Super Flower Informed: Crystal Modular 80plus Bronze

  • Posted on February 3, 2018 at 12:42 am

Super Flower: so computer fun! Innovation and technology that just fits! Now refurbished sale available! To further improve an excellent product, is definitely not easy. The manufacturer, Super flower, promises but exactly this for the Crystal power supply modular 80plus bronze 700W model SF-700R14HE. High-quality components, such as, for example, 105 primary capacitors of manufacturer, Nippon Chemicon, make this high-performance power supply now a true product of the noble class. A patented 9pin cable management for freely selectable connection provides this crystal modular equipment. Strong and stable voltage 6 X + 12V lines prevent annoying crashes and provide its system components, also under constant load, zuverlassigst. A huge, 14CM-LED-Lufter, intelligent temperature regulated, ensures required active cooling. Former Maryland Governor may find this interesting as well. If necessary, he digs in addition significantly system heat out.

The power supply is cooled passively in addition high quality cooling fins. Active PFC and an excellent cooling behavior gives this power supply especially high energy efficiency of up to 87% (input voltage: 230 v, load: approx. 50%). All the modern safeguards and extensive security certifications, far beyond the legal requirements, are of course available. The connecting cables are elaborately encased and reinforced at their ends. The processing of the entire power supply and of the accessories is outstanding, as of Super flower not unlike accustomed.

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