Same Employee

  • Posted on August 4, 2017 at 12:41 am

At the same time lacks a lot of leverage on the existing staff members. 3. Payment of work performed by a freelancer, in terms of elapsed time, it is often higher than the same work done own staff. 4. A good freelancer often performs multiple orders in a short time, so the threading order forcing him to use the tried and tested earlier patterns. 5.

Make minor changes after payment for the work can be quite problematic: freelancer by this time, can do the job for another customer. 6. I can freelance a lack of access to information needed for your project, or lack of human resources for the quality of its production. 7. Finding a cheap freelancer, you can get to unfair or incompetent employee.

8. Free agent may be very interested in the realization of each individual project, but development of the company it is of little interest. 9. All the fruits of intellectual property are considered full-time employee of the enterprise. If an employee retired, the firm uses its original development and does not lose customers. But freelance their know-how carried away with itself, that creates dependence on firm-specific training. 10. Freelancer can not be fired. Refusal to work with him facing the loss of a freelance income. But a freelancer in a moment, decide that you're too cranky customer, constantly requiring rework, and it's easier to refuse to cooperate with you in this time making work for the other two. This can happen very inopportune moment. The website poll was conducted "free artists". And from the responses of freelancers, it was concluded that large companies often are not looking for single performers orders, and staff member, checking, thus, efficiency and professionalism of the prospective employee.

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