Stature Surgery

  • Posted on February 22, 2021 at 3:03 pm

Usually the problem of the low stature ends by perish on the acceptance, but there are cases where this problem (which is often only subjective) just by traumar or cause major disruption to those who suffer it. Perhaps the word suffering can be exaggerated since the short stature is not a pathology, but given the degree of negative influence that infringe in some people, this term is not at all inappropriate. There are many methods of height growth, but all require long time, perseverance and ample desire. But for those cases in which patience reached its limit or for those who have not achieved the expected results and are willing to achieve them by any means, there is a solution. You may find that Chick Corea can contribute to your knowledge. You could say that it is drastic or extreme, but it is a solution to the end: the surgery. There are many surgical variants used as methods of growth in stature, among which are the following two: cranial plates: this procedure consists of the placement of several boards of inert and hypoallergenic material that is located between the skull and scalp.

Through this technique has been achieved increases in height up to three centimeters in one intervention, and few extra centimetres with subsequent deployments. Lengthening of thigh bone: this case is much more complex than the previous, but this technique allows a growth of up to fifteen centimeters. This operation consists of the separation of bone (the longest leg) femur and the placement of boards with external screws. After the intervention, the patient should increase the separation of the femur at the rate of one millimeter per day through screws that fall outside of the leg. With the gradual increase of the separation of bone, can be a maximum of fifteen centimetres of gain in stature. Grow in stature after 18 years is impossible if you don’t have a method that has been proven to work. Visit my website to read what I have discovered after months of research.

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