
  • Posted on January 14, 2021 at 9:56 pm

In the action of the Sun, no person has a same answer since their genetic characteristics define a priori the sun sensitivity and the tanning capacity. The factors that make each person unique are: the texture of your skin, the presence of freckles or moles, hair color, time it takes to appear an Erythema (redness) after a first exposure and how it is acquired Tan. Therefore, creams or other solar products are not unique and there is a wide range of them, because each person requires a certain properties that suit your skin type. It should be recalled that, each person has a solar credit. This is not more than the set of defense mechanisms that act against the aggressions of solar type and which is already genetically determined from birth. The solar credit stipulated from the outset with a number and is limited. By the same author: Tim Cawley. As our bodies go to face the first exhibitions, this will decrease if the defense mechanisms are forced to act.

If sun exposure is very frequent and intense, the credit is depleted more quickly and may endanger the skin if it becomes low, assuming serious consequences. When people reach the age of 18, they may have consumed half the capital since children long exposures is more likely and in addition they receive many more UVB than an adult. The recommendation is that children should be protected from the Sun from babies. What are the phototypes that exist for each person? While we have a section on the specific website for skin types and sunscreens, we will describe the characteristics of each solar phototype allowing everyone to have the necessary information to know what deserves more broadly. 0 Phototype: Is what is known as the albino people. His hair is white, as well as your skin. They have freckles absencia, they are not tanned but they develop a rash since the first exhibition that can last up to a month.

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