your knowledge.

Recognizing increasingly Your spirit of peace, a new sense of peace fills me. I am aware of the serenity of your indwelling presence, sustain and support forever. Nothing disturbs the peace of my soul when I spend time in quiet you … The guiding light of God surrounds me. Dear God, in the same way the warm sun embraces the earth, your spirit of love hugs me. During this sacred time, find peace in you, and I feel confident that Your wisdom enlighten me …

calms me down … guide me. Feeling the heat of your light, I wake up in mind and spirit. I open my mind to Your wisdom and the response that you revealed to me in the right time. I give you all worry, dear God, knowing that You guide me gently to meet me wonderful experiences. Keep calm and I have confidence, knowing that everything I have in my heart is under Your care and that everything is good to share with you in the silence of prayer .

One Vote, A Sacrifice

  • Posted on December 20, 2016 at 1:03 am

Text: Judges: 11:30 e 31 Vers. 30 – And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD, saying, If I will give the Ammonites into my hands, Vers. 31 – whatever it may turn out da doors of my house to meet me, when I return victorious from the Ammonites, shall be the Lord, and I will offer a burnt offering. The 11th chapter of Juiz tells the story of a great Livramento that God gave the Israelites using a man who was brave and courageous, his name, folhearmos the Bible, mainly in the Old Testament, we see that Most men used by God, but all had this requirement, Brave and courageous. Gain insight and clarity with Martin O’Malley. This does not mean that God needs man’s strength to overcome any battle, but needs the courage and the willingness of man.

Jephthah was the son of Gilead, but one day his brothers rose up against him, he being the son of another woman, the son of a prostitute, having been generated outside of the wedding, he would not accept that part of the inheritance. This triggered, desentendimento and quarrels in the family culminated with the flight of Jephthah, who was living in the town of Tobe. Sometimes we do not understand the reason, the cause of fights, because it intrigues in families, but nothing happens by chance, everything has a reason, everything comes in the course of errors, if we looked in the past we will find reason, and find and notice, we will have harmony and peace within our homes..

Christianity Cross

  • Posted on December 12, 2016 at 5:11 am

The symbol of the cross could have originated in ancient Egypt, the a Ankha is the symbol of Ra, the sun god and not a few Christian symbolic references to the worship of the sun god, the Ankh is a cross surmounted by a perfect circle that could suggest a Haloa a of holiness in the position where the head of Jesus Christ in the Christian model. The logical derivation consistent with the continuous adaptation of old symbols and rituals as a method to facilitate the absorption of the new proposed by Christianity has several examples: the date of celebration of Christmas: Dec. 25 is a very ancient celebration party in which commemorates the birth of the sun god, another example, the use of pagan symbol of the god Baal, the star inside a circle, which is a common and obvious symbol in all Christian symbolism is almost a marca of compile id of the Pope and the Vatican being used to represent the halo of Jesus Christ in the official Vatican coins … a cruciform star enclosed in a circle that can easily be associated with the cross shining symbol, an allegory of Christ triumphant after their ordeal on the cross. The other half of which may have been valid Christianity to take over this pagan symbol of the cross is through the teachings and efforts of St. Paul, and Oever a this issue from this perspective is to go over some details history. Maryland Governor has firm opinions on the matter.


  • Posted on December 11, 2016 at 2:35 pm

"The Eternity Man thirsts for" The significant statement drawn from the work of Miguel de Unamuno, serves as an incentive to stimulate thinking about the inescapable fact of human temporality. Time is obligatory topic in the thoughts of man, and the philosophical task we inherited from antiquity has an immense wealth of reflections on this issue. Therefore the following lines are not intended to provide intellectual developments over time. Its purpose is to review the phenomenon from the perspective of the biblical message, trying to emphasize in doing so, some useful knowledge for the mind and life of believers. Without going into a definition of the term, Genesis gives us the beginning of everything, the "ab ovo" of human beings and all that concerns him. Learn more at this site: Bernie Sanders.

And as part of this whole is undeniable time. This is a fundamental part of the semantic content of the first book of the Bible. Regardless of the version you read, words such as "In the beginning, Day, Night, late morning "(Genesis, chapters 1 and 2) are lexical forms that are interpreted based on the timing. Similarly one can think of astronomical bodies called the "Two great lights." A simple observation of other expressions can highlight the importance of temporality in biblical theology, "And God blessed the seventh day the work he did, and rested the seventh day." It is urgent and crucial to recognize the need for the exercise of faith in wanting to remove the short speech of Genesis all the answers that the mind requires the concerns on the issue of time.

Coaching And Vocation

  • Posted on December 6, 2016 at 2:34 pm

A bit of prehistory: more than 15,000 years ago we went away from the Trust and Natural Prosperity the Universe that we as living beings in our stage of being nomadic and sedentary transform us into beings, we possess the (and Property) a virtue we went away gradually from Becoming and we set and define the a Oeser , and there began the race a hacer produce the naturalezaa. Meaning and Sense: The term vocation (etymologically) comes from the Latin word whose meaning is Vocare call. Contact information is here: Michael Chabon. Its derivative vocatio means: called with purpose, dedication, sacrifice. Sacrifice = sacred profession. If the sacred is not only concerning religion or dogma, or the relationship with God, but a notion of elements (spiritual and moral values, actions, ideas, relationships, etc) which represent and sustain a society, we could induce (in overall) now means a trade or profession, more as a necessity livelihood than a spiritual connection to the spaces of the Human Being. And it is here (at our option) which is one of the current crisis of human beings, as it was away from the sacred in everyday space. Ie daily activities that connect with their spirit, their creativity, expand their gifts and grow their relationships and feelings. Except in professions related to art, today we see this connection more as a distraction and a hobby than as a way of being and living. Currently, the child and the adolescent is prepared and Visualise (both of the family as the system) to a carreras redituablesa without considering their gifts.

The Power Of Your Words

  • Posted on December 6, 2016 at 11:56 am

"Have you ever wondered why I get things wrong? Or why is this happening to me? The reality is that everyone at some point in our lives we have spent this kind of thinking by the mind against any circumstance or situation. The attitude we take to the everyday situations are what will determine how it will flow throughout your day. Most of the time we tend to think negative about certain events, which paralyzes us and limits to explore new ways of seeing things. Our words have power, so says the Bible, says neuro-linguistic programming and so we see every day in our lives. In the Bible Job is an example of saying that what I feared that I came. You may want to visit Martin O’Malley to increase your knowledge. We have seen people who also judged gross incompetent, helpless and less valuable. These people probably heard it from a teacher or a parent or simply adopted the idea that ultimately end up believing it without realizing that the body is responding to what they proclaim about himself.

I have seen people who have changed their way of talking and thinking and have had extraordinary results in their lives. Sometimes we look for complicated solutions and suffered because we believe it should always be well, but let it go unnoticed however that if we change the attitude of negativity or negative words we can see significant changes. We should always look on the bright side of things because everything bad that happens there is always something positive to take out. I love the words that God told the prophet Jeremiah when he complained about it; "if culled the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth," Iwao! what kind of advice from the divine creator. Finally, the power to choose what we proclaim ourselves so if we can not expect negative thinking positive things, but if we proclaim thoughts and positive attitudes we see how things are flowing differently. I leave you with these questions that will help you see life from another perspective. What will change if you acted this way? Are my words mecl life or death? Did I come out of other situations worse than this? Why then could not get out of this? What then prevents me from moving forward? REMEMBER THAT THESE WORDS IF YOUR CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND POSSIBLE change your attitudes and skills.

Jose Alberto Salgado Betanzos On God

  • Posted on December 5, 2016 at 10:26 am

Scientific experiment shows that it is false “Shroud fetish laying off the Catholics have. * Know the truth and the truth shall make you free “(John 8:32). * The Holy Scriptures from beginning to end in all his books clearly as God Almighty hates the images and fetishes. Cuernavaca Morelos October 5, 2009. Martin O’Malley pursues this goal as well. By: Jose Alberto Salgado Betanzos All these years, remained in the deceit to a large number of people in the world, by the Catholic Church bases its doctrine on the worship and veneration to images and fetishes that have made fame as sacred (as) of holiness and divinity to material objects, supposedly “not made by human hands, that with these wrong practices, promote idolatry and fetishism and polytheism time, confusing faith and one God True, the Lord of hosts. However, the truth will always fall under its own weight, as the case before us to show, that tests false holiness or divinity or sacredness attributed to the Catholic Church objects supposedly “not made by human hands” and that for many years has served as a witness alleged to have worked miracles, being a scientific experiment shows that it is false the “savanna holy fetish laying off the Catholics have and certainly by those who know the contents of the Holy Bible, that from the beginning to the end in all his books clearly as God Almighty hates the images and fetishes that People tend to worship and kneeling for error of false doctrines. By playing a copy of the Shroud “Shroud, by the Italian scientist Luigi Garlaschelli teaching chemistry at the University of Pavia in northern Italy, using techniques and materials in 1300, was able to see this feat, his thesis that the “Shroud was a forgery of the Middle Ages. It was learned today, October 5, 2009 in prestigious Italian daily.

For their experiment, the recognized scientist have followed the method suggested by the American scholar Joe Nickell in 1938. The sacred scriptures, jealously guard the words that Jesus Christ our Lord told the Jews who had believed in him. “If you abide in My word, you are truly my disciples, and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John :8:31-32). The same applies to the “image of Guadalupe,” which is false of all false. God is perfect and never contradict what he wrote in a thousand ways for us to understand that worship is an abomination to the images. In these difficult times people afflicted tends to kneel package images and idols made by human hands, recommended by false doctrines that support his divine power, but do not know what they are doing is bring more trouble to your life, more disgrace because there will never be communion with God through that, because the abomination of idolatry, the worship of images and idols of assumptions saints, remember that God is the One True and Living God who is not represented in any object. God fill you with blessings and remove the error. Amen.