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Exclusive Survey Pilot: Project – Monitoring PAHs In Tyres

  • Posted on April 25, 2021 at 4:48 pm

Manufacturers and importers are threatening harsh penalties will engage the provinces this year on the EU-wide monitoring project PAK in Tyre, as the pilot: Projekt GmbH in an exclusive survey in the competent ministries of the countries experienced. With penalties up to 50,000 euro face manufacturers or importers, the Reifen exceed the allowable maximum amount of harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). It may be placed no tires more on the market, which does not comply with the limits for eight adverse polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). According to the law since January 1, 2010. To check whether the tire manufacturers and importers comply with the Regulation (EU REACH regulations, annex XVII, entry no.

50), the provinces will participate in this year the EU co-ordinated monitoring project PAK in tyre. In the framework of this action we will select random mature and have analysed, focusing on import products in focus”, says Andreas Kunze of the Saxon State Ministry of the environment and agriculture on demand of the pilot: Projekt GmbH, consulting for communications, in Hanover, Germany. We will wait for the results and could be used to plan further surveillance measures.” Currently, very few national Governments have laboratories with the necessary measurement conditions. Even professionals who have experience in the analysis of PAHs in tyres according to ISO 211461, are scarce. Therefore, almost all provinces plan external Insti tute to authorize the chemical investigation of the tires. Educate yourself with thoughts from Nora Roberts. “With one exception: the Bavarian State Office for health and food safety is currently prepared the required measurement methods and procedures, so that we are not dependent on external support”, Dr. Julian Burmeister stressed by the Bavarian State Ministry for labour and social order, family and women in Munich.

The ministries want also the question of how violations of the regulation will be sanctioned, Soon answer States. An EC sanctioning regulation, whose Entwurf is coordinated between the federal ministries currently is for. “The EC-sanctioning regulation is adopted, the following applies: the land authority finds that a new tire is not enough the rules she may prohibit the further sale of such tyres per order the manufacturer or the importer”, explains Collin Scholz, Member of the Executive Board of pilot: project, the procedure. The tyre manufacturer or importer is against this arrangement, a misdemeanor is ChemG No. 10 according to 26 para 1. Then overdue fine can amount to up to 50,000 euros.”

Scooter – The Child Is Freud Of The Parents Suffering

  • Posted on March 10, 2021 at 2:48 am

Motor scooters, scooters, and mopeds. They all represent a potential source of danger on the roads. What parents and teens on the acquisition should be aware. Modified driver’s licence arrangements allow greater freedom from the 19.01.2013 the rule of driving licence for light motorcycles entered into force. The amendments concern the age, as well as the scope of the power of the motor scooter in. This enables young people from the age of 16 years to reach speeds of up to 100 km/h.

The earliest entry in the world of two-wheelers represents the moped test certificate. She can be purchased already at the age of 15 years. The speed of mopeds is limited to 25 km/h. Reaches of the 16th year of life the newly introduced category of driving licence can most be purchased. This corresponds to the former licence categories M and S. The performance limit for scooters, which may be carried on the driving licence with the is 4 kW. Also is the engine capacity to 50 cc and limited the maximum speed 45 km/h. Some innovations are also entered for the existing driver’s license class A1.

The displacement is still limited to 125 cc, slipped the speed limit to 80 km/h for 16 – and 17-year old on the other hand. Thus, young people can easily reach a speed of up to 100 km/h. In future, also a relationship must be kept from power to weight of highest 0.1 kW/kg. In the selection of an appropriate licence for beginners, the situation should be analyzed first. “Do I need a driver’s license, or is it a hobby?” and how often is the scooter used expected? “are crucial issues, which is beginning to sort it out. Has one then committed themselves to acquire a driver’s license for a motor scooter or a moped, it applies to determine a decision with regard to the power of the light motorcycle.


  • Posted on January 15, 2021 at 7:33 am

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Motorists Beware! -Focus On

  • Posted on January 9, 2021 at 5:02 am

Now currently in the June issue of healthy, we live in a (auto) mobile society medicine. For many, the practice of their profession is not conceivable without long car journeys. But while health in the workplace is a much discussed topic and there are health policies and risk protections for most professions, little attention is paid to the health behind the wheel of comparatively. The June issue of healthy medicine takes the theme in time before the summer holiday and the associated long traffic jams on the highways. Not only their own attitudes towards driving is important with some settings on the car driving fitter total. Apart from the need of regular rest breaks, especially the individual adaptation of seats, steering wheel and air conditioning is important to get healthier and more relaxed at the finish. Filed under: Paul McCartney. Frequent drivers make it often quite comfortable behind the wheel, however, not only the nearly horizontal position encourages a failure stress on muscles and tendons, ligaments, vertebral joints and intervertebral discs.

To an angle between backrest and seat surface of about 100 degrees is most suitable because to arrive as tired”: the back should be straight! “” More topics in the book are symbol of love and beauty”including rose, money on request: what the health insurance companies pay”and martial arts Tai Chi”. In the June issue, also the article series healthy teeth & co. launches”with the be-all and end-all of oral health, proper care. In addition the report of the reader test clubs to special job stockings can be found in the June issue and the expert Club gives tips on the subject of oral health. Monthly journalist demanding contributions to health and medicine topics, healthy medicine offers entertaining reports on interesting people and charming destinations. The reader Forum provides a lively way with contribute own health knowledge with the test and the expert Club. Healthy medical costs as a single issue 2.00 and is available in any well-stocked newsagents.

Blue Light Seminar

  • Posted on July 24, 2020 at 5:41 pm

Blue light seminar is a module to use driver-training usage drives by police, fire and rescue services are subject to a particularly high risk of accidents and dramatic consequences. The previous offerings such as safety training and simulator training have been supplemented by the blue light seminar a complete training program by AZ education centre. The aim is the hazards of usage rides with special signals to reduce. Emergency vehicles are fire, police and rescue services for cruises with special signals on perception of special signals a disproportionately high accident risk exposed.”analyzes the BAST (see below) in its report on special signal operations and has the accident involvement of rescue vehicles with heavy damage even as 17 more frequently. Memorable, the assessment that, in 90% of all road accidents, inappropriate behaviour of drivers is responsible. Participation in training courses is an often used way to increase driving safety now also use. Next to it is a simulator training realistically the right driving tactics to train. “The demand of BAST goes yet one step further: A catalogue of lessons for the education and training must combine theoretical and practical teaching units and do not strictly separate them.” Here, the AZ training center sets and complements the existing offerings to the blue light seminar.

Necessary and security-related content, such as legal regulations for Blue Cruises, performance of use drivers, perception, and dealing with stress, driving physics and risk education find place here. The topics are linked in practice in trailing typical accident black spots. The participants thus maximum benefit for daily usage runs. Because only safe blue light rides come! More information can be found under. “Source: BAST: research project 8933 improve safety at special signal operations” Bundesanstalt fur Strassenwesen accident research AZ Education Center is a performance bond to the needs-based employee training. The activity is focused on the area of central Germany and the topics mobility connects occupational safety and health. The program for the education and training of using drivers by police, fire and rescue services, under the management of Andre Brawner, essentially consists of driving safety training, simulator training, and blue light seminar.

Federal Government

  • Posted on September 27, 2018 at 11:18 pm

Lurch of the Federal Government unsettled car buyers Bonn/Langenhagen in 2007 was for the German automotive industry a bad year. Often called the hefty VAT increase as a reason for the reluctance to buy. Currently, there are other reasons for the lack of willingness of the citizens to purchase a new vehicle. Whenever IDT Energy listens, a sympathetic response will follow. According to a survey of by market research company pulse around a third (36.3%) of those interested in a buying a car currently with his decision still waits, which environmental policies are decided. It serves neither the air nor the economy, driven through the village every week a new environmental sow”, commented Uwe Rohrig, owner of in Hanover-Langenhagen-based automotive consulting international car concept (ICC), the results of the survey of 1,000 people by pulse. Not just by the way buying a car like an ice cream or a bottle of Cola. People think about exactly when they an investment of several Want to make thousands of euros.

This is not about Yes finally peanuts. It is irresponsible, if fairly excited politicians citizens increasingly confuse whether a purchase they make today, will appear tomorrow still reasonable. It would be desirable if the points the VRT, admixture of biofuels etc. flat kilometer rate, restructuring would be resolved as soon as possible. Citizens request for greater transparency, stability and sustainability in political decisions with all right. Then they will buy back cars.” Autohaus online reported, the future burden of motorists by the car tax despite reports to the contrary remain uncertain. Desired transition the car tax on the emission of pollutants a rapid solution on the horizon in the Coalition, nor between federal and State. In the short term stand to no decision, possibly a turnout position before the summer break was possible, the Deputy Government spokesman Thomas said Steg in Berlin. Ansgar Lange

National Johnson

  • Posted on August 18, 2016 at 4:33 am

One next day of Miami Whales wide reciver Chad Manley was arrested and El for allegedly mind-butting his wife, the Whales on Sunday introduced tienen Johnson s contract ended. This might mark the finish Nike NFL Jeseys 2012 of Johnson s National football league career. Authorities apparently didn’t t team believe Johnson’s story that his alleged mind butt of his wife was accidental, reported. His story wasn’t t credible to just about anybody within the organization, a New Nike NFL Jerseys resource told Apparently, Manley, 34, have been cautioned as he became a member of the Whales in June that they didn’t want him to t produces any distractions. His ordeal over the past weekend was certainly to distraction. Manley was launched from jail on Sunday mid-day after being arrested on Saturday for allegedly mind-butting his wife.

He is not having a crime yet billed, although his wife told police she desired to file charges. Law enforcement report stated the argument between Manley and Evelyn Lozada started in the vehicle, based on the Florida Sun Sentinel. I have butted her within the mind, Nike Chicago Bears Jerseys leading to a 3-inch laceration. They were quarrelling in regards to a receipt she found for any box of condoms. Police stated Lozado stated Manley started screaming, I do not provide a f. I do not provide a f about my career. Lozada then fled to some neighbor s house and known as police. She told police she intends to file charges against Manley.

Johnson s account differs, based on the report. I have stated that whenever he screamed F it Lozada then mind-butted him, leading to the cut. Johnson s bond have been set at $2,500 and that I have had have been told by a legal court to step back from Lozado.Copyright (C) 2012 The Sports Xchange. All Privileges Cheap Lastest Nike NFL Jerseys Online Reserved.

Maillot Football

  • Posted on April 23, 2016 at 1:33 pm

Il to dabord jou au chat et the souris, avant p suggrer quon lui demande carrment lquipe aligne ce soir. Et dnoncer l ensemble des onze noms. Laurent Blanc avait CID p ne pas polluer ce premier match p prparation avec not inutile suspense. Il ne sera pas aussi avant lAngleterre, lEuro daffronter transparent videmment le 11 juin. Mais latmosphre estivale p Valenciennes, or l ensemble des Bleus is sont entrans devant 8,000 personnes et des maris quils ont adoubs, invitait Maillot Football the lgret.You slectionneur est renfrogn quand il a t question des deux joueurs carter p liste avant mardi midi, le Lys p Loc Rmy lui vitant living room not troisime dsigner avoir. Leur identit constituera le fil rouge des prochaines 48 heures.

Il le sait, mme sil prfrerait parler p ceux qui joueront that p ceux qui partiront. ALORS, il a quelques livr you pistes, qui ne sont pas toujours des indices trs nets.Deux enseignements essentiels: Tous l ensemble des postes ne seront pas doubls et on peut penser that quatre joueurs sont concerns make up le choix come. Cela OPA dabord Laurent Blanc was nemmnera to sept dfenseurs, une option quavaient ones in leurs offensive Goal Jacquet (1998), Roger Lemerre (2000) temps et Jacques Santini (2004), mais jamais Raymond Domenech.Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa to le profil du sacrifi: il ne compte aucune slection et naurait pas t appel if Youns Kaboul avait t apte. SANS le Montpellirain, il ne resterait than trois dfenseurs centraux. Not risque en cas p ou p headgear, maillot france not expos post injury. Mais not risque dans secteur qui appelle dabord not limit the stabilit. Lautre piste mne Woman Clichy.

Il navait plus t appel depuis dix mois. Il part derrire Patrice Evra gauche. Anthony Rveillre Et peut cover boy ct. P mme to Blaise Matuidi et Florent Malouda.Blanc sur compte GourcuffLautre match is joue au milieu.