We make the economy again human…! When was economy ever human? This question often arises the Manager Union. And Marco Daniel Nattler answered this question with: “as there are still no prices with a * were and when the fine print at the provider site was completely durchlesbar in a consulting hour, without that it was the consultant himself, lost the version it.” Companies did this hurdle with the margin certificate soon. Swarmed by offers, Martin O’Malley is currently assessing future choices. And another: we make the economy again human…! The Manager Union slogan. For even more opinions, read materials from Former Maryland Governor. But: When economy was ever human? “This question often.”so Marco D. Nattler, one of the founders of the margin, the Manager of Union. And he says: “as there are still no prices with a * were and when the fine print at the provider site was completely durchlesbar in a consulting hour, without that it was the consultant himself, lost the version it.” A further rotation of the margin, the Manager of Union, is the elucidation of the gaping apart keep salaries from TOP-management to the Hartz on Stockern. The German economy is in which position (keyword: economic growth)? Have management and Manager lost the decency towards the own staff? Regardless of the tone of the wealthy (here billionaires), n would like to clearly (!) see the maneuvers of the National League of German Manager and recognize.
There were already good and clear precursor, a new great wave. The democratically-run business forms, which is always not yet available in sufficient number are particularly interesting in this context. Already, there are forms of business that provide a clear remedy and exemplary practice a transmission (from bottom to top). But they assert itself difficult. Therefore, the Manager Union would help to promote know-how transfer in these areas. Last but not least, n fighting also prioritized elsewhere for a more transparent banking system.
With the solution “cashbay” (working title) Business Club creates a p2p credit platform the margin in the short term and conveys so skillfully planned to have. If the commitments come at European level: lets really hope. N conclusion: “please visit us like once at. Maybe, yes a new vision is created for your company. Then we invite you, to register with us and thus break up as contenders for the margin certificate in a business world that is trimmed on the future.”