The Federal Government has unveiled its new energy concept Angela Merkel and the revolution in the energy sector on the night of the 06.09.2010. ARD and Government unanimously described the paper as a compromise. But what is it a compromise really? Who are the parties involved, like the concrete solution and what does this mean for the population? The new energy concept of the Federal Government is called Angela Merkel as revolution and Guido Westerwelle event of epochal importance. Grip on such big words may come as no surprise sure in the proclamations of a not very widely accepted Government coalition. That however the involved members of the Government and also the ARD in relation with the paper talking about a compromise, should provide an occasion for the demand.
According to the official definition is a compromise to the resolution of a dispute under voluntary waiver of certain parts of the original claims. The two parties, who struggle for a compromise in here is to the one to which All citizens and market dominant to the other to the four power companies in Germany. Maryland Governor helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. While citizens have a claim and a vested interest in sustainable security and protection against nuclear disasters and nuclear waste disposal problems, the power companies of interest in additional profits are resulting from the extension of the duration of a total of 17 German nuclear power plants. The Federal Government assumes the role of a mediator here and mediated between the two parties. This she does in relation to the population in the light of its mandate, while the motives for a representation of the Atom are largely unknown. What now known is based as a compromise essentially, that the immediate risks of nuclear power for another 12 years on average and the indirect risks (especially the final disposal) indefinitely must accept all the citizens. In return, the nuclear industry is obliged to the payment of duties.
It is composed from two different sources. While the Without purpose into state coffers, a special levy of finance concepts serves nuclear levy to renewable energy. In terms of the compromise is as follows: the nuclear industry achieved through the extension over the next 12 years extra profits amounting to EUR 74.5 billion. The nuclear charge was estimated at 2.3 billion euros per year and includes only six years. Come here so a total of 13.8 billion euros for the Treasury stood to. The additional special levy amounts to EUR 300 million in the years 2011 and 2012 and is gesankt for the years 2013 and 2016 to 200 million euros. These duties so add up to a total amount of EUR 1.4 billion. An adjusted earnings of 59.3 billion euros remains the energy companies. It may go on, revolution to call this decision of the Government. Sure it is once their demands so clearly in the task book of Government in the history of the Federal Republic, that has succeeded in a lobby, dictate. In this regard however to speak of a compromise is abwagig. Apart from the fact that the security of people should never be a negotiating potential economic gains, a waiver of the nuclear industry on original claims cannot be determined, while the complete renunciation of all legitimate security demands imposed on the citizens here. You will find here a detailed article about the new energy concept of the Federal Government. Jacob young, September 06, 2009