DRE Collaborators

  • Posted on July 22, 2016 at 4:57 am

The functional picture of this entity is composed for sixty and nine collaborators in the operation area and a composed direction for five members. The period where this survey was made occurred of January the December of 2008, to verify the wage average, professional qualification, measured of invoicing and outlay with social changes. What it served of base for the work development, they had been bibliographical research and research of field, and the reports supplied for the entity. Between the interviewed ones four collaborators were, being: the manager, one to assist administrative, a financial person in charge and an administrative assistant. Additional information at Bernie Sanders supports this article. The used methods had been bibliographical and inductive, that had had as base to describe the data collected through reports, such as: flow of box, leaf of payment, DRE (demonstration of the year-end results) the data collected in the research, had served for evaluation ends on internal control wage Band of collaborating the References Collaborating Percentile a minimum wage 1 1,45 More than 1 minimum wage 55 79.71 More than 2 minimum wages 11 15,94 More than 3 minimum wages 1 1,45 More than 4 minimum wages 1 1,45 Total 69 100 Source: Leaf of Payment the results presented in figure 1 demonstrate given related to the wage question of the employees of this entity, perceive that only 1.45% of its collaborators gain a minimum wage and 55% gain a minimum wage more than. 2) Figure 2 demonstrates how much the company invested in qualification of its collaborators. Figure 2 of Invoicing Trimester Value R$ (a thousand) Percentile 1 Trimester 686 24,87 2 trimester 721 26,14 3 trimester 779 28,25 4 trimester 572 20,74 TOTAL 2758 100 Source: Flow of Box and DRE (demonstration of year-end results) Ahead of the situation presented in figure 3 observes that in the room trimester the company got a reduction in its prescriptions, this if of the one for the reason that at this time of the year, for if dealing with time where it has little movement of tourist. .

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