AGED RESCUE OF IDENTITY AND PERSPECTIVES IN PUTTING IN A HOME: A PROPOSAL INTERVENTIVA Janaina Dos Santos of BRITO* Cibelle Marchi de Angelo DOURADO* Vanessa Marques Gibran FACO* College of the Educational Foundation of Araatuba SUMMARY: Psychology in its amplitude to know and knowledge, counts with its application the Institutions to it of Health, being this an important field of performance of Psychology, counting on the performance of able and qualified professionals in this area, for the development of a significant work and contributing cash for spheres of transformations for new perspectives of research and application, dedicating itself in the contribution of Psychology Health. Leaving of this estimated the present project it has as objective to develop space of therapeutical listening directed to the aged ones, with intention to minimize the suffering provoked for the institutionalization, through the shelter and reflection, generating a space that it promotes the empoderamento of the group and the possibility of confrontation of the inherent conflicts to the institutionalization process. The listening space has as functions: the rescue of the identity and subjectivity, the autonomy, desires and projects. It was intended to work with inherent questions to this etria band that generated anguish, such as, difficulties in dealing with its illnesses and physical, proportionate limitations for the advanced age, beyond the suffering provoked for the feelings of privation and abandonment. Meeting with a group of aged of an institution putting in a home had been carried through, using resources programmarians related to the individual rescue, of the experiences, souvenirs, distress and frustrations related to the aging, restoring the identity of each citizen. It was possible to observe through the application of this project great transformations, as increase of the auto one esteem, auto confidence and desires and, consequently, an improvement in the health condition and welfare biopsquico. Word-Key: Psychology of the health. . Filed under: John Mclaughlin.
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