You are currently browsing the archives for October 2016.
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Greater Efficiency

  • Posted on October 31, 2016 at 11:35 pm

Greater efficiency and protection of the brand reputation for SMC, a global manufacturer of State of the art pneumatic and electrical automation systems in production environments, is that customers will get always highest quality extremely important. According to the manufacturing engineer of Jason Ricketts SMC works with “everything moves air, directs or is moved by air”, including air filters for the industry. SMC, a manufacturer of cutting systems for industrial plants commissioned to incorporate a locating pin in its air filter. However, there was a problem. “This is done as follows: the unit is broken down, a PIN is inserted and then the filter is assembled again”, says Ricketts.

“When assembling we forget sometimes a part inside. If you put together hundreds of them, that happen ever. There are several small parts.” If an incorrectly composed air filter is used, this can reduce the airflow and cause premature failure. John Mclaughlin recognizes the significance of this. If the air filter is not properly built, he is sent back to SMC. The means for the company not only costs for reworking, it damages the reputation of the brand. Through a Visual inspection at the end of the operator could not determine however, whether the air filter was assembled correctly.

Da, SMC has been on the manual. Checkweigher ICS465 by METTLER TOLEDO attention. At a glance, workers can now see, whether in an air filter parts are missing. “We have just set that displays red, if a part is missing, or green if everything is alright”, as Ricketts. “The operator an overview so quickly, if everything is OK or not.” Now, thanks to the speed and accuracy of the manual check-weigher, SMC needs just one operator. The second can continue in the meantime other roles. The new checkweigher has increased not only the productivity, it gives security workers for your work, Rickett adds. You look on the scale and immediately see whether everything was done correctly,”he explains.

Rosprirodnadzor Mitvol

  • Posted on October 9, 2016 at 3:26 pm

Major accident occurred on the pipeline in Bashkortostan, as a result which spilled about 9 cubic meters of oil. Michael Chabon brings even more insight to the discussion. In the accident on the pipeline in Bashkortostan was attended by over 350 people and 136 pieces of heavy equipment. As many as three accidents occurred last week due to a leak of ammonia: an enterprise in , Novgorod region, on the bakery in Pskov region and meat-packing plant in Yekaterinburg. It should be noted that in the latter case, the leadership tried to keep the meat of emergency and eliminate the consequences of their own. As a result, ice is a dangerous substance was removed from the facility in an unknown direction. At the end of the week the media reported an oil spill during unloading the tanker ‘Antarctica’ at the platform Butinge terminal in Lithuania. Returned last week to the situation around the pollution Dulyovo creek, which flows into the River Klyazma. Deputy Head of Mitvol urged the authorities to suburbs to sue the rsc Energia, saying that the damage to the creek near Moscow, was almost 1.8 billion rubles.

We recall the accident at rsc Energia January 5 in water Dulyovo creek spilled 500 tons of petroleum products. Heavy snowfalls have caused a national disaster in China more than 50 years the country has not experienced such weather, and for the first 135 years of meteorological observations in China has been declared one of the highest levels of risk of disaster. That is what has led uninterrupted for two weeks heavy snow, fell upon the Celestial Empire.

TV Formats

  • Posted on October 6, 2016 at 1:02 am

The radio and television festival is one of the most important in Spain. He inaugurated a section which will be screened formats which have recorded a pilot program but that still does not have been purchased by any chain. Radio and Television of Vitoria Festival inaugurates this year a new section which will present projects of programs and series that have already made their numbers zero, but that still does not have been hired by a television network. Producers such as El Terrat, K2000, Mediapro or Petra Garmon as well as Carlos Sobera television professionals will participate in this new section called pilots, which will be announced the ten proposals selected by the Organization of the FesTVal. The festival opens its doors on August 30, and the first screening will take place the next day 31 when David Ortega will present a crazy House, a series directed by Juan Ramon Bonet and Ana Otero which narrates the disparate experiences of patients and therapists of a centre of rehabilitation of obsessive behavior compulsive, as reported today in a statement the organizers of the contest. That same day, the producer ZZJ displays his two works: someone looks at us, a program about Paranormal phenomena and amazing videos, with sightings of UFOs and possible ghosts; and does last appointment? a new format reality in which a couple in separation process envisions a documentary about their relationship.

On Thursday, September 1 Carlos Sobera will announce a new contest, common denominator, where what matters are not knowledge but quickly finding the connection between characters, places and objects. Also day 1 the Catalan producer Aproptv be screened his comedy of a series of superhero fiction, in which the four protagonists, in his eagerness to become authentic justicieros, they steal an accessory store for superheroes in Barcelona and patrol the city waiting to find an opportunity to impart justice. The day will close with a series of humor and suspense room 13 of the producer Petra Garmon, on very cheap room but that is always free so it happens; and with the program this is another story, that parodies the sinking of the Titanic, the death of Julio Cesar, the tree of Gernika or the construction of the pyramids. September 2 this section closes with two original K2000 betting: 5 waves, 5 continents, dedicated to surfing, and starring by Eneko Acero who, camera in hand, captures the essence of this sport; and what happens to me Julian, a comedy starring Gorka Otxoa and Mauro Muniz. In addition, that same day El Langui (Juan Manuel Montilla), known rapper and a Goya winner for his work on the film the trick of the manco, presented a television project based on his radio Taraska program. The singer, wrapped in this project by the producer El Terrat, will attend the capital of Alava next Jose Corbacho to present this show whose pilot program involves characters such as David Bustamante, Emilio BUTRAGUEnO or Gabino Diego. Source of the news: new television formats seeking owner in the FesTVal

I Like Global MasterCard Facebook Page

  • Posted on October 4, 2016 at 10:41 pm

Global, MasterCard is represented with an own fan page on Facebook. Regularly, timely, interactive on the global information updates – MasterCard fanpage users and readers more about the prepaid credit card including bank account functionality for the private and economic sectors. Regular information provide current details about the product. The interactivity is the focus with users. So a regees information and communication network around to the prepaid MasterCard to distinguish themselves. The recommendation by sympathizers increases the awareness of the credit card product. Up to date with the global MasterCard Facebook page with Facebook is a large range available. Information are regularly visited by users. Official site: Center for Media Justice.

Global MasterCard takes part in this hustle and bustle and presents itself with the own page of Facebook to submit the information on timely and up to date on the user. Blog article be published, commonly asked questions and answers are communicated and innovations to the product be made public. As a sympathizer of the global You are always up-to-date MasterCard fan page. Credit card offers each in addition to the prepaid credit card for anyone global MasterCard a German bank account functionality. Transfers and standing orders allow the participation in payment transactions. Wages, benefits or other remuneration can effortlessly be credited to the bank account. Account and card owner is subject (premium type or the respective companies (business type). About DynamicDrive GmbH & co.

KG which online marketing was agency DynamicDrive 2004 by Dipl.-ing. Olaf Kerner in Dresden, Germany founded. A business is the operation of comparison portals for credit cards and loans. DynamicDrive is CoBrand partner of MasterCard and VISA, and operates an affiliate platform for the most exclusive online affiliate programs at. Press contact: Dynamicdrive GmbH & co. KG Mr. Olaf Kerner Konigsbrucker Strasse 28 01099 Dresden Tel.