Organization Ahmadinejad

  • Posted on January 18, 2018 at 7:11 am

Unprecedented manipulation of religious ideas in the Iran of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and top aide Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei said already more frequently about the time of return appearance of the hidden Imam of Shia (Mahdi or Mehdi). Michael Chabon will not settle for partial explanations. Some supporters of the Government now it gets too much, they criticize such remarks. Jahan, a Web site run by conservatives, reports of critical statements of a certain Habibollah Asgaroladi, the Chairman of the largest coalition of conservatives (coalition of the Imam and leadership spreading), which opposed Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei’s comments in a meeting with Ahmadinejad. Literally he gave to understand Ahmadinejad: some of your friends and colleagues, who say the hidden Imam would appear on the basis of your preparations, should be seriously warned. “Added the head of the Organization: talking what permission your friend about Islam and God?” Why Mashaei such remarks and published controversial statements, must then be justified for the public?” Habibollah Asgaroladi is not just anyone, he is regarded as a loyal and reliable ally of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The more weight its criticism. Some commentators discuss whether the criticism does not actually aimed at Ahmadinejad himself, because Mashaei’s comments already several months old, while the recent statements on the subject are from Ahmadinejad himself. During a visit to Isfahan on December 3, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad noted overlooking the presence of American troops in the Iraq: it is true that these imperialists behind oil and the wealth of the country here are, but they have also an underlying all underlying intention, which drives their actions. They don’t talk but in the news. We are in possession of some of their documents in this regard.

They are convinced that someone from the family of the Prophet in our region has appeared, the evildoers of the world with Butt and shaft will destroy. All of these raids were planned by you, to prevent the return of the Imam (Mahdi), because they know that the Iranian people has prepared everything so he can come. The Iranian people want leadership.” Mehdi Karoubi, one of the defeated presidential candidates and bravest opponents of Ahmadinejad, dismissed this statement about American attempts to prevent the return of the hidden Imam as an insult of religion”back. The Chairman of E’temad Melli (party national trust) said: jurists of Islam have always said that those who claim to know when the hidden Imam reappears, are liars. What’s that mean at all, what says Ahmadinejad since? How could the Americans prevent the reappearance of some? Are they going to arrest him? They might kill him?” Ahmadinejad criticize others as God’s Deputy also Ahmadinejad and his supporters. The Mayor of Tehran Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf was very critical last summer in various posts in television and radio: I regard Ahmadinejad as a revolutionary, nor as Hesbollahi (literally party of God”; representing a radical Islam), as a follower of the Supreme Leader, not as a Manager, and certainly no honest people. Mr. Ahmadinedschad with his whole nature lying to themselves and lying to others.” Ahmadinejad went to the collected election and Ahmadinejad’s swearing-in by Ayatollah Khamenei, trailer as far as to say that Ahmadinejad is the representative of God on Earth. “Any criticism by politicians and religious figures is limited, commenting on Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, spiritual figurehead of Shiite hardliners: If the President receives the blessing of spiritual head, is called to follow him, God to follow.” In one of the upcoming articles we will the relationship between Ahmadinejad and his Adviser Esfandiar Rahim Maschaei, as well as their targets and backgrounds investigate. Helmut N. fork,

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