G5climate Warming Agreement

  • Posted on January 12, 2015 at 8:14 pm

More on having managed to affix their signatures for their content. On the other hand, emerging countries of the G5 (Brazil, Mexico, India and China and South Africa) noted the need to equitably shared responsibility on global warming and that the G8 should set objectives closer, like cutting their emissions by 2020 from 25 % and 40% from their levels 1990. Notes also the source of information used masvoces.org. That the environmental NGOs criticized U.S. John Mclaughlin gathered all the information. President George Bush, had blocked any progress on global warming, with the help of Canada, Greenpeace and stated that the G8 has a poor attitude of responsibility, the challenge of climate change and that the agreements reached at about evidence that these countries are back on the world once again. Notably, Oxfam for its part, regretted that the G8 countries have demonstrated their targets for reducing emissions of gases responsible for global warming in the climate change agreement. "It is disappointing that some members of the G-8, including the world leader in pollution, the U.S., specific targets have not signed, not even an indicative target of stabilizing global warming at a summit in Germany. This means that no process will work to keep global warming below 2 C, implying that Climate change will devastate poor countries and seriously jeopardizing the fight against poverty ", as said Antonio Hill, head of climate change advocacy in the organization. The basis of the agreement announced by the G8 set to work together in the process opened by United Nations until 2009 to complete negotiations for the post-Kyoto agreement which governed from 2012 within the UN multilateral framework, taking into account the commitments European Union, Japan and Canada to cut by 50% gas emissions until 2050, establishing substantial emissions cuts for all members of the G-8 without specifying the concrete goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the USA and Russia; and absence of unanimous agreement in relation to limit global warming below 2 C.

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