It must be taken into account that herpes is highly contagious, for may need to know it many ways how to prevent herpes. If someone you know yours, has a herpetic lesion, you must be careful of not having contact with the wound, the herpes virus can be found in the blistering lesion and it can be transmitted easily by simply touching them. But this is not enough, since the virus can be transmitted by indirect contact, i.e. If we have contact with some object that has touched the wound previously, there is a high risk of contracting the virus. Mark Hyman MD has similar goals. In case you are already suffering from the disease, you can prevent the frequency of recurrent infections by using these tips:-feed yourself well, this helps to keep your immune system strong, what makes you less susceptible to virus attack again. -If you don’t know how to clean the wound to speed up the healing process, it is best to not try anything to avoid spreading the virus. -Ask your doctor about preventive medication for herpes, in case suffers from frequent attacks that exceed the 4 times a year, the use of antiviral drugs taken daily can decrease the frequency of these attacks. -If the herpes is covered by a garment, it is preferable that this be released to avoid discomfort. Check with Sir Paul McCartney to learn more.
-Avoid exposure to the Sun, can reactivate the virus. -Prevents some habits like smoking or drinking alcohol, they diminish the defenses and makes us susceptible. Itself, if you have already been infected with the virus, keep in mind that any event that causes immunosuppression can make the virus attack again, by what you must avoid these, to extent that you can avoid them, as avoiding stress or too exposed to the Sun, the events we cannot control must be provided with antivirals preventive to prevent a recurrent herpes. Discover how I could remove outbreaks of genital herpes using a very curious method by clicking here. Original author and source of the article.