Grand Coalition Grand

  • Posted on September 12, 2018 at 1:34 am

The ratings and the polls after the candidate discussion made it clear that most Germans want a grand coalition and the duel more have perceived as a Duet. The next day, Westerwelle confidently explained that it is important to prevent a new edition of the Grand Coalition in addition to the Red Red Green Specter. Now he must make himself but ask, why it rules out a Government involvement in any other form by Congress. On the one hand he said it must be the aim of the FDP to overthrow this Government in its current form, on the other hand it binds but also the hands, by he categorically excludes, for example, a social-liberal or traffic light coalition. The way the new edition of the Grand Coalition will, starting from the current polls and the no longer given majority of black-and yellow only a piece of unavoidable.

The Greens many faces and surprisingly serious content dominate the election campaign of this year’s Green. The fundamentalist wind for the party in the past was often laughed at is weaker become the arguments and positions for greater. Without large Missteps and scandals, but with solid policy proposals have occurred in the last few weeks the Greens. Nevertheless, has lost to many votes according to the latest polls on the SPD. The reason for this should be in the similarity of economic views to the party of Steinmeier. Because this but positively surprised many voters through his newly found selbstsicherers performance, the voices drift is probably reasonably explained. Nevertheless, open just with undecided voters for the Greens until 27 September many possibilities. However, the trend is a loss of voice in favor of the Grand Coalition.

A government investment of the Greens is anyway not possible through non-cooperation with the left party. The left as pinata presents itself the party of Oskar Lafontaine and Gregor Gysi. The poll numbers constantly fluctuate between nine and 12 percent. Partly the four other parties but the strength of this polarizing party itself must count himself. Over and over again Oskar Lafontaine preached almost mantra of the Swedish banking system, the French minimum wage, and the Norwegian pension system. No politician came up with the idea to show him his limits and his mistakes. Amazing that neither Chancellor, nor economic or Foreign Minister on the idea came to confront Mr Lafontaine with facts. The Swedish banking system is subject to the same modalities as the German nearly, there is a youth unemployment rate beyond the 20% in France and the Norwegian pension system may be better structured than the Germans, but also the price has, until at the age of 70 without loss to retire can go. In the one or the other political show of the presenters pointed out, the politician reacted mostly sheepishly and distracting. A reconnaissance to the half-truths of the political opponents would have been desirable. Too often the impression to have, to do it here with people who know what they’re talking about came up with many citizens. A result of about ten Percent for the left party is now inevitable. Through the non-existent cooperation of other parties, these voices are a direct way in a repeat of the Grand Coalition. Conclusion: The weakening Union, the back pick-up SPD and opposition parties is strong, but prepare not to cooperate are for Germany four more years in the Grand Coalition probably inevitable make, unless German election law brought the Union and FDP not available despite majority some overhang mandates more than the competing parties. Heiko Fleischmann, September 21, 2009

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