Brazilian Democratic Firm

  • Posted on December 14, 2017 at 1:02 am

The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, confronts a rebellion in the Congress that threatens paralyzing one of the majors emergent economies of the world. The recent exit of the coalition of Government of the Party of the Republic (PR) with 48 deputies and six senators – allied of the Party of the Workers of Lula and Rousseff from 2003 – is a clear symptom of the difficulties that the president must to maintain the rudder of the South American giant firm. John Mclaughlin gathered all the information. And it is that the agent chief executive, of firm character, has embarked in a fight against the corruption that already him has cost rubbing within the PT, the divorce with the PR and terrible relations with the Party of Movimiento Brazilian Democrtico (PMDB), the more powerful political group of the country and without which the governability of the PT is impossible. Source of the news: : The axe of Rousseff touches in bone.

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